Hey! I told you guys I would write another chapter story! Over the summer, I was watching "Zuko Alone" and "Return to Omashu." I had a great idea, why not write about Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee when they were at school? So, I will! :)

This will probably have about 10-15 chapters, maybe more, maybe less- it all depends on reviews! Here are the ages of Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and their families.

Azula's Family:

Azula: Age 11

Zuko: Age 12

Ursa: Age 30

Ozai: Age 31

Iroh: Age 40

Lu Ten: Age 18

Azulon: Age 69

Ty Lee's Family:

Ty Lee: Age 11

Utsusu: Age 6 (Utsusu means "copy" in Japanese)

Jing: Age 12

Ming: Age 12

Nilai: Age 14

Hitomi: Age 15 (Hitomi means "beautiful" in Japanese)

Okasan (mother): Age 33 (Okasan means "Mom" in Japanese)

Lee (Father): Age 35

Mai's Family:

Mai: Age 11

Genjuu (mother): Age 28 (Genjuu mean "strict" in Japanese)

Chong(father): Age 33

Disclaimer: Avatar: The last Airbender does not belong to me. But Avatar: Not the last Airbender does :)


The Royal Fire Academy for Girls

Chapter One: Ty Lee

Ty Lee's Pov

"Girls! Wake up!" Came a yell. I jumped out of bed, and did a summersault. My sister Utsusu groaned loudly, and I crossed the room to shake her out of bed.

"Wake up, Utsusu." I cried. Utsusu looked up at me, and pouted.

"I don't wanna." She said, "I'm tired." I pulled her out of bed, anyways, and helped her get dressed. Then she walked down the hallway to our parent's room. I went to Ming and Jing's room.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed, "rise and shine!" Jing rolled her eyes.

"Get out of here, elastic." She retorted. Ming stirred in the other bed, then yawned and sat up.

"Hey, Ming!" I said. Ming glared at me.

"You woke me up!" She said. I grinned.

"Yeah, you're welcome!" I said happily. Then a pillow was thrown at me.

"I wasn't thanking you!" Ming grumbled. Then Jing jumped up, and pillows piled up all over me.

"We were trying to sleep! GET OUT!" Jing yelled.

"Come on, Ty! Please just let us sleep!" Ming agreed. I tried to protest.

"But… mom said it was time-"

"Whatever!" Both twins said. Jing had more pillows, so I ran out as fast as I could. Stupid sisters!

I walked into the kitchen with a bright, happy smile.

"Good morning, mother!" I yelled. My mom smiled warmly at me.

"Hello, Ming." She said. I groaned, not again!

"It's Ty Lee." I told her. She lifted her head.

"Oh, sorry sweetie. Here, we're having Juke with apples in it and hot tea for breakfast." She ladled a bowl of Juke for me. My mother always put some kind of fruit in it, because Juke was pretty bland. She pored diced apples in it, and I mixed it around with my finger.

"Ty Lee!" My mom said, "Don't use your finger!"

"Sorry mom." I took a sip, and then decided to take advantage of this.

"Hey mom, guess what-"

"-Hey mom. Elastic." I groaned. Hitomi had entered, my mom's first and favorite child. My mom ran to her and embraced her. As usual.

"Hitomi! Good morning, dearest! What would you like? I made Juke with apple!"

"Ugh, mom! Can't I have a Juke with papaya for breakfast?" She whined. My mom would probably say yes, even though she had just made a whole batch of apple Juke.

"Of course! I'll make a new batch right away!" I knew it. I tried to test out my theory.

"Hey… mom… can you make me some Guava Juke?" I asked.

"No. You eat what I gave you." Thought so. I sighed, and listened to my mom and Hitomi's boring conversation about her boyfriend. Then Jing and Ming finally walked in, with Nilai, who was holding Utsusu's hand.

"Hey mom, what's for breakfast?" Jing and Ming chorused. My mom smiled.

"Apple Juke or Papaya Juke." My mom told them, "And hot jasmine tea." My sisters sat down, and we began our breakfast.

"So, everyone, I have something to tell each of you. Hitomi- your boyfriend wants you to go to his house in a few hours. Nilai, 3 boys have sent letters asking you to this upcoming Fire Festival. Jing and Ming, some old man wants to know if you were the ones who stole all of his peaches, and I want you to apologize-"

"How do you know we did it?"

"Don't you love peaches?"

"No, PLUMBS! We HATE peaches!"

"Okay, fine. Ty Lee- Princess Azula said she wants you and Mai to come over to the Royal Palace tonight for a sleepover."

"Cool!" I said, "Can I go?"

"Yes, of course… whatever…Utsusu we have to go enter you for the Royal Fire Academy For Girls so when you turn 8, you will have a spot. Which reminds me, Ty Lee, Ming, and Jing, school starts in 3 days. Ming and Jing… this is your last year, right?"

"YES! Keep up, mom."

"Ty Lee, this will be your last year, too?"

"NO! It will be my 2nd to last!"

"Right, right… I knew that…" She said. There was an awkward silence, and I glared at my mom, and stood up.

"I'm finished." I announced, "Can I leave now? I want to go to Azula's." My mom shook her head.

"No , you're going later toni- Oh, Hitomi- That reminds me! I saw this lovely headdress that will surly make your boyfriend propose…" I lost track of the rest of the conversation, and left. Utsusu came with me.

"Ty Lee- Lee, why are you mad at mommy?" She asked me. She slipped her hand into mine as we walked down the hallway. I sighed. How could I explain?

"Mom's not paying equal attention to everyone in her family." Utsusu looked confused. Mom barley paid any attention to her at ALL. Utsusu was mostly raised by the maids, Nalai, and I. She maybe spoke to our mother- once a day? MAYBE twice? She didn't really know her that well, so I didn't know how to explain. Even though this sounds terrible, Utsusu didn't love our mom, because she barely knew her. She knew dad better than mom, but she didn't love him either.

"It's hard to explain." I told her. She nodded, and then asked,

"Where's Zeanna?" Zeanna was basically Utsusu's first mom. I was her second, Nilai her third. I smiled.

"I think she's in the Parlor."

"Yay! Ty Lee- Lee, can I go play with her? We were playing dragon yesterday, I wanna play again!" I gave a huge cheery smile.

"Of course. See you later." She grinned at me, and ran off. I gave another smile, and jumped out of the window. I needed to get away from home, so I would go to either Mai or Azula's house. Ursa was always glad to have me, and Mai's mom was strict, but still nice. My parents wouldn't even notice if I was gone, anyway.

I cart wheeled towards to Royal Palace. Mai lived two houses away from it, and I lived 5 houses away from her. I practiced somersaulting, cartwheeling, and walking on my hands all the way there.


Wow… that was… short….

What do you think? I promise the next chapters will be longer, and Chapter Two will be Mai's Pov. (Just so you know!) They will begin to go to school in Chapter Four.


Thanks! :)