Chapter One: Revelry

Kagome sighed as she watched the emerald leaves of the towering trees dance in the light wind. She had been trapped in the past for one whole year as of today. One year ago, they finally defeated Naraku and purified the tainted jewel. When Kagome made her wish, the jewel dissipated into a glittering dust, and the well sealed itself. She now lived in the village with Kaede and her friends. Kagome lived and trained with the old miko and had grown in strength and prowess over the many months since the well's closing.

Miroku and Sango had gotten married almost immediately after Naraku's defeat, and Kagome was full of joy and well wishes for the soon-to-be family. Sango was six months pregnant with their first child. Kagome couldn't help but be slightly envious of her friend, though. Sango had a glow of happiness and peace surrounding her that bled into her aura and transferred to those around her. She was a bright ray of sunshine on an otherwise gloomy day. The happy couple radiated warmth and contentment that made Kagome ache for a piece of their shared bliss for herself.

She and Inuyasha were still where they had been for ages. It appeared that the hanyou was content to keep her as his best friend and nothing more. Kagome had been tempted on more than one occasion to come clean and admit her feelings for him. Somehow though, it just never seemed to be the right time.

Her life was calm and peaceful for the most part, as life in a small village will be. She trained vigorously and poured her heart, soul, and frustrations into becoming as powerful as possible. She had learned many new skills and techniques; some of which she had never dreamed were possible. It was rewarding to see her hard work coming to life, but she was bored. This small village was too complacent for her tastes, and she was growing discontent with her simple life. Kagome had been quietly reflecting on her life and the events that had shaped it all morning. Only one thing was really bothering her though, that being that she needed to do something different and exciting. Maybe I could go off and have a little adventure of my own… Inuyasha can even come if he wants… anything at all to get out of this dreadfully boring rut that I have dug around myself… Inuyasha… I had hoped that once Naraku was defeat that you would be mine. My hopes doubled with the return of part of my soul, signifying Kikyo's death, but still you maintain that distance between us…

Realizing that this train of thought would lead her nowhere and just cause her pain, she stood up and slowly made her way back into the village. A young couple in the village would be wed this night. Kagome had agreed to help the young lady prepare. Her name was Nozomi. She was beautiful with straight-as-a-pin raven locks and pale perfect skin. Her most unusual and startlingly beautiful feature were her eyes. They were a hypnotic pale blue that was icy and warm at the same time. They were a blue reminiscent of deep snow on a winter's night, more white than blue.

Kagome smiled when she thought of Nozomi. She had a personality as bright and warm as the summer sun. Nozomi exuded kindness and a generosity for the human plight. The girl would do anything to see someone smile and she was well loved in the village for that very trait. She had this capability to endear herself to any that crossed her path. Many of the villagers likened Nozomi to Kagome. Kagome really didn't think she held a candle to the young bride who held beauty within as well as in her external appearance. Lost in her internal musings, Kagome failed to notice Inuyasha until she collided with his lean, muscled form.

"Geez Kagome, I could have killed you three times before you had even realized that I was there. You should really pay better attention." Inuyasha smirked at her, knowing the truth of his words. He had decided to come looking for her because she had been gone since breakfast. He had only made it a few steps out of the village before seeing her walking towards him. He had waved to her, but she appeared to be lost in thought. Loving any chance to irk those around him, the hanyou decided to see how long it took her to see him before scolding her.

Kagome was Inuyasha's best friend and had been for almost as long as they had known each other. He now thought of her as a little sister. Inuyasha had considered, many times in the past, trying to be more, but he just didn't feel the passion between them. His beast had never clamored to mate the young miko, and he did not want to use her. He had a feeling that teaching her a few things would be fun, but destroying their friendship over lust was not an option. If his beast did not want to mate her, then he would just be her friend and save them both a major headache.

Kagome's eyes flashed for a second with her irritation, lighting with the inner fire he liked most about her, but her eyes quickly cleared, and she simply nodded, "You're right, Yasha. There is no excuse for my lack of awareness." With that, she walked past him and closer to the village.

"It's no fun if you don't get mad at me and argue! I have noticed some of the fire that makes you Kagome has left you. Talk to me and tell me what it is that is causing this." Inuyasha moved to stand in front of her, effectively blocking her path. He crossed his arms and waited.

Kagome sighed, not wanting to have this conversation right now, "I am bored, Yasha. That is all it is. I have grown weary of the tedious passing of days with training."

Inuyasha eyed her carefully. He could tell she was telling the truth, but he also knew that she was hiding something from him, "Okay, I get that, but that does not explain the sadness."

Getting frustrated, Kagome moved to walk around him, only to find him in her path once more. The fire lit her eyes, "Inuyasha I do not want to talk about it, so move and let me pass." She stepped around him again.

Inuyasha moved once more to stand in her way, still not satisfied with her answer. He had been curious for a while about her behavior and melancholy moods and decided to get some answers, "Tell me why and I will move!"

"SIT!" With that one word, Inuyasha's body carved a crater into the earth. Her powers had grown, and so her commands held even more weight now. She could bury him three feet with mild irritation, and he had learned not to mess with her, or so she had thought. Inuyasha whimpered as Kagome moved past him.

Kagome meandered slowly through the village to the hut of Nozomi's family. The hut was sparsely furnished, but clean as Kagome passed through the doorway. Nozomi sat on her pallet and hummed softly to herself. She looked up as Kagome entered and bestowed her a genuine smile that lit up her whole face.

"Kagome, I did not expect to see you so soon," said Nozomi as she stood up and bowed in respect of the great miko.

"Well, I ran out of things to do, so I decided to come and see what help you might need," Kagome smiled and moved to sit next to the spot Nozomi had occupied.

Nozomi moved to take her seat and picked up the garment she had been working on. The fabric was soft and beautifully constructed. Kagome knew Nozomi would look beautiful tonight when she wed her love. Nozomi held it out for Kagome's inspection. At the miko's nod of approval, Nozomi smiled radiantly and folded it away, "Thank you, Kagome. I do not think that I have anything left to accomplish except getting prepared."

Kagome nodded to the younger girl and returned the brilliant smile, "Well, I am only a little early. Would you like to get started?"

"Okay!" Nozomi turned her back to Kagome so that the miko could begin with her hair. The two girls lapsed into companionable silence. Kagome worked on the girl's hair slowly and methodically. First, she combed it until it shone like spun onyx. Next, she began to braid sections of the thick tresses and wound them into intricate designs on Nozomi's head. Adding a small silver comb, Kagome declared the young bride's hair finished.

Kagome had brought along very few cosmetics, but she used mascara on the girl's ridiculously long lashes after highlighting the lids with very soft silver powder. Nozomi's eyes were perfectly complimented by the cool-toned shadow, and the effect made the young bride's eyes luminescent. Nozomi looked at Kagome, and the miko was startled to discover that her eyes resembled the twinkling brilliance of a cut diamond. Satisfied with the eye makeup, Kagome grabbed a tube of an almost rose-shaded gloss. To complete the look, Kagome used a small portion of the bright gloss on the girl's lips. Surveying her handiwork, Kagome had to admit that the young beauty in front of her was stunning.

Noticing through the window that twilight had begun to fall, Kagome turned to Nozomi, "You should get dressed. The ceremony will be starting before long. By the way, you look beautiful, Nozomi." Kagome bowed to the bride, accepting her murmured thanks and moved out into the village.

Kagome wandered around the village aimlessly until she found herself outside of Sango's hut. Although it was called a hut, it more resembled a modern house and boasted four rooms. The dwelling was the largest in the tiny village. Smiling, Kagome walked in to see how her very pregnant friend was faring this day. Sango's hut was new and was less simplistic than most of the huts in this village. Miroku had practically covered the building in carvings and etchings of varying scenes. Miroku and Inuyasha had done a fine job.

"Hello Kagome, it has been too long since you have visited me at home," Sango smiled and pulled her dear friend into her embrace. Kagome thought about it and realized that it had been almost a month since she had last visited. She saw Sango all the time in the village, and it had never occurred to her that she should stop by.

"Forgive me, Sango. I have been busy with training and I fear time slipped through my fingers." Kagome bowed to her friend in apology. Sango motioned for Kagome to sit with her, and they spent a few minutes catching up with each other and chatting about the baby.

"I believe the ceremony will be starting very soon, Sango. Are you coming?" Kagome smiled, hoping Sango would go with her to the affair.

"Of course, this is the most excitement the village has seen in a while. I would not dare miss it."

The friends left the hut and walked to the clearing at the edge of the village. Kagome made sure to pace herself to Sango, as the pregnant slayer was moving a little slower these days; Kagome did not want to strain her and cause problems for the unborn child.

Looking around at her surroundings, Kagome's face lit up seeing the beautiful masses of flowers hanging from the tree under which the ceremony would take place. Someone had taken the time to pick all those flowers and twine them in the tree so they floated softly on the evening breeze. Every flower was some shade of blue or white and they hung almost ethereally from the boughs of the old tree. The effect was romantic, and it almost seemed as though there was unseen magic at work. Kagome and Sango found their place and chatted softly to each other in the few minutes before the ceremony started.

Kagome loved all the aspects of marriage, except one. She thought the ceremony was tedious and lasted too long; she was eager for this part of the celebration to be finished. The festivities planned for tonight held the promise of mischief and fun, mixed with sake. Kagome let her mind drift during the formal ceremony, secretly planning a little adventure for herself.

Sango nudged her out of her daydreams, and Kagome noticed almost everyone had moved back towards the village as the ceremony had ended minutes ago. Kagome gave her heartfelt congratulations to the couple before drifting back into the small crowd of villagers. The whole village had turned out for the celebration, and the sake was free flowing.

Kagome had her first couple of drinks while chatting with Miroku and Sango. Feeling restless, Kagome excused herself and went drifting in the crowd until she ran into Kaede. Kagome consumed a couple more drinks while standing in the circle of elders surrounding her mentor before she again moved on. Nozomi approached her as she was again wandering the crowd.

"Kagome, I must… I… can I speak with you for a moment?" Nozomi had a pink blush spreading across her face that was innocent and endearing. Gesturing the girl away from the crowd, Kagome picked a quieter spot for them to talk in private.

"What is it, Nozomi? I cannot believe you are so soon parted with your new husband."

"I-I… well, I am nervous" Nozomi stared at her hands.

"Oh, I see now. You want to know what to expect… tonight?" Kagome blushed too, the scarlet staining her cheeks. Nozomi nodded, but said no more. "Honestly, I don't know what to tell you. I have never, you know, but Haru seems like a good man. He will be gentle and patient with you. I am sure that he will be able to teach you more than I could…"

Nozomi nodded again though she did not receive any information that would be of use, "Okay, thank you, Kagome."

"Sorry I couldn't be more helpful…" Nozomi shook her head at Kagome's apology. Haru came into view and claimed his bride, leaving Kagome alone at the edge of the crowd. Kagome decided she needed more sake and went in search.

A couple of hours and several sakes later, Kagome was sitting under the tree where the nuptials had taken place. She was drunkenly humming to herself when Inuyasha found her.

"You reek of sake," he stated, point blank.

"Well, I has had a quite a bit of the stuff…" slurred Kagome, "By way, Yasha. I is sorry for sitting you earlier." Not thinking in her inebriated state, she was surprised to watch the hanyou slam into the earth. Unable to suppress it, Kagome giggled at the sight.

Inuyasha pulled himself out of the hole and glared at the offending miko, "Kagome, be careful. It is bad enough that you sit me when you are mad."

"Sorry, Yasha," Kagome smiled at the inu.

"It's okay. So, what has been making you so sad lately?" Inuyasha hoped that the sake had loosened her tongue.

"Well Yasha, I have a problem. I think I loves my bestest friend."

Inuyasha let her slurred speech sink in for a moment. He had been afraid that this may happen eventually, but did not want to hurt her feelings. "Kagome, I love you too, but it is the love of a brother for his sister. I can't be what you want me to be."

Realization hit Kagome slowly. She stood up, suddenly feeling sober.

"Wait, Kagome. I'm sorry! I wish I could make the answer different, but I can't, not even for you." Inuyasha hung his head, hating the fact that he had probably just broken her heart.

"I... I need some time alone, now." Kagome turned to walk into the forest.

"Wait, don't you want to talk?" Inuyasha did not want her going off alone into the forest. Especially since she had had a few too many drinks.

"No, Inuyasha, I don't." Kagome kept walking towards her predetermined destination.

"But, Kagome…" Inuyasha ran up to the distraught miko.

"SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will not follow me!" Inuyasha slammed into the ground with the force of a small earthquake. The hole had to be almost ten feet deep.

Kagome walked through the woods; it felt like forever to the emotionally injured miko. She was heading to a hot spring located deep in the forest. It would be far enough from the village that no one should bother her in her very emotional, very inebriated state. She had used her powers to hide her scent and aura so that Inuyasha could not track her down once he managed to remove himself from the crater made by her power. She finally reached the spring and quickly shed her garments at the edge of the blissfully hot water. She had changed to traditional miko dress once the well had sealed itself, her futuristic clothes packed away at the bottom of her backpack. She drew less attention in the traditional garb, but sorely missed her modern attire. Kagome slowly slid her body into the warm, soothing water.

Relaxing, the miko let her mind wander. He rejected me! I guess I should have seen it coming. If he hadn't come after me in the last year, I should have known a drunken declaration would not change his mind. I am so stupid for even thinking that Inuyasha would want me. I am plain and boring, little more than a child to him. I am so naive. The emotionally drained miko began to cry.

Kagome continued to silently berate herself with tears coursing paths down her reddened cheeks until she heard something in the woods. She held her breath and flared her aura to check for a presence near her. Just faintly, she could sense a familiar aura, but could not place how she knew it. Kagome let the held breath out of her lungs and continued to analyze the aura she felt. The connection was on the tip of her tongue, but she was unable to discern the origin of the partially-remembered aura.

Before she could draw another breath, Sesshomaru, lord of the western lands, stood before her. Kagome opened her mouth to scream at his sudden appearance, but the sound never left her lips. Sesshomaru had moved to cover her mouth with lightning fast speed. Looking into his eyes, Kagome was concerned to see them red with his beast upon him. Before she could react, his lips replaced the warmth of his hand on her mouth.

Kagome was shocked and didn't react to the sudden kiss. Her mind was reeling with confusion and sake. He growled low in his throat at her lack of reaction, causing Kagome to startle and break the kiss.

"Sesshomaru, I…"

His eyes began to bleed back into their normal golden amber, and Kagome let out the pent-up breath she had been holding only to again lose power over her lungs. Sesshomaru was unclothed save his hakama. Her eyes took in his muscled physique and her fingers itched to touch him to see if the muscles were as hard and lean as they looked. She swallowed hard, further drying her mouth.

"Miko, why are you here untended?" Sesshomaru asked, the picture of icy arrogance.

Kagome felt her cheeks flame and was angry at being treated as though she were a runaway child. "I am a grown woman and can do as I please!"

"You did not sense this Sesshomaru until I was upon you, human. Your emotions and the sake blind you and that is dangerous." His voice was as cold and brisk as winter wind. He stared down at her with his impassive eyes, daring her to argue with him.

"I sensed you, but I knew your aura. As for the sake, I will decide when I have had enough to impair my judgment. Now, if you don't mind I would like to bathe in privacy." Kagome crossed her arms over her chest and attempted to mimic his expression.

"Perhaps this Sesshomaru would mind leaving such a delectable morsel alone in the forest when he could have her for himself." There was a slight lilt to his voice at the end, as though he were asking a question. Sesshomaru had the faintest of smirks raising the right corner of his mouth.

"Go away, Sesshomaru. I am in no mood for games!" Kagome lost her patience and snapped at the regal youkai in front of her. Inuyasha's rejection was still fresh in her mind and her precious control was being sapped by anger and alcohol.

"Who said this Sesshomaru was playing games with you, miko? You are a lovely specimen, even if you are pathetically human... and drunk."

Kagome growled in irritation, the sound very similar to an inu growl, and turned her back to the Taiyoukai.

"Wrong move, miko." Sesshomaru had a hold of her by her neck, and she was pinned to the side of the spring. "You do not turn your back unless you believe the one you turn on is too weak to act on the insult, human."

Kagome struggled to breathe, and Sesshomaru scented her fear. Loosening his grip slightly, he stared into the naive woman's mocha colored eyes. A moment passed, then two in which utter silence reigned. There was an indefinable charge to the air between them, almost as if lightning crackled in the minuscule space. When Kagome did not speak, Sesshomaru was determined to teach her the station to which she belonged.

Sesshomaru ground his lips into hers, forcing a pained sound from her throat. He lifted the miko out of the spring and carelessly dropped her to the ground. Staring with wide, frightened eyes, Kagome was unsure if she should move. She remained where she was, panting, as he moved off into the forest. She was confused until suddenly, she could sense a strong demonic aura in close proximity.

Kagome pulled on her clothes quickly without bothering to dry off and followed Sesshomaru into the forest. She came upon a small clearing and watched as Sesshomaru gracefully squared off with the youkai. His sword moved as though it were an extension of his one arm. She was awestruck at the grace and speed with which he did battle against what she recognized as a snake youkai. Watching his graceful prowess mesmerized the onlooking miko. Sesshomaru fended off fangs, and Kagome saw its tail whip forward. Without conscious thought, she released a startling blast of her miko powers. The glowing ball of swirling, multicolored holy energy instantly purified the youkai, his body crumbling to dust.

Sesshomaru stalked angrily towards her, and Kagome couldn't stop herself from stepping back from the cold fury she saw in his slitted eyes. "This Sesshomaru does not require the assistance of a human miko to defeat such a lowly demon. You again insult this Sesshomaru, and I demand repayment for these grave violations."

Kagome swallowed hard, wondering if she was going to walk away from his fury unscathed. Sensing she should not push him any further, she bowed low to the Taiyoukai in an attempt to appease the raw fury of his gaze. "Please forgive my rude and ignorant behavior, Sesshomaru."

"LORD Sesshomaru, human!" he roared at her.

She cowered before him wishing Inuyasha would come along. Yeah right!! Good one, Kagome, wish for the one who started this whole thing; that will make it better. He doesn't want you! Her thoughts, in combination with her fear, caused tears to begin their trek from her eyes to land on the earth below her. "L-L-Lord Sessh-o-o-mar-u…"

Her tears confused him and caused him to carefully control his burning anger; he had never known her to be this pitiful. "Why do you cry, human?"

"I-It's nothing, m-my lord." Kagome kept her head bowed to the earth, unwilling to meet his scrutinizing amber gaze.

"Lies! Tell the truth!" he bellowed at the form at his feet, quickly losing patience with the situation and the miko.

"Inuyasha…" she whispered so softly that had he not had superior inu hearing, he would have missed it. He heard the truth of her words and could easily imagine all the things the hanyou might have done to cause her tears. His beast growled internally at her emotional state.

"Get up!" he commanded imperiously. Kagome complied without question, keeping her eyes averted. Sesshomaru could feel and scent her emotions, a cacophonous mix of anger, confusion, sadness, and inadequacy. Just feeling the emotions secondhand made his mind reel in the onslaught. He could see that she was drained emotionally and physically, and he made a decision.