Snowiisan: Hey! Hey! Hey! It's my second story! Kya! And I think this is different from the other stories on fanfiction. It's not about Ikuto being a playboy. But I don't really think this is interesting enough...T_T

Ikuto: What are you talking about?

Amu: -sigh- Well, I'm used to this.

Snowiisan: Any-way, this is it. "Our Outer-Selves Aren't Real" here's the story. Enjoy. (BTW the title sounds really cheesy)

Amu: Wow, this chat was so boring. Usually they're -_-;; You're losing your cool.


Amu: Uh....outer character..remember?

Snowiisan & Ikuto: Oh yeah...o.o

Amu: Bakas...-_-;;

Snowiisan: Hmph. Snowiisan [ME!!] does not own Shugo Chara!, Shugo Chara! Doki!, or Shugo Chara! Party!!

Read this: NOW

Okay, so to clear things up. Ikuto never left. The big fight with Easter never happened. And Easter doesn't exist. Shugo Charas don't either.


Ikuto- 18

Amu- 17

Kukai- 18

Utau- 18

Rima- 17

Yaya- 16


Tadase [:O]- 17

shugo charas [would-be selves]-....does anyone know that?


Amu's POV

"K-Kawaii!" she shouted.


"Cool and Spicy!" they shouted.

I looked away, not wanting to deal with the exaggeration. I was walking to school, to Seiyo Academy, one of the best schools in Japan and I already had people deciding what I looked like. I was "Hinamori Amu; Cool & Spicy!" Wherever I walked, it was either "K-Kawaii!" or "Look! It's Hinamori Amu!" or "OMG, look! The Cool and Spicy, Hinamori Amu!". I've known that Seiyo Academy High School had a reputation for it's students for calling every new student that comes to the school 'something.' I'm Cool and Spicy; Hinamori Amu. I sighed. This happened every time. But, I've heard there's another boy...who has the same problem I think? What was his name again? But, his reputation was something about being a bully? Picking on sophomores? I was one, but, I just hope I'm not on his "attack list".

I heard the bell ring. Damn, I'm late. I started running down the hall to my Science class [A/N: Okay, people, as you know I'm not in high school, so I don't know how high school works. So, just imagine she's in a higher level class. She's taking senior classes. And what do people do in Senior Science class? This part, I'm not gonna describe in detail. I'll probably just take this scene from Twilight. XD So, message me, please, and describe how it works! ;D]. I rushed in, and slid open the door. In the mirror across from me, I could see my reflection and it was not pretty. My hair was a mess, my x clip falling off, my shirt was wrinkled, my tie was loose, and so on. I looked at everyone and saw that they were laughing. But, trying to hide it. Idiots. I saw my teacher looking on his chart and while he did that, I glanced at the black board and apparently, his name was "Nikaidou". Not a hard name. Nikaidou, Hokkaido, Nikaidou, Hokkaido [A/N: For those of you who don't know, Hokkaido is a city in Japan! ;D]. He looked at me and frowned.

"Himamori-san, sit down." he said, glancing at me then turning back to the class. Stupid.

"Pfft. It's Hinamori." I said, irritated. What a huge mistake.

"Excuse me?" he said, anger boiling into his voice.

"Nothing. Just..." I said, trailing off as I looked at my classmates. There were some from my elementary school. Tadase-kun, Rima, Nagihiko, Kukai, and Utau all jammed together in one space. I didn't know they were taking Senior classes. But, there was an empty seat by a midnight-blue haired boy. He was hot, I admit and just that thought made me blush. Nikaidou cleared his throat.

"Anyway, sit by Tsukiyomi-san. Tsukiyomi-san, raise your hand." the blue-haired boy raised his hand as instructed and when I looked at him, he looked...angry? I couldn't quite describe what his facial expression was. I walked over to the desk and sat down. I acted bored while Nikaidou lectured on about the atom molecule formula chart. I felt something...papery?...beside my elbow. I looked down and saw a folded notebook piece of paper. I secretly took it from my elbow and slid it under the desk so I could read it before Nikaidou caught me.

So, Himamori, huh? What's your first name?

By the way, you suck dick.

I blinked a couple of times before I could comprehend what the note meant. He said, no wrote, my last name. He asked for my first name. But...I suck dick, which I don't, where in hell did that come from? Who was it from anyway? Then, it hit my like an atom bomb. Duh, it was from Tsukiyomi. The sickening guy sitting next to me. No wonder no one wanted to sit with him. I didn't even waste my time to write back. I just threw it wherever I could and it landed....on Nikaidou's head. Thank goodness I didn't write anything! But...he's gonna kill me. The note fell on the ground and he picked it up, un-crumpled it, and read it. Did I mention, out loud?

"So, Himamori, huh? What's your name? By the way, you suck dick." I blushed as read as a tomato.

"Who was aiming this to Hinamori-san?" he asked. He didn't even sound angry. Of course they don't. Of course, high school teachers don't. I mentally shook my head. Then, a hand rose up beside me.

"I did, Nikaidou-sensei." he said. Tsukiyomi said. Probably the hottest boy in the school and he said that. Tsk.

"Well then, Tsukiyomi, you and Hinamori have detention." he said. I raised my hand, acting calm but in the inside, I felt like screaming.

"Why in hell do I have detention?" I asked, my face boiling red. Nikaidou raised an eyebrow.

"Well, who threw this at my head?" he asked, skeptically. I gaped mentally. How would he knew I threw it? It was a FREAKIN' ACCIDENT.

"Yeah. Fine, I guess." I said, and heard a chuckle beside me.

"Shut up, idiot."

Nikaidou continued his lecture.

"Who said?"

"I said."

"Well, does your opinion matter?"

I thought for a minute. No, for a second.

"Yes, as a matter of fact it does." I murmured this time. I wasn't going to continue this.

"I think Hinamori's his new target." I heard a girl named Yuki saw to her new friend. He's a playboy? All the more reason, I shouldn't be near him.

"Oh, he's gonna have her bad."

"Nobody's ever talked to Tsukiyomi-sama like that! Ever!"

"He'll kill her for getting him detention!"

So...what? He's the bully everyone's talking about? No way. And, Tsukiyomi-sama? Does he tell people to call him that? This is going to be a long year. But, it can't be that bad.

....Can it?


Ikuto's POV

I saw her staring ahead in mock horror. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. She didn't seem to hear me. And she's the only one who...treats me different. I wasen't laughing at her, well, I don't know know what I was doing. But, I had to get back at her. And I think I knew exactly how to do it.


Ikuto's POV

After Class

"Okay, so that is your homework assignment. I expect to be done tomorrow." Nikaidou said. The thing is, I didn't know what was the assignment. But, I'd figure it out somehow. Especially if you're considered the "bully" in school. I sighed. I tapped "Himamori" on the shoulder. That surely can't be her name.

"What?" she hissed. I looked at her, no, glared at her.

"God. Shut up. Just was 'bout to ask about our assignment." I hissed back. She looked at me, smirking evilly.

"Not telling." she said, and smirked wider.

She does know I can ask the teacher, right? I didn't bother raising my hand.

"So then we will discu-"

"Yo, Nikaidou. What's our assignment?" I interrupted. He turned around and glared at me. Sheesh. What is with people and glaring at me? I glanced at "Himamori" and saw that her jaw was dropped. I molded my lips into a tight line from laughing. Damn, this girl is so fun teasing.

"Ask someone, Tsukiyomi." he spat. I looked around and picked....Himamori.

"Yo, Himamori, what's our assignment?" I asked her this time. She looked at me, and glared. Again. God, this was going to be a long year.

"Why should I tell you?" she questioned. Isn't it pretty obvious, though, isn't it?

"Uh...because I don't know?" I smirked.


Amu's POV

God! What is with this idiot!? He's such an annoying idiot! I hate him. But, I kept a calm face.

"Read pages 120-152 from the Science textbook and answer the questions on the sheet Nikaidou's about to hand out. Be sure to be ready for the pop quiz on Friday." I answered, emotionlessly.

"'Kay." was all his reply.

After that, there was silence between us.


Amu's POV

"Amu-chi!" I felt someone tug on my arm. No, grab it. Hard.

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" I questioned her. She pouted. Her brown hair was split into two pigtails with red ribbons.

"I'm Yaya!" she exclaimed.

"Neh, neh, Amu-chi! Sit at our table!" begged the girl named Yaya. Truthfully, I was happy. I think I could make friends this. But, let's not forget enemies too. I've already made one. [A/N: Neh, neh, readers, guess who!] She kept tugging on my arm until I finally gave in. I sighed and followed her.

"Wait, Yaya-san-" I said.

"Call me Yaya." she interrupted.

"Okay, Yaya. I'll sit with you guys, but first, let me get my lunch." I said. She nodded and skipped off towards her table. I sighed and with slumped shoulders walked towards the lunch line.

"U-U-Um...H-H-Hinamori-sama, Th-This is for you!" said a guy named Seiichero. Oh yeah, he was the first grader who had a crush on me in elementary. I sighed. This is where I had to use my outer character and be mean. Tsk.

"Are you an idiot? I don't accept love letters. Go away." I said, and again with slumped-slightly up now from the love letter he was about to give me-shoulders walked and grabbed an apple.

"Y-Yes. O-Of course, Hinamori-sama." he said, and walked off. Usually I would blush and be thankful but...I can't do it. Not strong enough. I closed my eyes and turned around to start walking towards Yaya's table.


My eyes snapped open and the next thing I knew was that I was on the floor, with food all over my freakin' uniform shirt. I looked around and saw, staring right down at me, was a pair of midnight blue sapphire eyes. Anger boiled through my veins. My hair was in a mess again, my uniform was dirty and my shoes were covered in spaghetti sauce. I looked up again, and saw that "Tsukiyomi-sama" or whatever you call him was smirking down at me. He was freakin' smirking at me! Bastard. Wait...wasen't his name Ikuto? I'll use that.

"Did you do this, Ikuto?" I asked in a tight voice. His eyes widened slightly in an emotion but was quickly gone as lighting. And the smirk appeared on his lips. Again.

"Oops. Sorry, Amu." he said, emphasizing my name. How in hell did he know my freakin' name?!? I stood up and jabbed a finger towards his chest. He stiffened but I didn't care.

"You. Are. Gonna. Pay. Big Time." I growled, then left, walking out the cafeteria door with my apple still in my right hand.

Snowiisan: God! This took me FOREVER to finish! I feel it's a bit rushed at the end. :/

Ikuto: Hell no!

Snowiisan: So, did you enjoy? Don't worry, it's gonna get flashy soon.

Amu: I hate you.

Snowiisan: Why?

Amu: Because, you love Amuto.

Snowiisan: Uh...then you have ¾ of all Shugo Chara! fans 'cause they all love AMUTO.

Amu: I only hate you Snowii.
Snowiisan: Tsk. Damn.

Ikuto: -_-;; Okay....Review. Dammit. Review! Or else.

Snowiisan: X3