Dear Diary,

I got released from the hospital today. And the first thing that happened as I walked out of those doors was that I got whipped off my feet and into Takeshi's arms. And I could see the others: the Jyuudaime and the other guardians, they were all doing their best not to laugh at my face. Because, as Takeshi had told me afterwards, I had looked 'so cute with that beautiful little blush on my face'. Normally, I would have smacked him for that, but today, I let it pass.

I got carried, all the way, to that house. Our house. And I had been dropped onto the couch, and Takeshi had kissed me. Softly, lightly, lovingly. And all of a sudden, I felt as if everything was fine. But, he's not going to leave.

And now, it's nighttime, and he's leaning his head on my shoulder. I had forgotten how heavy he was. I would have pushed him off a while ago, but tonight, I let it pass. I kiss his hair gently, and I see him stir sleepily. "Hayato?" he whispers, with that beautiful, alluring voice of his, and he runs his hand up my arm, that strong rough hand. And can't help but feel so at peace with him here, next to me. I look down at him, and he's so handsome, so beautiful, and my heart practically bursts with love.

And I don't even mind him reading this over my shoulder, these thoughts of mine. I am happy to let him know how much I love him, and as he pulls me into a long, searing kiss, everything is alright.

Dear Diary,

I know why now. Why I had felt that way, why it was me, why I had believed in him, why I could never forget, why it had hurt.

Because, Diary, I love him.

A/N: Yay it's finally done~!

I got this all done in half a day, and I'm pretty happy with the end result. Though there's no angst anymore! I really, really love the holidays~! Sorry that all the chapters are so short though! That was just how it seemed to flow.

So, what do you guys think? It's my first little continuous story, and my first angsty little creation as well! Review please!