Playlist: Ouran

(A/N Hey random people of the world! :D Ummm… as it may be obvious this is my first story! Hope you all like it and please leave lots of comments! Thanks again!)

The music was on too loud for any normal ears to really enjoy the music and not have bleeding ears after, but as the flight to Japan went on so did the music. Once or twice she would take off the headset and stretch, but would go right back to hard-rock music or whatever band she had on. Just then the flight attendant called out, "We are now landing in Japan." Stuffing the set into her pocket she got ready to look at her new kingdom. A small smirk came across her face. She could already tell that this would be a fun place to stay for a while.


"Welcome!" The host club was open yet another year and because many of the girls didn't get to see them during summer break they made a mad rush to the club room. Kyoya knew this to be the busiest day of the year beside the last day of school or even the Winter Ball. He had made sure that everyone knew that too.

At the end of the day the tired club members sat and sighed thanking themselves for not being eaten alive by the love crazy customers. The Hitachiin twins smiled and said together, "I thought that would never end!"

"They seemed even more excited than last year," said Hikaru.

"You would think it would be the complete opposite," added Kaoru.

Just then the door opened and a mysterious person stood and slammed the door shut. The person held the door shut as if life could end if it even opened again. The hosts just starred at their new visitor.

Footsteps were heard running down the hall and past the door. After a few seconds the person slowly sank to the floor a sighed. "That was too close." The words mumbled were barely hearable.

Right before Tamaki was about to speak up a drop of blood fell to the ground. He stopped and stared scared to say anything. Luckily Kyoya did all his talking for him.

"Excuse me."

The mysterious person froze. Shit! was the best word that came to mind for her. Slowly she looked and saw them, these handsome guys looking at her as if she was a bug that didn't belong there. W…what the heck? This has got to be fake, why would a group of hot guys just sit around in a music room?

"May I ask why you were running?"

No answer. Her blank stares increased.

"Your name?"

Still nothing.

"Not in the mood to talk. Well feel free to sit on a couch rather the floor." He motioned towards a couch.

A small voice whispered, "You sure?"

Kyoya only walked away as if to show he didn't care what she did as long as the room stayed in one piece. So copying him she walked and sat down throwing her bag on the ground. Opening it she pulled out a first-aid kit and a mirror to see what exactly was bleeding. Flipping a band-aid on she smiled at the mirror then shoved it back in the sack of junk.

Honey looked at her and smiled.

"Hey, would you like some cake?" He smiled his best smile and looked so cute it made her think that he was really a she for a second.

This time with no shyness she smiled big and said, "You know I haven't had cake since I was like five, I love some!"

Honey just became even happier as he gave her a slice of strawberry cake. He jumped next to her and laughed a little.

"I'm Honey, and you are?"

She seemed to think for a second on whether or not she should tell him before say, "I'd tell you my name, but then you'd never get to see me again." She took a bite and smiled just as big as Honey and said, "This has to be the best cake ever!"

Kyoya smiled at that comment and said, "It should be it's from France and specially made for today. By the way I am Kyoya and that person staring at you is Tamika."

Tamika composed himself and said, "I am pleased to meet you princess. Sorry if we frightened you earlier. So what brings you to my kingdom of happiness?"

She starred at him as if to say 'Are you serious?' but she only smiled a little and said, "I got lost and made a few new enemies, so being smart and not fight on school grounds I did the second best thing I know how to do... run." Taking another bite she added, "I don't where this 'kingdom' of your is but have fun being the king, but I think you have just about wasted about ten seconds of my life. Bye." With that she stood and grabbed her bag.

Tamika ran to his corner to sulk and started to grow mushrooms for all the other hosts knew.

The twins laughed uncontrollably and said together, "Nice!"

Her attention went on the twins. They looked like a mirror image. She was surprised at first, but that gave way as she then noticed Haruhi. Out of everyone she looked the most ordinary.

Noticing the stare from the guest Haruhi said, "Hi my name is Haruhi."

The girl only looked at Haruhi and said, "You gay?"

Everyone was shocked to say the least, but the twins said, "Yo Haruhi you want to wrestle later." And "You're so manly!"

Haruhi smiled and said, "No."

"Then why do you dress like a guy?" She shot Haruhi a look of you-can't-fool-me.

"Long story, but the basic jest of it is that I owe them money and this is the only way that I really can repay them the fastest."

"What do you guys do something stupid like host?"

Tamika shot out of the corner in shock.

"How could you say that!?!"

"Cus it's true?!" She shouted back.

"Well here we make dreams of girls come true and entertain them!"

"Like what make kissy eyes and tell them you love them!?! In the end they'll hate you and do you want to know why?"

Not wanting to answer she took the silence as an 'I don't care'.

"It's because when you end up falling in love with ONE girl they'll feel like everything you told them was a lie and go kill themselves because you didn't really love them as much as they thought!" With that she stuck out her tongue and threw her backpack over her shoulder.

Tamika had no clue what to say to something like. He looked at her and asked cooingly, "So have you ever been to a host club?" He smiled at her.

She was a little taken back but said, "No, but..."

Kyoya cut her saying, "Well how would you know what could happen? How about you try it and then decide on whether or not it's as bad as you say?"

A light turned on in her head as she realized they just wanted her to go. She smiled and said more politely, "Sorry, but I can't."

"Why's that? What do you have to loss from just one visit?" Tamaki smiled and looked at her in his eyes.

"Everything to tell you truth." She was so blunt that Tamaki was taken back, but he was determined to make her realize the beauty of his club.

Interested Hikaru and Kaoru asked together, "Like what?" Devilish grins came on their faces as they took a step closer.

Thinking for a moment she then answered, "Well I'm on a tight schedule, not that's any of your business. I'm a traveler and I don't like second meetings under other people's terms till they figured out my name." She gave them a devilish grin back as if she had worse things she could do to them.

"Your name is" Kaoru started

"the Devil." Hikaru finished.

"Wrong!" She made an X sign with her arms "But thanks for playing."

She walked towards the door, but stopped short and said, "I may visit once I get an apartment, but I wouldn't hold your breath."

thnx for reading! luv u guys and please let me know wat u think! :D (or i may make u regret it hewhewhew)

p.s. next chapter is called Bad Reputation! :D