It's officially. I have an obsession with scenes involving L and Light sleeping together. And I don't even mean that in a sexual case. Well, not all the time, at least. I'm talking more about the whole handcuff arc, and all the fanservicey type moments that ensued. So here's my first [posted] attempt at DN fanfiction. It's cheesy as hell, and really OOC, but I like it anyway. So you can deal with it. While I deal with the fact that I don't own Death Note, or Light or L or any delicious yaoi that comes from the two of them. Damn it.

"Light-kun," came the quiet call out of the darkness. There was no response.

"Light," L tried again, this time, adding a sharp prod of his finger into Light's side. The younger man jerked awake.

"What the-?!" he exclaimed, then noticed the pair of obsidian eyes staring at him through the dark. "Ryuzaki?"

"I cannot sleep," L said simply. He didn't blink.

"Shocker," Light replied dryly. He rolled over to his other side, as far away as the handcuffs attached to his wrist would allow him to go.

L frowned, and poked Light's side again; this time, much harder. Light tensed in annoyance.

"It is a dilemma, Light-kun," L insisted.

"You hardly ever sleep," Light reminded him irritably, "Why are you bothering now?"

"I am still human, I still need rest at some point," L said, "Only it so happens that on a night when I decide to sleep, I am unable to."

Light scoffed, "And why not? Has all the sugar finally caught up to you?"

"No," L admitted quietly, "I had a nightmare."

Light fell silent for a moment. L continued to stare at the back of the younger man's head with wide eyes.

"A nightmare?" Light repeated, "Surely you're intelligent enough to be able to dismiss such a thing?"

"Everyone has a weakness," L reminded him darkly. Light was silent for another moment, before turning over to face the detective again.

"Well what would you like me to do about it?" he asked.

L looked thoughtful. "Perhaps you could hold me?" he suggested in an uncharacteristically soft voice.

Light's eyes widened. In his mind images quickly flickered past of L as a child, cowering in a faceless mother's arms from another wicked nightmare. And then in his own…

"I suppose," he muttered.

L regarded him with an entirely emotionless expression, before scooting across the mattress into Light's vicinity. The older man curled in on himself as he nuzzled his face into Light's shoulder. Light practically jumped at the startling warmth of the presence beside his. His arm lifted awkwardly to rest across L's waist, and he clutched his back. L nestled in closer, assuming a very submissive posture against Light's rigid body. His thumb rose to his mouth. Light nearly laughed as he looked at the man before him, like child sucking his thumb, curled in his arms.

"You're quite warm," L noted as if sharing a casual conversation, entirely not being embraced by an attractive young man sleeping shirtless, "This is very comfortable."

"For you," Light muttered, the slightest color tinting his cheeks.

"And for you?" L asked, looking at him with eyes still open wide, but shadowed even more darkly in the lack of light.

"I suppose so," Light admitted. L smiled at him, and cuddled closer. The younger man rested his chin on L's hair. "Goodnight, Ryuzaki. Sleep."

"Yes, Light-kun, I will," L agreed, and finally shut his eyes.