A/N: Hahahah lol…I think I like writing and stuff. I don't have much time for anything especially fics but this is the weekend (and I really have to do that art assignment) so I will make time. Be happy for me cos my dad has come back from Russia (he lives there) for the first time in a few months. I had pizza today…(random- that is who I am…random, I like that word, that is a nice word. If clare is reading, she will get it).

Disclaimer:…oops I keep forgetting to add 1 of these but you should all know that I am not the most talented author in the world (John something Reuen Tolkein- yes that is actually his middle name apart from the something that might be Rupert but pls don't sue I forgot it…), I am a mere actress and if you don't like it then I don't care! I don't really want to be an acclaimed author anyway, even though it could be nice I suppose. I own Legolas' sparkling blue orbs, any1 who chaves them will immediately find their fics removed….be warned I will do it!

Chapter something, I can never remember how far I got……..

I was sitting wearily with my back against a bent old willow tree that faced the Brandywine river. All my friends were there, everyone I had ever met in my life. The "fellowship of the Ring" were laughing merrily on one bank as I sat gazing sleepily at them. I smiled and they all suddenly turned and waved cheerily, somehow I felt bad. Something was missing, the birds were singing and the world seemed a happy place, but what had happened to the ring? If I remember correctly, it is still hung on a chain about Frodo's neck. I bowed my head earning myself some concerned and worried looks from the little group.

I can remember the first time I set my eyes upon them. The first time I spoke with them, it was a beautiful summers day, just like this one, we were in the valley and I was chatting merrily with my friends when the first news of their arrival came to me by messenger. Of course it would come to me first, I am the lady of the valley.

I hurried up to meet them and soon they entered the room in which a sat. It was dimly lit and the four (freezing cold) hobbits raced towards the fire. The elf's eyes strayed not from my face and many times did I meet his challenging gaze.

Even now I wonder how I knew they would come. Aragorn was young indeed when he came here last and Gandalf was probably too old to remember such a small thing like that. They must have come for protection, yes, they needed protection from the Dark Lord Sauron. I am not afraid of him. He has only heard the legends of the "Lost Valley" which I call home. He will never find my location, I shall not put my friends at risk. The fellowship must stay until I have plotted their route from here to Mount Orodruin in Mordor (otherwise known as the fire mountain or Mt. Doom). Indeed they will leave soon, I will work hard.

The Ring must be destroyed.

A gentle hand rubbed my shoulder and I looked up into those sparkling blue gems that belonged to Legolas, who smiled warmly. He shared my emotions and seemed to realize my thoughts as my amber eyes revealed all.

"Liadawn, Liadawn," His voice echoed through my head not making sense and not seeming to effect me in any way until…I opened my eyes and looked dreamily upon Legolas' pleasant face. That was not the first time I have been doing some serious thinking in the middle of my dreams.

"Liadawn will you deprive me of the pleasure that is accompanying you to breakfast?" He peered down at me and I smiled sleepily. I looked through the window at the position of the sun, it must be about eight.

"I am sorry Legolas, but you should know by now that I don't eat so early as this. I am very discreet and don't like people watching me eat. I think I shall pick some wild strawberries later instead actually." I sat up and pulled the cover off myself to reveal I shimmering snow-white slip that came just long enough to keep hidden all I wanted to remain sacred. He followed me out to the balcony like a dog begging for food.

"I shall pick wild strawberries with you if you wish, the fellowship doesn't need me today and the hobbits will be playing about in the fields anyway." He smiled hopefully putting all his being into trying to look cute.

"Legolas, you know full well males are rubbish at this kind of thing. You probably couldn't tell a ripe apple from a tennis ball (o.k. I know she wouldn't say that but I couldn't think of anything else that size).But if you really think you're the world champion at this kind of thing," I turned to face him giving him a lusty expression, "then prove it." He beamed and skipped off leaving me to bathe in peace.

Now fully dressed in a long white gown (that tends to rustle a lot(, and a smaller slip under that (just in case) I swished my way downstairs and picked up a large shallow basket. I noticed there was another one missing and suddenly got a mental image of a frustrated looking Legolas trying to eat a tennis ball (again just bear with me).

I soon found him looking rather proud of the large batch of lush red strawberries grinning manically (it looked really strange as he had strawberry juice all round his mouth).

"Hahahahah, you look great Legolas, you haven't eaten any berries have you? (voice dripping with sarcasm)*sigh* Well I had better get started if I want to eat today, and I'm going to serve the hobbits some fruit for supper. What do you think they will eat for second breakfast? Will mushrooms and fried tomatoes do?" Legolas stared at me as if he had never seen an elf before and simply nodded. I think he was taking in my long flowing gown.

"Lady, you might be a bit hot in that dress…" I could tell he wanted to rip it off himself, his sparkling blue orbs told me everything, all his emotions and desires laid out for me to see.

I took off the skirt of my gown revealing the slip I wore underneath and hung it on a low branch of a willow tree. A bent, gnarled old willow that I used to swing off when I was little. A small rustling sound grew loud behind me and Legolas' gems widened with horror and disbelief…I turned around at lightening speed and gasped.

What did I see? Will Legolas snog me again (I wish *daydreaming* mmm)? Review me five – ten times in the next week or the poor little hobbit I like that feeds off reviews with starve to death and die. I called him Drogo after Frodo's father…yey go me…(random, but that's who I am…)