** I don't own Naruto. This story is for entertainment only.

The tension in the room was tangible. Like some sort of snake was restricting all the air out of the room.

Kira looked back up at Kakashi meaningfully. She began to open her mouth but snapped it shut when a fearsome growl ripped through her body. She looked down at the offending stomach and blushed.

Kakashi chuckled warmly. "Well I guess it's time to get to my wifely duties and prepare dinner."

Kira looked up at him, sarcasm rich in her lilting voice as she tried to deepen it. "That's right, you better make my dinner!" She giggled infectiously.

Kakashi rolled his eyes, trying to harden the foolish, sincere smile owning his face. He tried to remind himself that this was a mission and kunoichi were trained to be appealing. That she wasn't being sincere. That sucked the amusement out of him. Mostly.

He felt his heart being torn between what he hoped for and what he knew to be reality. The discord resulted in a gaping emotional wound that he felt must be visible to her seeking eyes. He needed to take up some sort of guard or this mission would bring up a lot of ugly emotional scarring.

Kira stopped laughing when Kakashi took on a hardened look.

"Riiiight. About that. That's why I was out of the house earlier. I was grocery shopping. I'm sorry Anko.. attacked you. If I had been here-"

Kira cut him off "-I would be hungry for even longer." She corrected matter-of-factly with a playful grin.

Well that put a damper on his self-hatred. He had been doing something uncharacteristically selfless. That thought troubled him as unfamiliar emotions tinged his mind again.

"Is she really your girlfriend?" Kira nearly whispered without looking up from her hands. It was causing her physical pain, for some reason beyond her understanding, that his heart might already belong to another. She was abruptly disgusted with the overtly feminine paranoia flooding her every thought of him. The power of suggestion was appearently stronger than she'd suspected. Mizukage knew her too well. She knew that if Kira were ever to choose a mate, he would be like this hardened, emotionally crippled war-horse. And all it took was feigning marriage to make the shattered pieces of her psyche try to behave as a normal woman. A whole woman.

Kakashi snorted in disbelief. The noise sounded completely unnatural coming from him. He leaned back in the little love seat and stretched his arms out as he prepared to answer the complicatedly, simple question. "No. She isn't. She's convinced she is, especially when she drinks. But she isn't. Nobody wants to settle down with a blathering drunk as their bride." God that sounded too sentimental. Kira looked at him curiously. Was he really so lonely that the girl before him had already cracked his defenses? That was weak. He had to say something tough before she thought him an unworthy partner. "That anger definitely translates differently between the sheets though." He elbowed her playfully.

Kira recoiled from Kakashi's touch that time as she made an involuntary disgusted noise.

Kakashi smacked himself in the forehead with his palm and then looked at her apologetically. "I'm going to go make the food now. 'Seen and not heard' as they say." He tried to jest the conversation away from its unpleasant path.

Kakashi got up and started his unwilling steps towards the kitchen. The warmth of her body was immediately missed. He was still in his turtleneck and regular pants and the thin fabric usually kept body heat in; it had always been adequate before. But the kunoichi on the couch produced and maintained body heat even better. He knew in that moment that his warm-up gear would never be as satisfactory again.

As Kakashi stood and walked away, Kira had to stop her body from following his. He was so warm and he smelled SO good. Damn his stupid male guard. He was feeling close to her too. Close enough that he felt the need to put up his guard again. Well at least he wasn't talking now. And he was farther away. Her thoughts weren't so clouded. Her eyes unabashedly took in the glory of his backside:

Tight biceps gave way to strong, broad shoulders; the movement of his shoulder blades enraptured her gaze as his muscular arms swung slightly; his back was like a masterfully carved statue- every rise and fall emphasizing aching perfection. She stopped thinking when she reached his hips.

She couldn't think of words adequate to describe the base of his torso. His graceful movement did nothing to hide the muscle tone, even there.

Oddly she felt faint. She must have just been hungrier than she thought.

Her next thought was that she wanted to trace each muscled curve of his body with her fingers tips. He was a walking masterpiece and she had always appreciated fine art.

It was such an abstractly dark thought in her virgin mind. She wondered what he would think of her strange desire, but decided she'd be much too mortified to ask. They barely knew each other.

This was too much out-of-character for her to dismiss, so she shelved it for a later time. Besides, he had definitely just behaved very distastefully. Even if his non-apology had been… adorable…?

That was the word that came to mind. She couldn't ever remember using the affectionate term before. There was no room for affection in the vocabulary of a warrior.

Kakashi thought of the woman in his living room with such an odd attachment. She had an odd gentleness to her that was uncommon among shinobi, much less kunoichi. Her name bothered him. It didn't fit her. At least not in these safe moments, away from the world. He couldn't imagine holding a brand new baby in his hands and wanting to name it death. Especially not a girl. And he'd met her father once before. He was blood-thirsty, yes, but not dis-affectionate. His wife had seemed so fragile and yet so passionate. And it was obvious the man would have died for her. He must have felt at least that for his daughter. Kishou Kaguya would not have given his dearest blossom 'death'.

Kakashi came back to the doorway of his small kitchen and leaned against the wall as he gazed at her thoughtfully.

"Your real name isn't Kira no Hime, is it." Kakashi stated more than asked.

"Hatake-san, why ever would you think that?" She crooned in mock innocence. Her face contorted adorably in thought. Like she was weighing the cost of being honest with him. Honesty appearently wasn't at too steep a price this time.

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Mizukage would not have paired me with anyone less than what she thought was best. And you're reputation as the Copy-nin would suggest as much cleverness." Kira grinned at him warmly.

Kakashi bowed grandly. "Thank you, nameless beauty. I must say that I've heard little of you. Only that your countrymen fear and respect you. And that you have been brutal in your dealing of justice. But I cannot imagine the great Kishou Kaguya looking down at his newly born daughter and wanting to name her death. Even as the master bone-shougun. May I know your birth-given name?" Kakashi asked seriously as he stood back up and leaned against his wall once more.

Kira sat up straight and took on her regal composure. "I am known as many things to my people. Some would call me monster; others savior; my uncles and aunts 'Nidaimuri' (little second); but I suppose if you are to be my husband, you must know them all. The name I was first given is-"

She was interrupted by the whistling of the tea kettle. Kakashi stepped quickly back across the kitchen and snatched it off the stove with his bare hand. He walked back into the door way, "I'm sorry, as you were saying?"

Kira chuckled femininely, "As I was saying-"

A knock sounded at the door and three excited male voices chattered on the other side of it.

Kakashi rolled his eyes and huffed disappointedly. "One moment please. I have to dispel some pests."

Kira giggled.

Kakashi opened the door just enough to slip through. He'd be damned if these men were going to see Kira before he decided they could. The commitment-phobic part of him exploded into panic as he tried to hush his new possessiveness for the woman he didn't want.

"Kakashi-san!" Gai exclaimed excitedly."We come bearing gifts for your future bride!"

Kotetsu wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Genma blushed. Kakashi could guess what kind of 'gifts' they'd bring.

"I'm sure she will appreciate the thought but if what's in that box can't be worn in public, I want no part in this" Kakashi grinned at the thought of Kira the virgin beating the stuffing out of his perverted companions. Who were hoping for an opportunity to check his kunoichi out. Instinctively he crossed his arms and broadened his chest as he widened his stance in front of the door.

"Oh come one Kakashi! Do you think we'd be so foolish as to buy lingerie before we've sized her up?" Kotetsu said innocently. As if it were the most logical thing in the world to want to 'size' an unknown woman up before buying her undergarments.

Kakashi didn't withhold the growl this time. He was not enjoying the thought of them 'sizing' his kunoichi any direction.

"Can't we come in and meet the lovely lady!?" Gai begged exasperatedly. "It's just a kimono. We promise, we'll be nice." Gai gave his best puppy-face as he held the brightly wrapped gift box to his chest.

Kakashi thought for a moment."What say you, Genma?"

The man had been standing at the back of the group with an uncharacteristically abashed look on his face.

Gai moved into Kakashi's line of sight, still pouting theatrically. "Kakashi-san, he helped us pick out the kimono and said we should bring it over tonight. Please Hatake! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!"

Kakashi looked at the abnormally shy shinobi in the back suspiciously."Well if Genma thinks you guys should meet her tonight then I suppose you could come in for a little while." Kakashi didn't move from his defensive pose as he eyed Genma.

Kotetsu and Gai let out a cry of victory and high-fived each other. Genma looked up in shock at Kakashi.

He hadn't been expecting Kakashi to let them in.

Kakashi put his hand back on the door. "Give me a minute to warn her." He stepped in and closed the door and leaned against it. He could hear the suggestive tones from his little porch.

Genma wasn't acting himself.

"So I think we're going to have to entertain them for a short while. Is that okay?"

Kira looked up at him and smiled nervously. "I would love to meet some better mannered leaf shinobi. Should I change into something less… slept in? I bet my hair is a wreck too." She looked up at him.

Kakashi grinned at her cheekily. He pulled his mask down as he walked across the room to her. "You couldn't be any more perfect if you were in full formal attire." Unless you were naked, Kakashi added to himself, "And your hair is perfect." He bent down and gently touched his lips to tussled curls. Kira blushed. "We'll only let them stay for a short while. Then we can get back to getting to know each other." Kakashi internally winced at the level of attachment he was displaying.

"You know Hatake. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you wanted me to look disheveled and bothered. Who exactly is outside that door?" Kira asked in a suspicious tone.

Kakashi looked down at her from heavily lidded eyes as he stood up. "It's just a few of my closer friends. And Genma. He's acting weird though. I think he might be disappointed at your new marital status."

Kira looked at him. "Oh." She said thoughtfully.

Now he really didn't want to let them in. What if she returned Genma's feelings? This was just a mission. He was getting all worked up and attached for no reason. She was being professional.

Kakashi had to force himself to walk back to the door and let the shinobi in. He barely turned the handle before they burst in past him.

Kakashi quickly regained his composure and turned back towards the living room as he shut the door. They'd all appearently been so excited they'd taken their shoes off on the porch already.

For the second time that day Kira was charged by male leaf shinobi and the scene was outrageously amusing. Kira was backed against the wall next to his bedroom door, behind the reading chair, hands raised in truce. Gai was shouting an introduction and striking a ridiculous conqueror pose, standing on the chair, Kotetsu was standing at her side looking her up and down as if he was grading. Genma was waving sheepishly from near the door with a weak smile on his face.

"Ka-Kakashi?" Kira squeaked in terror.

"Guys calm down. One at a time and take it easy. She's already had to meet Naruto and Anko today." Kakashi ordered. He wouldn't have come to her rescue if it weren't for the appearance they needed to give.

But then again, maybe it would be a bit satisfactory to see Genma wince. For once he couldn't have what Kakashi wanted.

Kotetsu and Gai looked at each other in revelation.

Kotetsu chuckled. "You're the reason Anko is in such a homicidal mood!?"

Gai looked at Kira intensely and whispered. "She tried to kill me in the bar earlier."

"She came up here and shrieked at me about sleeping in her boyfriend's apartment." Kira said defensively.

Kotetsu burst out in laughter and Gai joined in. Kakashi appeared at Kira's side and wound his arm around her waist. She reached her hand up and intertwined her fingers with his. She squeezed his hand and looked up at his flawless, mask-less face for encouragement. He laid a reassuring kiss on her forehead. Kakashi was glad they were both such good actors. Though he was uncomfortable with the level of sincerity he felt in the moment. He was going to have some demons to face down after she went to sleep tonight. He had to detach himself. He would learn how to fill the role and then bail when the mission was complete. He was better at fleeing from these emotions than dealing with them. People believed his facades. The next week in town might not be so difficult if they could keep this act up in public. Then when they got out to the cabin he could get some space.

"You'll have to forgive Konoha for Anko." Kotetsu spoke breathlessly. "She's been losing her mind for a while now. The alcohol doesn't help."

Gai nodded in agreement. Genma still stood silently by the door. He wore a pained look. He must not have known the marriage was fake. Kakashi fiendishly thought of all the ways he could make Genma even more uncomfortable.

Kakashi wasn't behaving like himself either. He was getting defensive and angry over a female he shouldn't care about. And he couldn't make himself step away from her now, to make things even worse.

They began introductions again. Kakashi took charge while keeping intertwined with his partner. "This is Kotetsu, Gai, and of course you know Genma." He said, pointing to each of them. "Guys, this is Kira no Hime. Spring Breeze of the mist. My future wife." Kakashi was surprised he could muster so much fake affection for a woman he hardly knew. He was sure the guys had bought his possessive affectionate gaze. Maybe it wasn't entirely fake.

Kakashi tried closing himself off emotionally again.

Kira was really starting to wonder if Hokage had slipped them something to make them want each other more than they should. Kakashi didn't seem the irrational, compulsive type, and she never warmed up to people this easily. Even though she knew she was definitely attracted to him.

"Wow Kakashi. You think you could have picked a more ostentatious bride?" Kotetsu joked.

Kakashi shrugged, "Why settle, right?"

Gai dropped to one knee in front of Kira and offered the gift to her. "It is our honor to be in the presence of such a legendary kunoichi. A gift for your engagement, from the three of us."

Genma stepped forward in effort to see the gift as she opened it.

Kira's eyes lit up.

Kakashi wanted to start throwing furniture.

He'd seen the kimono before in its shop window. He knew it would look divine on her. And Genma had picked it out.

The silk was a deep maroon with dark blue vines starting thickly at the bottom of the skirt and sleeves and thinning towards the top. The Obi was the same deep blue with swirls through the fabric. The neckline was a little more revealing than usual and there were two long slits up the sides.

"Oh my. This is… beautiful…" Kira said exasperatedly as she lifted it a little from the package.

"Genma said you would like it." Kotetsu said matter-of-factly.

"So our gift pleases you!?" Gai interjected excitedly.

"Oh yes. I think this is the most beautiful kimono I have seen in my 25 years of life." Kira cooed at the fabric.

Gai jumped up and swept her into his arms and spun around, dancing awkwardly with the petite woman. Gai was shouting excitedly about the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Kira looked joyously amused as the green clad shinobi jostled her around.

Kakashi's arm fell to his side in absence of her body. He crossed his arms and watched Gai and Kira with a polite smile. He was glad her and Gai had made friends. Her charm made this easy. Kakashi couldn't imagine any of her meetings with the other male shinobi of the village going poorly. The women, he wasn't so sure about.

Gai set Kira down and they grinned at each other as good friends would.

Kotetsu approached Kira next. "I am Kotetsu Hagane, it is a pleasure to meet you." He bowed and touched his forehead to the back of the hand she offered.

"As it is for me to meet you. I am glad to know there are some more personable shinobi in my fiancé's home village. I was truly concerned that there were only wild men and psychotic women here." Kira said in a relieved tone.

"Ha. You've never seen Genma over here at a bar, have you!? Wild is an understatement!" Kotetsu countered warmly.

"Actually I've never been to a bar, but I'll take your word for it." Kira smiled warmly under her mask.

Kotetsu and Gai laughed, thinking the comment was some sort of joke but stopped when Kira looked at them puzzlingly.

"You mean you've never like, come home from a mission and gone to a bar, and left with a guy, to unwind?" Kotetsu asked in disbelief.

Kakashi cleared his throat and glared at the man for the too personal question.

Kotetsu didn't turn away from the blushing kunoichi.

"No. I rarely have time to unwind between missions. And when I do it's either spent training with Mizukage in one art or another, or at the hot springs. I haven't even been alone with a singular man before."

Gai blushed. Kotetsu seemed to be trying to decipher the meaning of Kira's words.

"You mean… you mean you're a virgin?" Kotetsu gasped in disbelief.

Kakashi looked threateningly at Kotetsu. He didn't notice. Kira squirmed uncomfortable next to Kakashi.

"Of course. I am not yet wed." Kira mumbled.

Okay that was too cute. Kakashi couldn't stop himself from wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close.

"Kakashi you sly fox. How did you manage to seduce a beautiful young kunoichi with just your personality!?" Kotetsu exclaimed.

"Must've been my charm and good looks." Kakashi countered.

"Oh you can steal those with the sharingan too?" Kotetsu asked playfully.

Kakashi smirked. "You wish I had to steal that."

Kira let out a peel of songbird laughter. And Kakashi couldn't breathe. Everything about her radiated beauty and femininity. The picture in her bingo book profile had capture so little of her. He pretended to continue chuckling with Gai and Kotetsu for a few seconds longer. He didn't want them to be there anymore. He wanted to be alone with her. He wanted to know what was under her mask.

He was trying to think of ways to get them out when his answer came.

The door slammed shut. Genma had stomped off. Kakashi looked at Kira's face to see how she had taken his exit. Kotetsu and Gai hadn't noticed or at least hadn't stopped telling their outlandish story to acknowledge that they did. Kira looked at the door and rolled her eyes and then went back to listening to Kotetsu and Gai's story.

That response told Kakashi… absolutely nothing he could make sense of. The only thing he could really imagine and wished he hadn't was that she was affectionately annoyed with his impatience for her. Now he really wasn't being logical; that didn't stop him from wanting to track the man down and maiming him in some way that would make him unappealing to Kira.

Kira was sad that Genma had chosen to take their friendship this route. She owed her loyalty to Kakashi now. Genma was only going to cause himself greater grief for grasping at what he could not have. He was so childish sometimes.