This is my first fic so please be kind. For the record I do not own Harry Potter and I Probably never will.


15 year old Harry Potter was having a horrible week. People keep pointing at him, staring and whispering behind his back and it was pissing him off. It was a week after the rise of Voldemort, and it didn't help that he kept going over what happened in the graveyard. What confused him was how could Voldemort disable him with a pounding headache a single glance. He decided to talk to Dumbledore about it and next thing he knew he was being given private lessons with Severus Snape in something called occlumency. Bringing to light the reason he was face down on the potions master's office floor two days before summer break. He cursed to himself. He cursed Dumbledore for pawning him of to the greasy-hooknosed-git, cursed Snape for being aforementioned git, Snape again for not explaining the bloody exercise, and the wizarding world because it's Tuesday.

As he struggled to he feet he caught sight of Snape's smirk, obviously enjoying the boy-who-lived being the boy-who's-face-down-in-the-dirt. Openly scowling at the professor, he isn't given time to ask for an assignment explanation.

"Clear your mind, Potter! Legitimens!"

Once again, flashes of Harry's memories of the summer past… except this time there is a strange haze over them, and Harry can tell the have been modified. The spell soon ends and Harry finds himself once again face down on the floor panting. The potions master glares at the obviously exhausted form in his office.

"Practice over the Summer holidays, Potter. Clear your mind before you go to bed and keep your thoughts organized. We will continue in the fall. I will be able to tell if you haven't done what I have instructed."

The veiled threat didn't go unnoticed by Harry, who only nodded. His mind was on other things, more specifically what really happened last summer. In a stroke of sudden genius, when Snape turned his back to him, he summoned a vial of anti-oblivator, a potion only masters can brew, straight from the Snape's own personal stocks. Slipping the blue potion into his robes, he left without Snape even noticing it was gone.

He hurried all the way to the seventh floor. Walking by the statue of Barbersa the Barmy he was trying to think of a place that he could go to take the potion, not be caught and still be comfortable.

Suddenly, a door popped up, startling the boy-who-lived. He cautiously approached the door and opened it, revealing a cozy sitting room. He walked to the couch and sat down slowly, not sure if it was real. To his pleasure, it was. He extracted the vial from his robes and stared at it.

"Well, here goes nothing…" and he downed the entire bottle…

Evil cliffy. Yeah I know. But it keeps people interested. READ and Review and I will post the next chapter in three days. Warning to all: this is Ron Bashing, Ginny Bashing, Hermione Bashing, Dumbledore Bashing, Ministry Bashing, Almost Nobody Goes untouched. Even Harry. Pairs are undecided though. Let me know who I should pair Harry with. But No Fleur or Tonks because I got plans for both of them.

Later: Durmstrang-Boy