A/N: First of all I am sooo sorry for not updating for so long. I had so much going on in my life lately, the good news is that I am now in college and will be updating stories regularly from now on, so for those (if any) actually waited for this story thank you so much for your patience. I will also be coming out with a few new stories so without further a due I present to you Still Alone.

This story will have some cursing but I will keep it tasteful.



He had always hated spring. All the flowers put his allergies into overdrive and the bright colors merely gave him a headache, but what he hated most were the people. The people of Sooga village were already ridiculously for no apparent reason but they seemed at least ten times worst during spring time. He didn't really mind the nature around him at the moment. He almost smiled as he walked through the secluded forest. A real forest at that, not like the bamboo one near the edge of the village.

The young Ninja Muttered to himself as he slowly made his way up the hillside. When he felt far enough from the village he swallowed his pride and openly limped. This however, only reminded him of his last encounter with him. He gritted his teeth as he sped up, just thinking of that bastard took him from slightly annoyed to totally pissed in zero seconds flat, why wouldn't that guy just give up. At this point he end their rivalry once and for all. The young ninja had moved so fast that he had reached the top of the hill before he knew He had been so caught up in his gloomy thoughts that he saw her before he heard her.

She sat with her back to him, wearing those unmistakeable red and black clothing, and odango hairstyle. Crying. In his secret spot! He took a moment to notice that she was really crying, sobbing was more like it, and not her usual "Why won't he love me" whining, it felt painful just listening to her. On any normal day his first thoughts when seeing her would be Oh shit, but right now he was having to bad a day and was too pissed at finding someone else in his secret spot.

"Hey!", he said without thinking. She quickly turned to look at him, eyes widening. "T-tobe, what are you doing here!".

Somewhere in his brain he knew he was being stupid but he didn,t really care at the moment. He didn't even bother to realize that, that was the first time he had actually even heard her speak.

"I was about to ask you the same thing, this is my spot!", He practically growled at her.

She stood up, wiping tears away and glaring at him. "Your spot, I don't think so this is my secret place!", it seemed she was trying to be her usual threatening self though her voice still quivered.

"That's impossible, I've been coming here for like ever, how come we've never run into each other!", Tobe all but shouted.

Pucca opened her mouth but hesitated, with things quiet even Tobe took a moment to think about it. How could they have both used the same spot without ever running into each other even once? He supposed that since they lived such different lives it was possible that they just never ran into each other in this particular spot.

He train of thought was broken when he noticed Pucca walking over to him. She stopped a mere two feet away and put her hands on her hips, glaring daggers at him. She pulled herself up to her full height but only came up to his chest, and for once he was glad for the time that passed and how it had changed them. Her tone was soft and menacing.

"It doesn't matter how this happened this is my spot and I'm not leaving.", with that she turned around walked back to her previous place and sat right back down in his spot.

Alright two can play at that game. "Neither am I", he stated calmly, Tobe strolled over and sat down a few feet away from her.

When the silence kicked in and he finally processed what just happened he could only think of what he should have thought in the first place.

Oh shit.