(For Claudastar. Thank you for being so patient!)

The Black Market Baby Scandal

(Chapter Twenty One: Biological Stranger)

Olivia sat in her car with her designer sunglasses sitting on the tip of her nose as she watched a man across the street. He was tall with dark eyes, he was several years older than she was, but a very attractive older man. She took a breath as she felt her heart pounding in her chest and remembered the last words he had said to her.

"Get rid of it!"

His voice echoed in her mind as she wiped a tear from her cheek. This man was Sarah's biological father. A successful law professor, Bryce Pierce, hadn't changed much at all in the years since Olivia had seen him last.

She jumped a little startled when her cell phone rang. Olivia exhaled softly and picked up the phone recognizing the ring tone.

"Hey, El."

"Hey. Did you talk to him?"

"Not yet. I am just not sure how to do this."

"Then don't."

"Elliot, she has the right to meet him. She deserves to know the truth about who she is."

"Are you going to tell her everything?"

"I don't know what I am going to tell her. But understand her need to know who he is. Even after all of these years, if I had the chance to meet my father, I would take it. It is hard to explain. But I understand what she is feeling."

"I just think she is setting herself up to get hurt, Olivia. How do I protect her from this?"

"You can't. I can't. We just need to try and understand what she is feeling and I am going to be honest with her and tell her everything she wants to know. And just be there for her. She wants to meet him and I cannot deny her that, he is her father."

"I don't agree with it. This is my child. I am her father. Not some man who got you pregnant years ago and told you to kill the baby. He never once thought of Sarah after that day. He never went looking for her and he never tried calling you to ask about her. He washed his hands of the responsibility of the pregnant mistress when he handed you some cash and told you to end the pregnancy. I just don't think that is something that a child should ever have to hear about her father."

"I'm not going to lie to her, Elliot."

"But you don't have to tell her everything either. No kid needs that in their head. But I guess when it comes right down to it she is your daughter and you can handle this anyway you want to."

"No El, she is our daughter. Your opinion in this is very important to me. We are her parents and the decision belongs to the both of us as her parents. I just don't want to lie to her. Look, I never would have brought this up to her. But she came to me. She wants to meet him. She doesn't want him to be a part of her life and she doesn't want him to be her father. She already has a father. Her words exactly. She loves you, Elliot. She loves you so much that she was afraid to ask me to help her find her father because she was afraid it would hurt you. But not finding out isn't going to make the curiosity go away."

"What are you going to say to him?"

"I don't know yet. I am kind of hoping that something will just come to me when I see him. What if I set up a meeting and you can go with us?"

"I don't know, Liv. Sarah may be a little timid about talking to him in front of me."

"I thought you didn't agree with this?"

"I don't. But I think you are right, she needs this to understand where she came from. And I want her to learn everything she needs to know from this meeting so that we can all put this behind us and she never has to see him again."

"I love that you are so protective over her."

"She is my child. I don't want her exposed to any unnecessary pain. This kid has already been through more in her thirteen years than most adults go through in their entire lives."

"So what am I supposed to do? Tell her that we think it is a bad idea for her to see him?"

"Did you find him?"

"Yes. I sitting in my car right drinking a cappuccino and watching him walk across campus to his next class."

"He still teaches?"

"Apparently, so."

"Okay. Why don't you come back here, the other kids are with Kathy tonight. We can order a pizza and you and I will sit down with Sarah and talk to her about this once more before we act on it. Give her a little more time to consider this, before we make a move. Then if it is still what she wants, you can call him and arrange a meeting for the three of you."

"Okay," she replied starting the car engine. "I will see you at home then."

That evening the three of them sat around the table eating Sarah's favorite double cheese pizza and salad. Olivia took a drink from her glass as Elliot cleared his throat signaling for her to start off the conversation.

"What's going on?" Sarah asked looking at Elliot and then back at her mother.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked not quite sure how to start this.

"I'm not a little kid," Sarah laughed. "Obviously you guys want to talk about something. You got soda and my favorite pizza and Elliot is clearly trying to get you to say something. So, what's up?"

Olivia smiled.

"You are way too smart. You know that?"

"I am smart. Can I have a Coke? I finished my milk."

"Yeah," Olivia said wiping her mouth on her napkin as Sarah moved to the refrigerator.

Olivia drew a deep breath then looked over at Elliot.

"Actually baby, there is something we need to talk about," Olivia said patting Sarah's empty chair. "The three of us, a little family discussion."

"Am I in trouble or something?"

"No, honey. You are not in trouble," Elliot assured her.

"Remember last week when you and I talked about finding your father?"

Sarah looked up at Olivia and then over at Elliot.

"It's alright, sweetheart. Olivia told me what the two of you talked about."

"I was going to tell you. I just didn't know how and I hadn't had a change yet. I'm sorry."

"Sarah, it's alright. I understand."

"You're not upset?"

"No. I just think that we should discuss some of the possible outcomes of this, before you go and meet him."

"You found him?"

"Yes. I did. Today."

"Where is he? What is his name?"

"His name is Bryce Pierce. And last I knew he lived in Long Island with his wife and three sons. But that may have changed over the years. He is a Law Professor at one of the Universities."

"Did you tell him about me?"

"No. I didn't talk to him yet. I….we wanted to talk to you first and make sure that this is for sure what you wanted to do."

"I really want to meet him."

"Honey, when I dated your father he was married to another woman. And when I told him I was pregnant, he didn't want anything else to do with me. Now that didn't necessarily have anything to do with you. But this man….I'm just not sure how he is going to react to finding out he has a thirteen year old daughter."

"Well, if he knew you were pregnant when you broke up then it shouldn't really be much of a surprise."

"You never know, honey. It has been a long time."

"I still really want to meet him."

"Then I will call him tomorrow and see if I can set something up."

"Thank you," Sarah said throwing her arms around her mother's neck and hugging her tight. "You guys don't have to worry, you know. He isn't my father anymore. Elliot is my father now. I don't want that to change, I just really feel like I need to see him. To kind of know where I come from, I guess. I don't really know how else to explain it."

"You explained it just fine Sarah," Elliot said with a smile.

"Thank you guys."

"You are welcome, sweetheart."

Two days later Olivia approached a man standing alone in the park. Sarah watched from a nearby bench as they talked for a few moments.

"Olivia, oh my God. It has been a very long time."

"Almost fourteen years."

"I was surprised when my secretary gave me the message stating that you wanted to meet for lunch. How have you been?"

"Really well these past few months. You?"

"Alright. My youngest just graduated high school and starts Yale in the fall. And my oldest just graduated Harvard Law."

"You must be very proud."

"I am. I hope that you have made a good life for yourself."

"I have. I am getting married in three weeks. To the most wonderful man I have ever met."

"That is good. I always hoped you would find someone good."

"I did. I definitely did. But listen, that is not why I am here."

Bryce looked over at her.

"What exactly brings you here?"

"My daughter." She watched as a troubled look crossed his face. "Our daughter, Bryce."

"Our daughter? What do you want?"


"Then why would you come here? Why after all of this time would you bring this up? I thought you had that pregnancy terminated?"

"Surprise. I thought you knew me better than that."

"I thought I did, too."

"Then you should have known all along that I do not believe in abortion. I would never kill my child."

"So now what? Huh? You come back around here after all of these years wanting a father for your kid?"

"No. She has a father. A wonderful father."

"What then? Money….you want money? Child support for the past….how many years was it…."

"Almost fourteen. But, no. I don't want your money."

"Then what do you want?"

"I don't want anything. Nothing. She wanted to meet you."

"Absolutely not."

"What could it possibly hurt? I am not asking you to raise her. I have not asked you for anything, nothing at all, just this. No money, not a cent. All I ask is twenty minutes of your time so that your daughter can say that once, she met her father. It will only take a moment and then you can return to your perfect little life and Sarah and I will be out of your life forever."

"Look Olivia, you wanted to have a baby and play mommy, you got your baby. I wanted no part of it. I told you that a long time ago. I can't help you."

"Then you go over there and tell her than yourself."

"Over the….she is here? You brought her here with you?"

"I knew if we agreed to meet some other time you wouldn't show up. Look, she doesn't bite. Just go and talk to her and get it over with. Then we can both go home and move on with our lives."

"What does she want?"

"To meet her father, Bryce."

He turned and looked over at the young girl sitting on the bench watching them.

"What is her name?"


He looked at the girl for a moment then looked back at Olivia.

"She looks like you."

"She does," Olivia said with a smile. "She is very smart, an honor student. Musically talented and loves to draw and paint. She is a kid. She is not asking for you to come back into her life. She just wants to meet you."

"Twenty minutes. That is really all I can offer. Then I have to get back to work."

"Alright," Olivia said smiling and motioning for Sarah to come over to them.

Sarah stood up from the bench straightening her dress and walked to stand beside her mother.

"Sarah, this is Bryce Pierce. He is your biological father."

"Hi," she said softly.

"Hello, Sarah." The man just stared at her, neither of them sure what to say.

"Why don't we find a place to sit down and talk?" Olivia suggested as she felt Sarah's hand slip into hers.

"That sounds like a good idea," Bryce said looking down at Sarah.

"My mom said that you have another family, a wife and kids?"

"Yes. I have three sons. The youngest just graduated high school."

"So, I have brothers."

Bryce stared at her for a moment in silence.

"I guess that is one way to look at it."

"I have brothers and sisters, now. Two brothers and three sisters. And a father, too," she said watching him for some kind of reaction.

"I'm glad that you have a family who loves you. It sounds like your mother has taken very good care of you."

"She does. She is a really good mother. And I am happy with my life."

"That is good. Do you have any questions you would like me to try and answer for you?"

"Just a few. You were married to some one else when you dated my mom, right?"


"Did your wife know you had a girlfriend?"

"No, she never knew. I was wrong to have cheated on her. I know that."

"And that is why you broke up with my mother right, because of your wife?"

"Things with grown ups are very complicated. I cared for your mother. But I also loved my wife. If I had stayed with Olivia, it would have hurt my family, my children. Do you understand that?"

"Yes. You didn't want to get a divorce, so you broke up with my mom."


"Did you ever think about me?" Sarah asked.

"No, Sarah, I didn't. I didn't know until today that you even existed."

"But my mother told you she was pregnant. You knew she was going to have a baby."

"After your mother and I parted ways, I didn't hear anything from her for a very long time. Not until she called me yesterday and asked me to meet her here. She didn't say anything about you until about fifteen minutes ago when we were standing over there talking."

"But if you had known, if you knew about me….you still wouldn't have wanted to be a part of my life, would you? Because if you treated me like your daughter, your wife would have found out that you had cheated on her."

"You are a very smart girl, Sarah."

Sarah stared at him waiting for him to say something to try to make up for his harsh truths, but he said nothing. She turned and looked over at Olivia with tears building up in her eyes.

"I'm ready to go now," she said walking past Bryce and Olivia in the direction of their parked car. "Don't worry," she said turning to look at the man who had impregnated her mother all of those years ago, "I won't ever try to find you again. I don't ever care to see you again. So, I won't be a problem for you in your perfect life. I wouldn't want to mess things up for you or cause any trouble. I am sorry I bothered you."

Olivia watched as Sarah turned and walked quickly toward the car. She looked back at Bryce Pierce knowing that she would never see him again.

When Elliot arrived home a few hours later Olivia was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"How did it go?"

"It went. He was kind of a jerk to her and I don't think it went quite the way she expected it to."

"Is she alright?"

"She says she is. She said she just wanted a little time to herself. She has been in her room since we got home. I figured I would give her a little space, before I went in to talk to her."

"Poor kid. The guy only had one responsibility to his child her entire life and he couldn't even get that right. Do you regret taking her to meet him?"

"No. It was something she felt she needed to do. I knew back when I was pregnant and intended on having this baby on my own that someday she would ask about him. And I made a promise to myself and to her that I wouldn't keep the truth from her. I stood there and let her ask him whatever questions she had. And when she was finished, we walked away and didn't look back."

"Why don't I finish up here and you can go in and talk to her? I'll give you guys a little mother-daughter time. I am sure there are things she needs to talk to you about without me being in the middle of things. But if either of you need me, I'm just down the hall."

"Thanks," Olivia said with a smile as she leaned in for a kiss.

Olivia walked down the hall and knocked on Sarah's bedroom door as she pushed it open. Sarah was stretched out across her bed curled up with a pillow. Olivia walked in and sat beside her on the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it? Look honey, I know that you were disappointed."

Sarah sighed and rolled over to look at her mother. Olivia laid down beside her and brushed a tear from her cheek as she kissed the tip of her nose.

"I love you," she whispered softly.

"I love you too," Sarah replied.

"Tell me what you're thinking."

"He knew that you were pregnant with me when you broke up, right?"

"Yes, he did."

"What did he think happened to the baby?"

Things were quiet for a second as she looked up at Olivia.

"He didn't want you to have me, did he?"

"No, he didn't. He gave me some money and told me to have an abortion. But Sarah, you have to know that I never for a second considered that. I wanted you. From the moment I knew you were inside of me, I wanted to have you and keep you and love you. I never would have had an abortion."

"He just assumed that you went off and killed your baby so that he didn't have to deal with it."

"Sarah, he isn't good enough to be your father. You deserve so much more than that."

"I know. And I have much more now than he could ever give me anyway," she said sitting up on her bed. "He was kind of a jerk. I'm kind of glad that we don't have to deal with him in our lives."

"Me too, sweetheart. Are you hungry? I think Elliot has dinner just about finished."

Olivia walked with her back into the dining room.

"Hey sweetheart," Elliot said as Sarah hugged him tight.

"Hi, Elliot."

"I heard you had a bit of a rough day," he replied kissing the top of her head.

"It sucked. The guy is a jerk. And I have decided he isn't my father anymore."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Who needs him? I have you and mom and my brothers and sisters. I don't have room for people like that in my life anyway."

"Good girl. You know that your mother and I love you more than anything in the world. We love all of you kids so much, you guys are the most important thing to us."

"I know. I figure I have a pretty great life here, who needs a jerk like that in my life? DO you need any help with dinner?"

"Well, this is all finished if you want to set the table."

"Okay," she said with a smile. "Hey, Elliot?"

"Yeah, honey?"

"Thank you for being my dad," she said as she carried a stack of plates to the dining room table.

"Well, thank you for being my daughter."

Sarah smiled at him as she set three places for dinner.