Author's Note: I don't own anything! So don't sue me :P

Thanks for reading!


Chapter One: Scream

It was that dream again. The dream that made her palm sweat profusely and clench to the pillow for support. She didn't know whether to be scared or excited. He had that power on her, where that simple, morning-scratchy-voice could send her over the edge begging for more. He didn't normally speak in this tone, but in her dreams it was ubiquitous. She couldn't resist. Like the last dream, he repeated his mind-blowing moves that rendered her frozen in her steps and the only movement she was allowed was a simple "ah," the tiny jingle that spoke more words than the Odyssey.

"Ga Eul-yang," he whispered in her ear, the end of those words were said an octave higher, as if asking her a question.

She didn't reply; she didn't need to, for the pleading look in her eyes was enough. He knew that look all too well – after all, he was a master of foreplay. He grinned at her, and raised his eyebrows in a seductive way. Her eyes became wide in response, unable to shift from his magnetic gaze.

He knew she wanted him to take her, but he liked to play a little at first. He brushed her hair behind her ear and gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. She closed her eyes to enjoy his touch again, the touch that she hasn't felt for an entire week. To her great dismay, he stopped, and her lips curled downwards with it.

"Yi Jeong sunbae!" she squealed. Her disappointment didn't last long, for that hand that left her face went straight for her butt.

"You know how I like it right?" he questioned, as if he knew she was having these dreams quite frequently.

She bit back her lip and looked down in embarrassment. How could have known about her weekly erotic dreams? Perhaps it would be best to appear innocent; she heard it was quite popular among boys. However, he saw right through her innocent pretenses and used one finger to tilt her head back up, and pressed his lips onto hers.

The electricity from the kiss spread throughout their bodies like wildfire, burning away at every nerve ending. The goose bumps revealed themselves, and the tiniest hair reacted to this tension by standing up. He didn't part her lips nor move a muscle; it was his way of doing things – by driving the other person mad with desire.

She fell in this trap of his once again as she wrapped her arms around his neck and delved her tongue inside. He smiled; he loved to make the bad girl come out of her shell. In his mind, there was no such thing as an innocent or good girl but only bad girls in disguise, waiting for the right person to unshackle them. He will be that liberator, and rob them of their innocence, forever.

In order to release the bad girl, he became rough. His hands reached down, cupped her butt cheeks, and squeezed hard. She jumped a little in excitement as always and pressed herself onto his need, but not making any more motion than was necessary. She has learned from his ways too. Her tongue hungrily massaged his in a rhythmic motion, and he happily received, but it was his turn now. His hands travelled even lower and caressed her inner thighs. She leapt, unintentionally grinding into him. The dream has never progressed this far before. He parted her legs and wrapped them around his waist and power walked her to the wall.

There was a wall, and a room but it wasn't dimly lit like she would have imagined. Shouldn't sex dreams happen in dark corners? It was bright with wall lights that had flowery light holders. There was no furniture… yet. She didn't know if the furniture would appear out of thin air as time went on, because she would need a bed eventually, and maybe a few toys if this dream was going to last a long time. Oh how she hoped it would.

Her focus came back to him when he released her legs, her heels making contact with the Oriental rug below. His tongue probed the inside of her mouth now, kissing her with fervor and delving deeper and deeper with every thrust. Sometimes he even bit her lip a little to arouse tiny groans from her. Even though she loved his raw passion, she wished he would get on with the show faster; the bad girl inside of her was released by her master, and she was ready to play.

Finally that much anticipated hand ran up her bare leg, covered only by with her very plaid miniskirt. She often wondered if the school didn't approve sex, why require girls to wear such short skirts? If any girl bent more than 30 degrees, all of her secrets would be for the world to see. Heck, some girls enjoyed this attention and often bent 90 degrees, and even 180 degrees. She felt ashamed to admit it, but she has deliberately looked at a guy's crotch before, especially when those girls were parading their goods. She was incredibly surprised at the speed at which boys got erections, and if she ever had the chance, she must do more research. Oh wait, she was getting distracted again; better enjoy it before she woke up.

Her desires were reaching their maximal level. She knew if he took a look at her breasts closely – which were hidden behind her white uniform and a thin bra – he would see her nipples as erect as they get, screaming at him to give them more attention. Why hasn't he tried to feel her up yet?

"Ah," she moaned into the kiss. He could read minds. His hand was on her left breast now, squeezing it with the right amount of pressure to create friction between her bra, but not enough to hurt. Maybe he should let it hurt for a little bit – she was a little curious about S&M.

He broke the kiss first, moving onto the next part of his dirty plan while her head was still outreached in his direction. Making sure her eyes would follow his, he looked down at her suggestive school uniform, and unbuttoned the third button from the top – right between her breasts. With one quick motion he slid his right hand into her left bra, and felt the breast that he played with just a moment ago. She gasped at sensation brought upon his cold hands against her warm and sensitive skin, which was starting to accumulate a sex flush from all the anticipation. This only made her nipples even more erect, and he twisted them harder than normal, making her moan even harder.

"Sunbae… please… I need it now…" she begged breathlessly.

She didn't care if she sounded desperate because she was sure he was doing everything he could to keep himself from ramming into her. It was all in that one grind she felt, the rigidity of his member – he needed it too. She brought up one hand to touch him, but he stopped her in mid air and pinned that arm on the wall. He brought up one leg and placed it in between hers until it made contact with her wet spot. She didn't need any instructions and proceeded to grind on his leg, very slowly, making sure he was feeling every movement.

He got the idea and went straight to the French kiss again. The kiss was so deep it felt like he was trying to suck out her soul, and they couldn't help but breaking the kiss to gasp for air. The last few minutes had been absolutely heaven, and from the dirty look in his eyes she knew the moment had come at last. She watched as he slowly unzipped his pants. He saw her gaping and felt incredibly powerful, and it added more to his lust. He reached into his pants and…

"Almost paradise, brighter than the morning…" Ga Eul's alarm clock blasted in the air.

She blindly pressed the off button with her left hand and turned back in the direction she was before. She was so close to paradise to be interrupted with this song – the ironies of life. She really ought to change that alarm clock song; it has been there since she met Yi Jeong, but he has never brought her to paradise even if her dreams.

The thought of him still made her blush a little. Ever since she came into contact with him, his smirks and masculinity was all she thought about. She didn't want to admit it, but she peeked to see if he had an erection whenever she was around. Unfortunately, he dressed well enough that his jacket or something was always covering that area. Boo. Still she liked to think she was sexy enough to turn him on… wait! She was a good girl! The dreams have indeed corrupted her, and she needed to come to her senses.

It took Ga Eul a few minutes to wake up wearing her orange booty shorts and white tank top. She liked the clothes tight on her when she slept because it gave her more warmth. She grabbed the cup of water with her left hand and drank it. Suddenly she wondered where her right hand went. She looked at her right shoulder and followed her arm down to her right hand, which was in her shorts, between her legs.

Ga Eul sighed and took her hand out, fully aware of the mess it would be in. She took a Kleenex tissue and cleaned herself, for it was not the first time it happened. The first time gave her quite a fright, and she was praying to God, hoping this didn't mean that her virginity was gone.

After some rigorous research, she found out the hymen could be broken by a number of things. She only wished that her fingers didn't have too creative of an imagination, and everything would still be intact, because she wanted to be tight for her first time with Yi Jeong. Oh wait, did she just think that? Ga Eul shook her head furiously to get rid of the dirty thoughts. She reminded herself that she was a good girl.

After a few more minutes of brainwashing, she got into the bathroom to freshen up. Her strong desire for Yi Jeong was undeniable because this was the fifth time she had this dream. When will she finally get to have sex in her dreams? If she couldn't have him in real life, dreams were the best alternative right? No. She needed to tell him, to confess, and to demand his love. After all, she couldn't think of anyone better for him than herself, even if it sounded arrogant. But how would she get through that stone hearted playboy? Maybe Woo Bin sunbae would know.

"Woo Bin sunbae, are you free tonight?" Ga Eul asked when she dialed his number.

"Oh? Is our lovely Ga Eul asking me out on a date? Have you given up on our dear Yi Jeong boy?" Woo Bin teased.

"Sunbae you make me laugh," Ga Eul said with a straight face. "Anyways, that was what I wanted to talk to you about. Yi Jeong sunbae's birthday is coming up right? I want to prepare something for him, but I'm not quite sure what it is yet. Do you want to meet for coffee in the afternoon or something?"

"I have to do the weekly checkup on my gang – I mean men. How about 9PM? Meet me at the Fragrant Café next to Club Nova okay?"

"Sounds good, thanks."

Ga Eul hung up the phone and collapsed on her bed. As much as she wanted to have that wild night with Yi Jeong, she was interested in being his girlfriend more. If she didn't get these feelings out soon, she may go crazy with these dreams.