Well guys, Im back!

Its been a long hard hiatus but Im starting to write again now that exams are over and life is starting to look up again :)

Be on the watch for more updates from me within the next week, I have lots to make up for before I go away for a week xD

Anyway, on to the crap chapter, its short but Il make up for it with a better one tomorrow


Dean recoiled at the bright lights which met his eyes, instantly deciding that sleeping would have been the better option. He reopened his eyes, slowly this time, as he tried to recall the events of the previous night. Groaning, Dean turned away from the harsh light and came face to face with a German Shepherd, who sat next to him as if waiting for a treat. Not expecting to be met with the sight of the dog, Dean scrambled backwards off the end of the bed and subsequently landing on two bodies, which just continue to sleep, blissfully unaware of how they had just been used as a cushion.

Dean stood on unsteady legs as he looked around, memories of the previous night slowly coming back to him. The word 'tequila' entered his mind and he ran to the bathroom, quickly emptying his stomach of its contents. Looking up at the mirror, Dean was shocked by his ragged appearance. His complexion was clammy, his eyes were bloodshot and his nose was swollen and bloody, with no plausible reasoning. To put it simply, he looked like Hell. The door to the bathroom opened to reveal Sophia, who appeared to be completely unaffected by their activities the previous night.

A smirk came to her eyes as she took in Dean's appearance. 'Morning Blondie. I thought you said you could handle your liquor? I mean dude, you look like you were just dragged out of Hell by Al.' Sophia stood with her hands upon her hips, looking like a mother who was scolding her six year old son for stealing the last cookie.

Dean looked at Sophia, holding tightly onto the sink, not daring to let go in case he fell. 'What the hell happened last night? I don't remember anything other than tequila and … cards? And who's Al?' Confusion laced Dean's voice and was clearly evident on his face. Sophia rolled her eyes and muttered 'men' under her breath before speaking. 'Al? You know, your best friend. You 'luff' him remember?' At the blank look that Dean possessed Sophia continued with a sigh. 'Al. Alastair. Wags his tail, has 4 legs, goes woof? German shepherd. Belongs to Maddy but wouldn't stop following your drunken ass around. You tripped over him on the stairs and landed on your face. Is any of this ringing any bells? Maybe you should lay off the tequila from now on... Anyway, there's coffee in the kitchen for you freaks if you want some. I'm going to go and try to wake up the love birds.'

Dean followed Sophia as she turned and walked back into the bedroom, swaying her hips as she felt his eyes on her ass and used all of her will power in not making a sarcastic comment. A soft smile came to Dean's face as he saw Sammy lying flat out on the floor next to the bed which Dean had previously occupied. Sam lay there, his mouth slightly open, looking more peaceful than he had in months, with Maddy's small body cuddled into his chest.