Tuesday, October 5th, 2004

Five Days until Mystery Meat

Day 26: Of Things Won.

Every once in a while, Danny appreciated Jazz's desire to be a therapist. For all that he complained, he knew deep down that she didn't want to analyze people for the sake of science, but so she could help them. Someday, Danny was sure she was going to help a lot of people get through their problems.

Right now, though, Danny just rolled his eyes as he saw his sister trying to talk to a goth boy with a Mohawk in the time before the bell rang.

Danny was forced to look up from his food when Tucker's hand came down on the table in front of him, a five dollar bill left in its place.

Danny grinned, "I won the bet, didn't I?" It was rhetoric. He already knew he'd won.

"Yes," Tucker ground out. "Yes you did. I could have sworn it didn't matter! They're both simple fabric clothing thingies! And anyway," he added. "I thought Chitons sounded Japanese."

"Not even close, Tucker."

"Man, even I know that!"

"So what does that bring your average to?" Sam asked curiously.

Tucker sighed, "D. Mom is going to kill me."

"Oh, it's not so bad. Just do some extra credit," Danny suggested.

"Me? Do extra credit?"

"Oh rig-" Danny froze mid-word. His breath came out frosted and he shivered. "Dangit!"

"Ghost time?" Tucker asked. They all hastily finished their lunch and headed off to look for the ghost.

They couldn't find it. Danny was beginning to wonder if this was going to be the norm. He wished the ghost would just show up.

"How am I supposed to get anything done when my ghost sense goes off all the time?" Danny transformed back and kicked the wall, and then let out a yowl of pain.

"Sorry, man," Tucker shrugged. An idea sparked. "Hey, how about we watch a movie at your house tonight?"

"Why is it always my house?" Danny rolled his eyes. "You both have houses too. It's like you live at my place!"

But it did sound like fun.

It had been Sam's turn to pick, so they'd done something different and watched a couple episodes of a dark anime about witchhunters instead of a movie before it was time for Sam and Tucker to head home.

Sam was tackled by her mother almost immediately upon arriving.


"Oh no," Sam groaned. With a sigh, she looked up to see what monstrosity her mother had come up with for her to wear. To her amazement, however, the dress Pamela Manson was holding up was actually something Sam could see herself wearing. Lots of lacing and purple and black.

"You... bought that?" Sam asked, amazed.

"Well yes!" Pamela beamed. "It's a little dark, but it's very elegant, perfectly suited for a Halloween dance."

'She thinks it's a Halloween dance?' Well, Sam wasn't going to inform her that it wasn't, not when her mother had finally bought her a dress that she liked.

"Thanks mom!" Sam threw her arms around her mother. Abruptly she realized how un-gothic it was and pulled away, took the dress, and hurried up the stairs.

A/N: Meh, I felt guilty for not updating? Sorry for the short chapter. There will be better stuff, I promise! Maybe...