Ok, so hi guys, this is my first fanfic so go easy on me 'kay? Hope you like it, R+R and you might get more! =D [cause there's a whole little Malec plotbunny farm in my head, trust me]

Disclaimer: Naturally, none but our beloved Cassandra Clare can own our gorgeous boys I'm afraid [and Chairman Meow for that matter]

Magnus just stared.

It had just been an ordinary, normal, the-world's-still-turning sort of morning when he'd woken up. His adorable Shadowhunter boyfriend, who he had always believed to be fairly sane (thought there were times he doubted it), was still asleep when he'd snuck out of bed to start his morning regime (it was no easy task being Magnus Bane, High Warlock Magnificent and all). And so he'd been in the bathroom, gelling his hair and 'sparklifying' himself as he went, when he heard a crash. Wondering what in the world was being destroyed in his apartment, he hurried to the source of the noise, which, making him even more suspicious, seemed to be the bedroom, where he had left his boyfriend in peace not so long ago… He started to run, and flinging the door open, nearly fell at the sight in front of him.

Alec Lightwood, his head-to-toe-black/brown/faded-black/faded-brown, practically colour-phobic (which was extremely ironic considering just who he ended up falling for) boyfriend was standing in front of the warlock's bright and flashy wardrobe, absolutely covered in glitter. Frankly, he looked rather akin to an overdecorated Christmas tree or a man-sized disco ball.

He blinked. And again. Three time. The image in front of him was still there.

After a few centuries, the number of things that can shock a person really dwindles, but for Magnus, this glittery Nephilim monstrosity it seemed, could do just that.

Alec finally noticed the warlock standing behind him and turned around to grin sheepishly. "Ahh… trust me Mag, this is not what you think," he managed to get out, thinkning of how their resident undersized and underfed cat had knocked over a few jars of glitter off a high shelf above Alec while he was searching the warlock's wardrobe for a relatively normal pair of socks (after a while, he began to doubt his boyfriend even owned anything relatively normal anymore), thus ending up 100% covered in sparkles, courtesy of Chairman Meow.

Magnus just stared, uncomprehending.

As the demon hunter left for the bathroom, with just an apologetic shrug directed towards his downworlder boyfriend, Magnus had a sudden epiphany. Maybe, just maybe, this was all a dream. An eerie, weird, sparkly dream, but a dream nonetheless. That must be it, how else was he meant to make sense of this?

He began to wander around the house then, convinced he had the solution, oblivious to the actual explanation.

In the midst of his blissful meandering, he happened to pass by the bathroom, where a sound suspiciously like singing was coming from. He pressed his ear up against the door, listening. What he heard was a voice he knew and loved, even though it may have been extraordinarily out of tune, the voice belonged to the boy who possessed eyes so blue they could melt his heart. He eavesdropped happily for a few minutes before something in his brain clicked. Or maybe snapped was a better word. Alec was singing in the shower, Alec. His Alec, was Singing. In. The. Shower.

The warlock made a decision. He was going back to bed.

R+R people, click it..... click to stop the author's procrastination [and maybe overuse of square brackets mwahaha]