Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto-san. I make nothing from writing this. Also, the song 'Jacob's Ladder' belongs to Mark Wills.

Summary: Sasuke and Naruto know where they stand with each other, even if the bastard's parents don't agree. [NaruSasu]

A/N: Yay! More Naruto! Woot. I've been writing One Piece lately because I'm obsessed with One Piece (mainly Sanji), but I need to write a few Naruto. This thing has two parts, because I was too lazy to finish it all at once. I hope you like it, anyway. 

P.S. Sorry in advance for Fugaku-saa's ignorance. XD

A Little Piece Of Heaven

Part One

"So late one night by the harvest moon

Jacob climbed a ladder up to Rachel's room

He knew his place, it was right beside her

Step by step up to her world

Head over heels for a brown eyed girl

And getting caught didn't seem to matter

'Cause Heaven was waiting at the top

Of Jacob's ladder." – Mark Wills

It took almost a year for Uchiha Fugaku to realize his youngest son was gay, and another half a year to realize the blonde boy he spent time with was his very male lover. To say he was furious and disgusted was an understatement. He did everything in his power to keep them apart, even going as far as to lock Sasuke in his room and not letting him out unless it was for school. Now he was out and the younger Uchiha was antsy, pacing his room night and day, muttering under his breath about things Fugaku would rather not hear from his son's mouth. Mikoto tried to get the man to listen to reason, but he didn't want a homosexual son. His reputation could've been shot to hell. He needed to be like his older brother, the married man with a son and another child on the way.

"Our grandchildren are going to be just like that annoying idiot, if we even get grandchildren from Sasuke." Fugaku said coldly, much to Mikoto's chagrin. She had realty liked Naruto; he kept Sasuke happy and out of the house. At least, before Sasuke's father had locked him away like some cursed prince. She wasn't going to tell her husband any of this, though. He was already angry enough. "Where did we go wrong, Mikoto? We raised him to be a man, not to love men." The man put his head in his hands, moaning over the loss of his youngest son. Mikoto tried to comfort him the best she could, even though she didn't exactly agree with his choices. She just wanted Sasuke to be happy.

Neither of his parents knew he was there, so he'd heard every word of his father's rant. He didn't honestly care what his father thought about him; the man had always put him in Itachi's shadow. But now he was sitting there talking badly about his blonde, his dobe, like Naruto was a monster or something. He wanted to go out there and scream at his father, whatever popped into his head, but his mother was out there with that bastard and he still loved her dearly. She was the only one who understood that his love for the blonde boy wasn't a choice. He didn't choose to love the idiot; he just did.

"I'm telling you, Mikoto. We need to send him away to some camp or church program to stamp the homosexuality out of him. I won't stand for it!" Fugaku sighed heavily, leaning his head against his wife's shoulder, finally noticing a familiar shadow just around the corner. He lifted his head back up, eyebrows pinching together. "I know you're there, Sasuke. Come on out and join us."

Mikoto stiffened against his side, opening her mouth to tell her son to go back upstairs. She knew what was coming, but she didn't know how to sop it. Ever since Fugaku found out about Naruto, all he ever did now was yell at Sasuke until his voice went hoarse. Of course, it didn't help that Sasuke yelled back, and just as loudly.

"Hi, honey." She said quietly, sadly, as he took a seat on the couch across from them. He was livid, she knew, because his eyes were narrowed and his hands were clenched so hard into his fists that his knuckles had turned white. She wanted to tell him that everything would be all right, that she would let him see Naruto secretly behind his father's back. Fugaku always did know what was on her mind at all times of the day.

"He will not be going behind my back with that trash, Mikoto. I simply won't allow it. If I have to hire a babysitter for him, then so be it. He won't be seeing that boy again." Fugaku said harshly, like that settled the whole matter. Sasuke was practically blowing steam out of his ears by now, sitting so rigidly that Mikoto knew he was a few words away from exploding and trying to strangle his father.

"It doesn't matter who he loves, Fugaku! I just want grandbabies!" She sighed, trying to lighten the mood. Sasuke smiled at her gratefully, his body relaxing ever so slightly. She sent him a smile back that spoke of her love for Naruto, adding a wink just for fun.

"It matters to me! That idiot 's going to bring this family down with his obnoxious attitude and his blinding choice in clothes. I won't let that happen."

"Shut the fuck up, you asshole!" Sasuke hissed, pushing himself up from the couch and getting in his dad's face, his lips curled back over his teeth. "Listen here, and listen good 'cause I'm only gonna say this once. We're going to be together, whether you like it or not. As soon as I turn eighteen, I'm out of here and you'll never see us again. Any grandchildren we have, you'll never hear about. You'll never see them, you'll never know them, and it'll be the same for them. I love that idiot with everything within me, and nothing you do or say is ever going to change that. Send me away? Fine. But I'll come back still loving him and gay. So go fuck yourself." The raven growled as he stepped away from Fugaku, glancing at his mother apologetically before marching angrily up to his "cell", slamming the door loudly behind him. His father sat stunned on the couch, his mouth still slightly open.

"This is that boy's entire fault, corrupting my son like that!" Fugaku didn't miss a beat.

"Just stop it, Fugaku." Mikoto hissed, standing up at following Sasuke's path up the stairs to the room she shared with her husband, tears coming to her eyes. If only life was easier.


It was nearing midnight and the house was dark save for the light on in Sasuke's bedroom. He was throwing things haphazardly into a duffel bag, needing to see his dobe no matter what it took. He was leaving now, and he wasn't ever going to come back here. His father didn't get it and even though his mother wholly supported Naruto and him, there were bound to be some major arguments. Sasuke didn't fell like spending the next two years of his life stuck in his room waiting for his father to stop being an asshole.

Sasuke jumped when something tapped on his bedroom window, the sound quiet enough where only he could hear it. The raven turned around, his eyes went wide at the sight of his lover on the other side of the glass, grinning widely. Sasuke quickly pushed the window open, seizing Naruto by the collar of his hoodie and yanking him into the room. Lips were desperately smashed together, hands groped and grasped everything they could, and Sasuke forgot how to breathe. The other boy's breath ghosted over his mouth in a soft sigh, a smile evident in his voice.

"Fuck, teme I missed you." Naruto whispered, pushing the raven to lay down against the bed and following with a knee on either side of his waist. Their lips met again, softer his time, Sasuke arching into the hands slipping under his shirt. A choked sound came from his throat as the other boy's lips trailed down his neck, teeth latching onto his collarbone. He hadn't felt the dobe's touch in three months, and he was desperate to feel Naruto inside him.

Naruto pushed himself onto his hands, brushing Sasuke's bangs of his forehead. "Actually, I can't stay for very long. I just came to say goodbye."

"What?" Sasuke croaked, his mind stuck on the word 'goodbye'. He reversed their positions, pinning the blonde's arms above his head. "What do you mean, 'goodbye?' What about us?" The raven buried his head in the crook of his lover's neck, breathing in his familiar, citrus scent, and wondering not for the first time why he even stayed with this idiot. Oh, yeah, because he was in love with him. "Hn. I was under the impression that we were going to stay together even though we can't see each other."

Naruto let out a heavy breath, leaning down to kiss the raven and scowling when Sasuke simply turned his head away stubbornly.

"I love you, Sasuke, I really do. But I can't take not seeing you for months on end. I need something constant, something more reliable. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, regardless of what your dumb parents think. But I'm at my limit. We won't work with them between us." Naruto wriggled out from under Sasuke, readjusting his clothes before searching for any thing he may have left there. "Besides, it's not like I want to leave." He added as an afterthought, shrugging as he went over to his lover's dresser and pulled a drawer open.

"Where are you going?" The raven mumbled, looking off to the side, thoughts of suicide, bribing, and other unholy scenarios going through his mind, anything to get the blonde to stay. Naruto grunted in reply, scratching the back of his head as he thought about it.

"To Kyoto. Jiraiya's gone again, and since your parents despise me, I have to go all the way out there to stay with Kakashi and Iruka." Naruto grinned as he pulled his My Chemical Romance shirt out of one of the drawers, throwing it over his shoulder as he looked for more of his stuff. Sasuke nodded his head, glancing sideways at the half full duffel bag on his bed. If Naruto was leaving Tokyo, then Sasuke would go with him, no questions asked.

"Can I come?" Sasuke asked him, picking at a loose thread on his pants. Naruto's head shot up at that, opening his mouth to say something but closing it a moment later. He closed the drawer he was searching through and came to stand back in front of the raven, meeting his eyes like he was trying to find something in them. "What? I'm not letting you go that easily. Do you know how long it took me to get comfortable kissing you?"

Naruto grinned as he bent down and kissed the Uchiha, running his fingers through the boy's dark hair.

"I was going to ask you to come myself, but you just made this a lot easier." Naruto reached the duffel on the bed-of course he'd noticed it as son as he came into the room-and started filling it with clothes. Sasuke smirked as he got up from the bed, grabbing another bag from the closet and filling that with his clothes as well. The two boys went through four different duffel bags, and there was still some clothes left.

"This is fine. I'll just buy more with my savings." Naruto took the duffels and threw them one by one down the ladder, taking the more fragile duffel with ism down the ladder. Sasuke was bout to follow the blonde down, but a soft knock at his door made him freeze half way out the window. "Yeah?" He called, quickly climbing back into his room and closing the window. His mother came in a second later, looking like she was about to go the bed. He tilted his head in question, hoping she didn't notice his empty closet or the things missing from his bookshelf.

"Just came in to say goodnight, sweet heart." Mikoto came further into the room, kissing his forehead and then both of his cheeks. Sasuke felt his stomach flip uncomfortably at the thought of breaking his mother's heart in a few, short seconds, but he couldn't just back out now. All of his stuff was already in the car probably. "Sasuke, let me talk to your father. Maybe I can get him to ease up on you two a little." The woman said as she made her way to his bedroom door, leaning against it as she talked.

Sasuke swallowed with some difficulty, "I love you, mom." He mumbled, before walking the short distance between them, hugging her tightly. She kissed the top of his head, and when she left, Sasuke watched her until she disappeared out of sight into her own room. Trying to hold back his tears, the raven went over to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, quickly writing a letter explaining why he was leaving. He put the letter on his pillow, where she would see it in the morning, and quickly climbed down the ladder to Naruto's side.

"Ready to go, babe?" Naruto asked, taking his hand and leading him to the silver car in the driveway. Kiba, Naruto's official best friend, was glaring at him from the drivers' seat, clearly not expecting him to be there. "Yeah, I forgot to tell dog breath you were coming, too."

As Naruto climbed into the backseat, Sasuke looked back at his house, the place he'd been leaving in for all of his life. He thought about his mother finding his letter imagined her expression and it made tears well up on his eyes. This time, he didn't stop them, not even when Naruto touched his cheek and tried to kiss them away.

"Let's go, Kiba." The blonde murmured, taking Sasuke's hand and pressing it to his cheek. Sasuke watched his house fade away as they drove down the driveway, leaving the prison and its warden behind. For once in the last year, he felt like he had control over his own life.

And it helped that Naruto was right by his side.



I'm sorry. Naruto came tonight, and he's taking me to Kyoto. I won't be back, not even for the things I left behind in my room. I promise I'll see you again soon. I wouldn't keep any future grandchildren from seeing you, as long as that man isn't around to see them. I'm sure Naruto will want our children to know you, and I'll respect his decision. I love you and I hope you can forgive me.


Mikoto reread the letter ten times over, putting a hand over her mouth to stifle her sobs. Her baby was gone, just like that. When she went to his room that morning, his clothes were gone, and even some of his CD's. Then she found the letter and she understood. She was only angry at Fugaku for hating Naruto like he did, just because he loved Sasuke. She didn't think it was right to judge something like that.

"I'll find them both, and then I'll kill that blonde jackass for kidnapping my son." Fugaku said darkly, sipping on his favorite scotch next to her. Mikoto crumbled the letter up in her hands, standing and turning to slap him across his right cheek. Scotch spilled over their expensive Egyptian rug, but neither seemed to notice.

"You follow those boys anywhere, and I'm divorcing you! For once in his life, Sasuke is happy, and I won't let you ruin that!" Mikoto turned on her heel, heading towards the phone in the kitchen and picking it up, dialing Sasuke's cell phone number. After three rings, he actually answered.

"I'm not-"

"Is that a promise?" She hissed out, angrier with Fugaku than her youngest son. There was a moment of silence on the other line before Sasuke breathed out a heavy sigh. The woman could hear other voices in the background that were probably Naruto and whoever was driving. "In your letter, you said I could see any grandchildren you have. If it's not a promise, then I'm not giving my blessing."

"That's all you want?" Sasuke asked, sounding thoroughly confused. Naruto suddenly came over the line, obviously having taken the phone away.

"Think about this: I predict we have two sons, Sasume and Naoki. We'll have a little girl on the way when we eventually come to visit, and all three will have our combined last names. I'll make sure to take as many pictures as I can and show you when we visit, 'cause then Fugaku-san can't rip them up. Sound good?" Naruto took a long breath, exhaling in a soft laugh at Sasuke's protest of him already naming their children. The phone was handed back and Mikoto sighed happily at the mental pictues all of that created.

"Tell Naruto I love him." She deadpanned, holding back a smile as Sasuke repeated what she said for his lover's benefit. She giggled when Naruto said it back, but called her mom instead of the usual 'Mikoto-san'. "All right, baby, I'm going to let you go. Make sure you get rid of this phone so your father doesn't track it."

"Okay, Love you, mom."

"I love you, too, Sasuke." Mikoto sighed, finally hanging up and leaning back against the all. Fugaku came around the corner, his eyebrows pulled in to a scowl. His wife just rolled her eyes before walking away, already daydreaming about Uchiha-Uzumaki (or was it Uzumaki-Uchiha?) Sasume, Naoki, and the little girl.