PREMISE: Why wait 400 pages? There were plenty of opportunities for Margaret and Thornton to have gotten together earlier! Shall we explore each one?

(Let me know if you've found another possibility!)

SETTING: Takes up the story at the end of episode 3 of the mini-series. Margaret attempts to thank Thornton for saving her from the inquest. He asks her to provide an explanation for her behavior that night at the station, but when she explains that she can give none, he casts her off with the following words:


"I hope you realize that any foolish passion for you on my part is entirely over. I'm looking to the future." Eyes blazing and mouth set, he turned sharply and strode toward the stairs.

Margaret blinked back tears. As if she didn't know! How could he still care for her, knowing her to be a liar as he did? She knew he was too honorable to suspect her of actual impropriety, but he knew of her indiscretion, and with no explanation to temper it, could be forgiven for imagining the worst. And yet she could not tell him! She would not – she would not betray her brother to satisfy her own selfish wish to be reinstated in the good opinion of the man she had come to love so dearly. The pain of unrequited love shot through her as she watched him walk away, and the irony brought a wry smile to her lips.

"I suppose that even a gentleman would be incapable of not triumphing at the reversal of our positions."

She had spoken quietly, not even herself aware that it was said aloud. He heard her, for despite his strongest attempts to convince himself, he was still desperately attached to her, and was always attuned to her every movement. He turned back to face her, only to just catch her wistful, sad look before she corrected herself and, straightening her back, composed her expression and turned to leave the room herself.

He strode toward her and arrested her exit with a firm hand on her arm. She wheeled around in surprise, and he dropped his hand from its instinctive, inappropriate gesture. He was too focused on her words to recollect himself enough to beg her pardon.

"Reversal of our positions?"

She blushed to realize he had overheard, but looked up at him with a meek, though direct gaze. He looked down at searchingly, his heart pounding, though all she perceived was stern disapproval. "Reversal?" he prompted again.

"Yes," she finally said, "Now that you despise me –"

"I despise you!"

"You take no trouble to conceal it."

He straightened his back. "I won't deny that I'm… confused and disappointed."


"I would have hoped that you could offer some explanation to remove my doubts."

"There – you see! Doubts. Suspicions. There is contempt in your every glance. I can't bear it." She turned her head away.

"You certainly imagine you know what contempt is," he said bitterly, "having shown me enough of your own. But you are, nevertheless, mistaken."

"Mistaken and repented. If I could take back what I said to you, I would. I'm too ashamed even to ask for your forgiveness." Still with her head to the side.

"Forgiveness!" He laughed, but spoke with increasing anger. "Which speeches would you take back? Your sermon on my cruelty as a master? The implication that I am not a gentleman? Or your accusations of my character and capacity for true feeling?"

She flinched at his vehemence and whispered, "I am heartily ashamed of all that. I certainly don't think so now and consider myself a proud and ignorant fool for being so prejudiced and determined to see fault where there was only difference. I have grown wiser, however, and now I…" some gentleness, some tenderness in her voice made him look at her so hopefully he couldn't bear the suspense. She wavered and steadied herself, "… I have a better opinion of you than you have of me at the moment."

He exhaled and stepped back. "Ah. That is all."

"Well…" she looked down at her hands as if she would draw strength from them, then looked up determinately and said quickly, "I suppose I deserve the mortification, and you can feel revenged on me to learn that I –" and here she had to look down again, " – imagine I feel the same unreturned feelings you once professed to have for me."

She glanced up at him with a shy, sad, rueful smile, as if expecting him to laugh at her, only to encounter his completely blank, shocked expression. For a moment he just stood there senseless, staring at her without understanding. Then, suddenly recovering himself, he took her hands and leaned down to look into her eyes.

"Margaret!" his voice broke and he breathed heavily. "Margaret! Do you really love me? Can you love me?" He searched her eyes and saw the answer reflected there in the sudden well of tears as she began to tremble.

She wrenched her hands free and covered her face. He put his arms around her and whispered down into her ear, "Margaret, please! Can you love me?" Her body shook with something between an exhale and a sigh, and she looked up at him, smiling tentatively.

"Mr. Thornton… I'm so sorry!" and she fell, embarrassed, against his lapel to hide her face. He held her close and for a few long moments just stood there silently, dazed and unbelieving.

Suddenly Mr. Hale called from upstairs, "John, is that you? Come on up!"

Margaret gasped and pulled herself away, only to encounter Mr. Thornton's beautiful smile. Wordlessly, he grabbed her hand and pulled her after him as he hurried up the stairs. They fairly ran into Mr. Hale's study. He looked up, surprised to see Margaret clutching Mr. Thornton's hand and giggling like a schoolgirl while simultaneously wiping away tears. Mr. Thornton gave her a quick smile and then turned a mischievous, laughing face to his future father-in-law.

"Mr. Hale, may I please request permission to marry your daughter?"

Author's Note: I would really appreciate if you took a moment to review - criticism too, please - I would like to improve my writing. Thanks! :)

Special thanks to Golden Sunflower for editing and inspiration.