A/N: here's a new chapter for those who are interested. Hope you like it. Love, xxx

Chapter 4

"Greg" he said a little louder.

Still no reaction, which surprised Grissom, because usually Greg reacted to anyone that called him.

"Greg?" It wasn't Grissom who called him this time, but Elisabeth.

No reaction, so she approched him. Once she stood next to him, she putted her hand on his shoulder. His head shot up.

"Yeah?" he asked confused.

"I'm sorry, if I scared you. But you didn't react at my or Grissom's calls." She explained with a soft voice.

"Sorry, I suppose I was too concentrated."

"I can understand you want to find out what happened to that little girl." Sympathy could be heard in her voice.

"I'm just concerned about the little girl's safety."

"I know Greg, and I understand. But you need to sleep, you're exhausted. And that little girl needs you. Let me do it and I'll call you as soon as I have results. Promise."

"Maybe you're right, I'm probably gonna make mistakes anyway. But call me as soon as you have anything." Concerned about that little girl.

"Cross my heart." She answered.

"Thank you."

He smiled at her and then turned around and walked through the door and to the restroom. She looked at Grissom who was still standing at the desk. He looked astound because she got Greg to go home, which no one ever got to do.

"Amazing job, you did something no one ever succeeded."

"What is that?" she asked a bit surprised.

"You got Greg to go home. We've tried that even when he was exhausted no one of us could convince him to go home."

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

"Greg works till he has the answer, and does not leave before he found it. You just got him to go home by talking to him. Neither one of us got to do that."

"I'm sure that when he wakes up he'll be back." Dismissing the answer.

"No doubt, I'll leave you to your job now, because it's going to be hard. We have 3 cases, so everyone will be walking in and out of here."

"Thank you, see you Grissom."

"Bye Elisabeth."

Grissom walked out and Elisabeth started working on the sample Greg was working on. She had no idea how long she has been working on the sample till someone came in.

"Hey Elisabeth, got some work for you." Nick said, holding 3 evidence bags in his hand.

"Hey Nick, which case?" she asked, eager to start working.

"Fashion show."

"Oh great, plastic and fakeness." She said ironically.

Nick had to smile at her words.

"Not your thing, then?"

"No, I hate shopping, I only go when I have to, and I only wear make-up at parties."

"Where do we write that, a girl that hates shopping?"

"If you don't mind, I have work to do."

"Mine first, right."

"Every case is important, so the first one in is first. But you're lucky, you are second."

"Thanks, see you."

"Bye Nick."