I've been getting some longish reviews lately, and let me tell youu, longish reviews (heck, reviews in general) make, in the words of my Improv Teacher "my heart smile".


Unfortunately, this now makes me hunger for reviews, so you get an update! XD

Cataquack Warrior: Loved your review and pairings, I never knew these shipping names before! XD Need to look at Bulbapedia…

Kit: …Send. Me. Link. For. That. I beg of you!

Ra: Once again, you review nearly every update, even the shippings you're not really that fond of, and for that, you get cake. :D

Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon or Pokemon Special

Warnings: …Inter-Universe relationships? XD And light shounen-ai. Protagonistshipping (Ash/Red). Along with some light Iris/Cilan for seasoning!


"Mmm…" Red said as he inhaled the aroma of his coffee. 'I should've visited Unova sooner. So many new pokemon, and-" The Kanto Champion's eyes flashed with a spark of determination. "-New battles."

"Chu." Pika agreed, eating his apple slices lazily while basking in the sun. Red had left his other pokemon at the center for some rest, despite being very strong battlers, the others had to be treated for poison after disturbing a nest of weird worm-like pokemon covered in armor in Pinwheel Forrest.

"Guess it's alright, if we didn't find that nest, we would've had to camp out." Red laughed and leaned back in his chair. Enjoying the Acordion music a little ways of…

Before something landed on the top of his head. "Wah!"

"Pikapi!" A familiar, yet somehow… different voice cheered. The black haired young man picked up the Pikachu from off his head.

"Pika? But weren't you-?" Red then turned to see Pika now staring at the new arrival blankly.

"…Pika…?" The Pokemon in his hands stared at Red with confusion.

"I'm so confused…"

The other Pikachu's cheeks began to spark. "Pika…"

"Oh, no, don't-!"


Nothing happened.

The young Champion opened his eyes to find that Pika's Iron Tail had deflected the other Pikachu's Thunderbolt. Red staggered to his feet, having been knocked out of his chair at the power of his own Pikachu's defense attack. Pika snarled at the other Pokemon, ready to defend his trainer if called for. But the other Pikachu seemed to have forgotten its anger and started making hand motions and talking fast.

"Pika, pikachu…" Pika growled.

"Pikachu! Pika, Pikapi!" The other Pikachu replied, seeming to point at Red's hat.

"Huh? Pika, what's it saying?" Red asked his Pikachu, who seemed to have calmed down, and sighed.

"Pika, pika pikachu."

"Huh? Pikachu mistaked me for it's trainer?" Red questioned, turning to Pikachu, who nodded in affirmation, before weakly rubbing the back of its head.

"Hah, it's alright," Red smiled. "Hey, Pika, why don't we help Pikachu find its friend?"

"Pika…" Pika muttered under his breath, he'd rather finish his snack and go pack to the pokemon center for a nap.

"Come on, it shouldn't take that long." Red cajoled.

"…" Pika sighed, before climbing onto his trainer's shoulder.

"Can you lead the way to where you last saw your trainer, Pikachu?"

"Chu." Pikachu nodded, before running out of the café and down the street.

"Hey, wait up!"


"I said… let… me… out…!" Ash yelled as he tried to get out of the infirmary at the Pokemon Center, but was being held back by a surprisingly strong Audino.

"I can't just give you an Antidote and you'll be fine. You aren't a Pokemon." The Nurse Joy sighed.

"She's right, Ash. You need to get your strength back up." Iris said to her traveling companion. "It won't do any good to just rush into Pinwheel Forrest again.

"I can't just sit here while my best buddy might be out there in trouble!" The young trainer growled, now trying to hold onto the door while Audino tried to drag him back into bed.

"Don't worry, Nurse Joy's already contacted any rangers in the area. They'll find Pikachu." Cilan said to his friend. But Ash still resisted. The Connoisseur sighed, before ttaking out a pokeball. "Pansage, Vine Whip!"

"Wah!" The vines wrapped around Ash's waist and deposited him firmly on the bed.

"We're going out to look for Pikachu, too. Just sit tight until we get back," Cilan said.

"You don't get it…" Ash growled. "Pikachu has never ever abandoned me! And I'm not going to abandon him! I have to go!"

"You can't get very far when suffering from the effects of poison." Iris deadpanned.

Ash scowled, even though Iris was right, the poison had started to take more of an effect on his body, and the only way to get rid of it was to rest.

"Do we have to keep you this way, or are you calm?" Iris said with her hands on her hips. Ash muttered 'no'. The young girl rolled her eyes, but smiled as she patted Ash on the head. "You're such a kid."

"Takes one to know one." Ash smirked slyly.

"We'll be back with Pikachu soon, Ash! Promise!" Cilan replied as he and Audino had to drag Iris from the room since she was yelling about causing more bodily harm to the patient.

After they all left the room, Ash got up, wincing at the pain in his body, but bit his lip and put on his shoes, gloves, and hat. Before exiting via the window.

"I'm coming, Pikachu…"


"Uh…" Red sweat dropped, finding himself right at the entrance of Pinwheel Forest. "Pikachu, you sure…?"

"Pika, chu." The thunder mouse nodded. Red sighed, taking off his cap and running his fingers through messy black hair. Pika nodded to his trainer.

"Well… if you're both up for it…" Red said, though not looking forward to going through that forest again so soon…


Two hours later, and the search party still couldn't find any trace of Pikachu.

"What if something really happened to him, Cilan?" Iris said, worried.

"Ax." Axew voiced its trainer's opinion also, while Cilan looked at the fallen logs and hills.

"We'll just have to hope for the best…" The green-haired boy replied. "Pikachu must be safe, I can feel it."

"Wish I had that same feeling…" Iris mumbled, before a hand landed on her shoulder, she looked up to see Cilan smiling warmly. The girl's heart sputtered a little.

"Let's get back to the Center." The Striaton Gymleader said, not removing his hand, but letting the arm it was connected to wrap lightly around Iris's shoulders.



Red was now regretting this. For hours he had been walking all around the forest without seeing anyone. Even the trainers that usually came out of nowhere were out of sight. The sky had turned pinkish with the setting sun. "We should be heading back…"

"Pika!" Pikachu said as if to object. Red bent down to the Pokemon's eye level.

"Pikachu, listen. Maybe your trainer is at the Pokemon Center, by the way you (Pika) phrased it, he could've been injured." The Kanto Champion said.

But Pikachu shook its head. "Pika, pikachu!"

Red couldn't help but smile at the Pokemon's tenacity. Wonder if it's trainer and I could have a battle…

Just as soon as that thought crossed his mind, the sound of a scream came through the long grass.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu gasped, before sprinting in the direction of the scream.

"Let's go, Pika!" Red yelled.

"Chu!" Pika nodded, right on the other Pokemon's tail.


Ash was now hanging flimsily to what was left of a skinny log that had broken under his weight. In normal circumstances, he could have easily pulled himself up, but now the young trainer could feel the poison's effects take over his body, almost paralyzing it. This log can't hold for much longer…

The log began to break apart more, making Ash's body slide further down, closer to the ravine below. Ash closed his eyes shut.

I'm sorry, everyone…

And just as the rest of the log gave way, Ash heard two voices.



Ash was hoisted back up onto solid ground, but the poison had already taken full effect. He felt arms carefully lift him up.

"It's alright… I got you… you're going to be fine…"

Ash looked up to the face, but it seemed to be blurred, he tried to speak, but felt to tired…

Red started to notice Ash's eyes fluttered shut, along with how pale the boy was. He needs medical attention, fast.

And with that, Red began to run towards a rode he could see in the distance. Muttering to Ash all the way.

"I got you…"


When he woke up, Ash found him self in the infirmary bed, he turned his head to find a familiar form snuggling into the pillow beside him. "Pikachu…" The young trainer smiled softly at his partner.

"Good thing he was so stubborn, otherwise we wouldn't have found you." Someone said, Ash turned his head to find another boy, though much older than himself. Another Pikachu was snoozing in his lap as he scratched behind its ears. A hat and vest hung up beside the chair, leaving the boy in a sleeveless black shirt and a black fringe settling over in his red colored eyes.

Ash tried to get up, but the older boy picked up his Pikachu and put it down on the chair before walking towards the bed and putting a hand on Ash's shoulder.

"Don't get up, Nurse Joy said you probably would." The boy's eyes seemed to shine a little at that. Ash sighed, before memories flooded back.

"Y-you-" Ash gaped a little. The young man seemed ready to sigh.

He probably recognizes me from TV or something… Red thought.

"…Saved me." Ash said. Red blinked in surprise, before heat rose in his cheeks.

"I-it was no big deal! On the contrary, it was Pikachu who saved you, making us keep looking…"

"And you found Pikachu." Ash said.

"Well, yeah, but-" Red stopped stuttering when arms wrapped around his middle and squeezed. Red's heart skipped a couple of beats. He was being hugged…hugged!

"Thank you." Ash mumbled into the fabric of Red's shirt. "Thank you so much." Then looked up at Red with a warm smile and amber eyes shining.

"It-it's nothing…" Red's face grew eve more and more like his name. Why did Pikachu have to have such a… a…

He could only think of 'cute' trainer. Which made Red try to shake the bad thought from his mind.

"If there's anything I can do for you, just say it." Ash said, wanting to repay Red in anyway he could. Red was about to say again 'it's nothing' … but then thought of a request.

Ash felt confused when he saw Red's head get closer and closer. Before realizing to late what the older trainer was doing. The younger trainer's eyes grew as big as saucers when Red kissed him. He had been kissed before, but at those times it was only on the cheek and by girl's he only thought of as friends. Those kisses didn't make his stomach do flip-flops.

Red pulled away a few seconds later to find Ash's eyes wide and cheeks pink. Red leaned his forehead against the others and gave a heart-sputtering smile.

"Battle me?"