DISCLAIMER: I only stalk them, I don't own them.

WARNINGS: For language and Fluff! Evil fluff! And sap, too... and maybe a lemon if I decide to write one.

SUMMARY: 1 small safehouse + 1 dragon talking in his sleep = 02 having a lot of fun! Another three-part 'cookie' fic - ^_^





"What do you mean, we have to share?!"

Wufei looked up from unlacing his boots to see Duo staring at Heero like he'd grown another head.

"Exactly what I said, baka. This place has one bedroom and a fold-out couch. We have to share."

Wufei looked over at Trowa to gauge his reaction. The tallest Pilot didn't look concerned at all - he was busy putting a teakettle on the tiny stove and rummaging around for tea or coffee. Slightly puzzled, Wufei looked back at Duo and Heero, who were glaring at each other. He didn't much care for the idea of sharing, but Duo's obviously bad reaction to it was confusing. Wufei would have thought he'd be thrilled to share with Yuy.

He didn't look thrilled.

"So, who's with you?" Duo sighed. "I guess you wanna sleep with Tro-man, huh?"

Huh? Wufei's dark head shot up again. Why would Heero want to sleep with Trowa?

And why were they both blushing?

He blinked rapidly. Well - that was certainly unexpected. If Trowa had been with anyone, Wufei would have thought he'd be with Quatre, not Heero. And Duo always acted like he worshiped the ground Heero walked on - how did he feel about this?

Well, there was certainly no anger or sadness in Duo's eyes - only a wicked sort of glee. "Look, we've shocked poor 'Fei. What's the matter, Wu, didn't expect them to fall for guys? or each other?"

Wufei managed to wipe the surprise off his face before turning back to the knotted laces on his heavy combat boots. "It's none of my business," he said quietly, picking at a particularly stubborn knot. It had been a long, hard, dirty mission; he just wanted to get out of these clothes, take a shower, and sleep for about a week.

In the same bed as Maxwell...

Well, that was going to be a bitch. He swallowed hard and tried to keep his attention on his boot, to not glance at the other Pilot.

Sleeping in the same cell, or in the same room had been bad enough - sometimes sleeping in the same house had been more than he could handle, and he'd slipped out to spend the night in the woods or in Nataku.

Or, if he was lucky and the current safehouse had a balcony, he would sleep there.

This house had no balcony.

There were no woods.

Nataku was about twenty miles away.


It wasn't that he found the braided Pilot as annoying as he pretended - far from it, in fact.

Getting irritated with Duo was just one of his masks.

The one he clung to more desperately than any other.

And he had no idea how he was going to hold onto it when he was sleeping in the... same... bed...

Better change the subject of his thoughts - passing out wouldn't be the best idea right now.

He went back to struggling with knots.




Dinner was pretty quiet.

Trowa and Heero didn't talk much, anyway, and Duo was too busy eating to chatter like he usually did. Wufei, of course, was too worried to talk - not that he was much more talkative than 01 or 03, but he would usually reply to Duo's babbling. It would have been bad manners not to; even though his replies were sarcastic, his training was too deeply ingrained to allow him to be really rude.

Right now, he probably wouldn't have replied anyway - he was trying his hardest not to think about Duo.

So he was concentrating on the only other subject at hand - the sudden relationship between Heero and Trowa.

Now that Duo had dragged it out in the open, he could see a dozen little signs that he had missed before. The way one watched while the other was doing something, the swift, almost unseen touches to a shoulder or knee, the way they would stay in the same room even if they were doing something completely different.

He should have seen it before - where were his observation skills?

Ah, well, it didn't really surprise him that he'd missed this. Being raised the way he had, his knowledge of people and relationships would fit in a thimble.

With room to spare.

"Wu-man, quit staring at the wall and eat. You're makin' me nervous!"

Wufei jerked his attention back to the table and automatically glared at Duo.

The braided Pilot just grinned and took a huge bite of his food, chewing slowly and carefully as he stared at the Chinese boy.

Wufei scowled and started eating. He could take a hint.

Even a Duo Maxwell style sledgehammer hint.





Duo sighed as he finished changing into his pajamas and crawled into bed. This was going to be hell - really fun, arousing hell, but definitely hell.

He'd never dreamed he'd be sharing a bed with Chang Wufei.

Heero was such a dead man. He should have never told him he had a crush on the Chinese boy. Hee-chan had probably picked this safehouse deliberately when he found Quatre had been assigned a different mission.

He'd have to come up with a stellar prank to pay his friend back.

Because there was no way Heero's little plan was going to work out. Wufei wasn't interested in him. As far as he could tell, Wufei wasn't interested in sex, let alone sex with other guys! And as for falling in love - forget about it!

Wufei probably thought that was weak.

Duo sighed again and rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. He'd never met anyone as uptight as Wufei - so strict and formal about every little thing! Of course, that was the way his culture was - Quatre had explained it to him once when he was complaining about the other Pilot. Still, it didn't excuse the face that Wufei acted like he had a permanent stick up his ass.

Duo could think of much nicer things to do with that same pretty little backside.

Which probably wasn't the best thing to think about right now - he could explain away a morning erection, but having one at ten o'clock at night? And Wufei would never accept the excuse of teenage hormones - he probably didn't even have hormones.

How depressing - something that pretty and he'd never get to play with it.

Of course, he wanted more than just some fun - he wanted to cuddle the boy all night long, wake up with him in his arms, finish this damn war so they could be together, so they could grow old together and die on the same day.

Too bad he'd never get any of that.

The bedroom door opened, and Wufei slipped inside. He was wearing loose cotton pants and a looser t-shirt; Duo had never seen him in anything but his traditional Chinese clothes and the sight made his libido go through the roof. He had to roll onto his side quickly before Wufei noticed the bulge under the covers.

"Night, 'Fei! Sleep tight!" he said quickly, and shut his eyes.

He waited, expecting something like he got when he used to share with Heero; rules about which side of the bed he could have, how much he was allowed to move, or that if he snored, he would be shot.

But Wufei just lay down and pulled the quilt over himself, giving the other boy a calm, polite, "Goodnight, Maxwell."

Duo didn't know whether to relax or scream.




He lay staring up at the ceiling, noticing fuzzily that it was still dark and wondering what the hell had woke him up?!

A very soft murmur sounded beside of him, and he realized that was the noise that had startled him out of sleep.

He rolled onto his side, propping his chin on his hand, and gazed at the still-sleeping boy next to him. Wufei looked utterly relaxed, his face smooth and open, wisps of hair escaping from his ponytail to drift like shadows on his skin.

Duo gave a quick thought to kissing him, but was distracted when Wufei whispered something in Chinese.

"'Fei? Hey, Wufei... what did you say?"

Wufei frowned; Duo was afraid he would wake up and held perfectly still. But the onyx eyes didn't open. Wufei just sighed and repeated himself. "I don't like the bran muffins."

Duo grinned. "So, what kind do you like?" he asked, never expecting an answer.

He got one, anyway. "Blueberry. I like the blueberry ones..." Wufei trailed off.

Duo stared at him. Oh gods - Wufei talked in his sleep! Really talked, not just random words from his dreams. Oh, this was priceless!

"Hey, Wufei..." best not to call him by a nickname, it might wake him up. "When's your birthday?" That was something he and Quatre had been trying to find out for months, only to receive scowls and glares as their answer.

"December..." Wufei whispered.

'Oh, man!' Duo beamed. No wonder Wufei wouldn't tell them - that made him the youngest! The baby! And they had thought it was Quatre! Not that Duo knew his own true birthday, of course, but Sister Helen had given him one in March and he stuck to it... er, religiously.

He frowned thoughtfully, resisting the urge to reach out and brush the strands of hair out of Wufei's face. As much as he'd dreamed about touching that hair, he didn't want to risk waking the other boy up.

He started plotting about what he could do with the information he had gained, instead.

A smug smile twitched at his lips - he could definitely freak Wufei and the others out. And he knew exactly how to do it... with, perhaps, one more question.

"Hey, Wufei... what kind of underwear do you wear?" he whispered, and waited breathlessly for the answer.

"What underwear?" Wufei grumbled, and rolled onto his side.

Duo decided it would be best to quit for the night.

If there was no way he could explain the erection he'd had earlier, there was definitely no way to explain the nosebleed he had now....