I have been trying to get a good plot bunny to jump in my head for months, it's almost been a year, and one finally did. I was listening to "Then I Did" by Rascal Flatts and all of a sudden, my head started screaming JIBBS!!!!! So, I felt the need to write this.

(Oh, and this is my first NCIS fanfic)

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS, I wish I did… because if I did, Jenny never would have died.

I thought about calling you when I got off the plane
Every time I see this city through the clouds I get that way
Call me crazy for missing you like this but I do

By now I figured you had all your numbers changed

It's been at least a year since I called you up to say
We need to talk I got this job and I think I'm going to take it

Jenny stepped off of the plane in DC, her thoughts still about Jethro, just like they have been since she left. She was about to pick up the phone and dial the familiar number, then stopped, realizing that he had probably changed his number. Regrets about that letter she left started flowing through her, but she reminds herself about why she did it.

Cause I been waiting all my life
For a break like this
It's my chance of a lifetime I just know it is
I gotta go find these dreams
Was the last thing that I said
And then I did

The letter had said that she had gotten an opportunity that she couldn't pass up, and she needed to prove that she could make her dream of becoming director true without sleeping with the boss. It told him that she loved him, but she had to do what was best for her.

I can see clear to the mountains as we head up our old street
I remember how we'd call in sick on days like these
And turn the music up roll the windows down and just drive
You talked me outta givin' up on myself so many times
Convinced me to get in while I could regrets hang heavy on the mind
You never doubted me you kept pushing me

Memories of calling in sick just to spend the day together flooded her mind as she drove home. Jenny couldn't stop thinking about they way things used to be, about how whenever she was with him, she was carefree and in love.

Saying you've been waiting all your life for a break like this
It's your chance of a lifetime you just know it is
You gotta go find those dreams
Was the last thing that you said
And then I did
But you were wrong
Love was what I wanted all along
And now you're gone

He had told her once to follow her dreams, because she could do anything. She didn't realize until it was too late that he was her dreams. Jenny didn't know when she left him in Paris that she already had what she really wanted, and now, it was too late. She knew that she would never find someone else that loved her and knew her like he did. She knew that she would never love someone as much as she loves him, and she knew that her love for him would never stop.

I thought about calling you when I got off the plane
Every time I see this city through the clouds I get that way
But you were wrong
Love was what I wanted all along
But you were wrong
Love was what I wanted all along
Cause' I've been waiting all my life
You gotta go and find those dreams
You gotta go and find those dreams
Love was what I wanted all along
You've been waiting all your life

I would love it if you would review, I could use the feedback. This is my first NCIS fic after all. Now that I think about it, this is the first fanfic that I have written in a long time. Anyway, I am going to go do my homework or read fan fiction, probably the latter. Thank you for reading!