She wakes up and gets out of bed, gets dressed. And walks downstairs in a bad mood. She spots Joe sitting on the couch just staring at her annoyingly" Can't you just suck it up, I don't want to be here more than you do" he told her, she rolled her eyes at him as she walks past him. He grabbed her arm and pulled her down beside him, looking at her. She can't help but roll her eyes at his actions before getting up fast, walking towards the kitchen.

He gets up after her and pins her against the wall, looking her deep in her eyes" Can you at least try to act like you're 13 not 5?" he said in a hard voice. Miley tried to get out of his grip but he was to strong and he wouldn't let her get away. "why are you mad at me" he asked in a softer tone She looked up at him "I wanted to go as well and you just left me here" she answered. He laughed and loosed his grip on her and took a step back. "Yeah right, like I was going to let that happen. I would never bring you to a place like that" he told her, miley got angry "why not, I'm waaaaay over old enough" he laughed again and shacked his head. "No you're not; because I'm barley old enough honey"

Ugh! She spat before walking into the kitchen and opened the fridge "We don't have any food. You have to drive me to the grocery store." She said just loud enough for her to know he heard her. "And what do I get for that?" he said as he showed up in the door. She looked over at him confused "food?" A smirk formed and he looked right at her "That was not what I meant, I want something ells" she didn't understand "like what, candy?" the smirk on his face became a grind as he answered "No, I want something similar to Sunday morning.." her eyes whiten as she lets out a gasp as a flashback came into her mind.

She woke up and looked around confused in the then familiar room. She tried to get out of bed but someone were holding her down, she turned her head to see that beautiful boy with shaggy hair, hazel brown eyes and that body sleeping with his arms wrapped around her. She smiled softly and remembered what they did last night and the night before. She carefully leaned down and gave him a kiss on the lips, she giggled when he didn't even stir, she kissed him again with more feeling and placed her hand on his chest and traced it down his hard abs. she smiled again when he tightened his arms around her and started to deepen the kiss.

She got chills when his hands wandered down her bare back to the naked but and squeezed it; she let out a giggle and pulled away smiling. "Good morning" she said and he smiled back. God that beautiful smile that made her melt. "I wasn't done," he told her before pulled her in for another kiss, before deepening it and slides his tongue in her mouth. She smiled and runs her hands thru his hair, he pulled her on top of him and gave her but another squeeze while massaging his tongue against hers.

She let out a little moan as he flipped them around so he was on top of her, in-between her legs. He cupped her beasts while tracing butterfly kisses down her neck. She moaned again. "I don't want to have sex," she said breathing uneven as she tried to sit up.

He pulled away from her neck and looked at her. "Why not, I mean you didn't have anything against it last night or yesterday". She sighed "I just don't feel like it Joe" he smirked as he pressed his lover body against hers. She let out a gasp as she felt his boner teasing her entrance. "Are you sure" he asked her and when she was about to answer he pushed against her harder. She gasped again " yes I'm sur-ee" she breathed out. He pulled away and let go of her. "fine" he said as he laid down beside her. She got out of the bed and walked over to the door. He checked out her naked body as she did. She opened the door and walked out. He sighed, he was still turned on, his face light up when she was in the door again with that cute smile "is it too late to change my mind?" she said biting her lip.

He was over to her by barely 2 seconds and pressed her against the door hard so it slammed close, wrapping her legs around his waist as her positioned himself at her entrance once more that morning. They both gasped when he pulled her closer to him making it go inside of her.


She rested her head on he's bare chest , he had one arm wrapped around her while the other one was stoking her hair when her cell phone started ringing "But what if i need you baby, would even try to save me? Or would you find some lame excuse. To never retry. What if I said I love you? Would you be the one to run to? Or would you watch me walk away. Without a fight"

She got out of he's grip and grabbed her phone for his nightstand "Hi daddy" she said in her sweet incident voice "when are you coming home from demi baby girl?" she rolled her eyes, she wasn't a baby. She was 13 and could take care of herself. "I don't know yet, we just woke up" she answered. Kissing joes bare chest, he pulled her closer and she let out a giggle. "well we're having guest for dinner today baby girl, so it would be nice if you weren't so late, okay?" billy said smiling to his wife. "sure daddy, who's coming?" she asked while smiling back at that perfect face in front of her. "your uncle and aunt" miley gasped " I didn't know I had any?" billy laughed at the surpriseness in her voice "well they just moved down here a few weeks ago, but your mother and I has only known since yesterday when we met them at the grocery store"

She smiled at Joe when she hung up with her dad "I have an uncle and aunt I didn't know about and they are coming to dinner tonight," she told him existed. Joe laughed at her, she looked like a 4 year old on Christmas. Who just had gotten a new toy. "So that means you have to go?"

She smiled and got out of the bed, picking up her new matching black bra and thong. She had gotten last week just for him and put them on, before looking for her black skirt and white tube top. "Joe, where are the rest of my clothes?" she asked turning around to see him holding her skirt and tube top. "can you give them to me?" she asked as she bit her bottom lip. "Nope, sorry" he answered as he hid them under the quilt "whoa, I'm sorry I don't know where they are, they just disappeared" he said smiling at her. "joeeee, I need them. I have to go" she said whining. He shacked his head" I'm sorry, I'm not done with you yet"