I had worked so hard to make this night perfect. Those two cheerleaders had asked him but he waited. Giving me enough time to pay them to ask someone else. He went to the dance with Magic Malika, so he was destined to have a bad time. Leaving me to tell him how I feel and make his night better. I knew where he was going to be and when, the one thing I wasn't expecting was my best friend with her arms around my man, my Freddie. I Samantha Jane Puckett wasn't one to lose, definitely not to Carly Shay.

But I did. Her kissed her, I watched it happen. And it took all I the energy I could muster to make it back to the Bushwell Plaza where I collapsed in my tears on the stairs. Not even Lewbert would interrupt me.

"here take a Kleenex." Except for her. Who was she to help me. Couldn't she see I didn't want help. I had heard her enter and ask Lewbert for a key. Why didn't she just pass me like everyone else did. I looked up. She was generally pretty. Very all American girl, with light brown hair and green eyes. She wore a field hockey jersey and ripped jeans and white converses with writing all over them.

"Who are you?" I asked. Later realizing how rude I sounded but at that moment I really didn't care.

"I'm Carter Benson." Carter? Carter Lynn Benson? Carter had been my best friend ever since kindergarten. We had gotten into a little trouble in seventh grade leading to for me a summer in jail and for her two years at a special school for musically gifted kids with not so perfect records.

I stood up and gave her a giant hug. Soaking her with my still pouring tears. "I missed you so much!" I whispered in her ear. "I know Sam. I missed you too." She whispered back. The Bushwell's doors opened with a twinkle of the bells.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Freddie ask sharply. At first I thought he was talking to me so I opened my mouth to respond. Then I realized he was talking to his sister.

"I live here remember. Or did you forget like you did in seventh grade."

"I'm sorry if I didn't want to share an apartment with a criminal."

"No, you just threw your little sister to the wolves!"



They stared at eachother for the longest time. I forgot about that night. I never really gave it any thought. After we got caught with Mrs. Briggs car Carter had us taken back to her apartment where she though Freddie would take us. Little did she know that Freddie would do no such thing. Well, at least not for her. Freddie had always been ashamed of Carter, she was smart but not straight A material. She was talented in music but never really gave it any thought. She just kind of lived. So when faced with the chance he took me in and gave Carter to the cops.

That's when my world really exploded as Carter turned to Carly. "Who the fuck are you?"