Disclaimer: Don't own any characters, but if I did it I would be in a Jasper and Emmett sandwich right now.



The trip so far had been pretty fun. When Alice had suggested going to a club tonight I was happy. I wanted to hold my woman in my arms and dance away. Once we arrived we danced together for awhile until the three of us guys decided to sit out. We sat talking and cutting up for a few minutes. I told Edward and Jasper a story from when I was kid.

I'd just finished when Jasper slid close and asked, "See that guy over there?" He motioned his head toward a couple tables down from us and I was able to see quiet a few guys.

"Who?" I asked.

"The blond guy."

I looked again and found a guy sitting by himself.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I think you might like to have a chat with him."

What the hell was he talking about?

"Why the fuck would I want to do that?"

"Because you used to or more accurately you wanted to kill him at one point."

"I've never seen that guy before in my life."

Edward was looking back and forth between us with a confused expression.

"No, but I have. In Atlanta." Jasper said shrugging his shoulders.

Right before I understood what he was talking about I felt Edward tense beside me. As soon as I realized it I shoved Edward out of the booth. "Mother fucker. Move Edward."

As we both started to walk toward him I heard Jasper utter, "Have fun." He had no idea how much fun this was going to be.

Getting to the table Edward went around on one side while I stopped on the other. Bringing my hand down hard I gripped his shoulder tightly and leaned forward by his ear, "You can either come with us or we can make you come with us, I don't really care, but either way you are going to hurt just so you know."

He didn't say anything, so Edward hauled him out of his chair and we led him toward the bathrooms.

Once we'd gotten to the bathroom and shoved him through the door he jerked his arm loose.

"OUT," I barked to the two guys that were in there. They quickly zipped up and excited. I reached over and locked the door behind them.

"You mind telling me who the fuck you are?"

"We're friends of a couple of people you should have stayed away from after the first beating you got." I said crossing my arms.

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

"Let me remind you then," Edward said. "Atlanta."

"What? You have got to be kidding me. That stupid bitch… "

Edward's fist connected with his mouth before he could get anything else out. He stumbled back into the wall behind him. Moving closer I raised an eyebrow at Edward.

"If I waited on you I wouldn't be able to get a punch in." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah." I said rolling my eyes before turning them back to James who was spitting blood out of his mouth.

"You two are fucking insane."

"No," I said shaking my head. "Just really pissed off, but we will give you a choice though."

"A choice of what?"

"On who hits you next. With me you probably won't feel anything else, granted that won't stop me from continuing and with him, you already know how that feels."

James looked back and forth between me and Edward a few times. I knew when he had decided what he was going to do; his weight shifted and his hands balled into fist.

Stepping to the side a little I waited for him to make his move and it didn't take long before he launched himself at Edward.

Edward swung to the side catching James around the throat as he went by and slammed his head into the mirror. Letting him go he stepped back and said, "You can have fun now."

Grinning like a madman I gripped the back of James shirt and spun him around planting my fist in his stomach before coming up with an uppercut to his chin which snapped his head back and into the mirror again.

He tried to take a swing but was way off so I took the time to land a few more kidney punchs and a couple to his ribs which I made sure to break.

James dropped to his knees and I asked, "You want the nose?"

Edward threw me a crooked grin and brought his fist down breaking the bone.

Before he could fall over I gripped his grease ponytail in my hand and dragged him over to one of the stalls. Flinging him into the space I crouched down and shoved his head back. He opened one eye to look up at me.

"We're done know, but remember this will happen every time we see you. So pray that we don't. Understand?"

He nodded slowly.

Standing up I pulled his head down and my knee up knocking him out. Stepping out of the stall I shut the door and turned toward the sink.

Washing my hands I checked myself over please that the only blood I had on me was my jeans and they were dark so it didn't really matter. Wiping them off with a paper towel I glanced at Edward, "That was fun."

He chuckled quietly washing his hands off also. "What do you say we head on home?"

"Yeah." I said. "Don't want to really be around when they find him."

We laughed again and unlocked the door. Tonight had been so much more fun than I had thought it would be.


A/N: Please, please, please review. A hug from your choice of Cullen man will be your reward or a sandwich of your choice of two or any other yummy goodness you can think of.

Also if you want something in the story let me know and I'll try to add it in somewhere and you'll get a special shout out for it.