Title: Stuck

Author: Lara-Van

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Peter wonders what it would be like to be Sylar, so he shape-shifts... and gets stuck.

Warnings/Disclaimers: Spoilers up through Volume 5. Much cracky fun, which will probably involve some Peter-bashing (which is acceptable when I do it because Peter is my favorite character. I've earned the right to bash him occasionally). And I don't own Heroes, much though I wish it.

The sun was shining and the birds were singing, but Peter Petrelli was not happy. No, he was not happy at all. His brother was stalking him and leaving creepy messages on his voicemail. His mother continued to send him cakes with notes warning about terrible futures baked into them, for no apparent reason other than that she thought it was hilarious. His niece was avoiding him for some strange reason. His would-be girlfriend was completely ignoring his attempts to communicate via sign language. His partner was continually mocking him for not having a life outside the hospital. Life sucked. Was it any wonder he was avoiding it?

Peter just wanted to be somebody else. He wanted to be somebody cool. He wanted to be somebody everybody respected. He wanted to be... Sylar.

Wait, where did that thought come from? Why would he want to be Sylar?

But he knew the answer to that question. Sylar was cool. Sylar was respected. Sylar was feared. Nobody made fun of Sylar's hair.

So that was that. Peter was going to be Sylar today. He was glad he had the power of shape-shifting. He closed his eyes and grimaced in pain as his face bubbled. When he opened his eyes, he was Sylar.

Peter put on a leather jacket, in order to enhance the appearance of badass-ness that being Sylar had given him. And he walked out the door.

His mother was standing outside. On seeing him, she screamed loudly and ran in the opposite direction. "Mom, wait, it's me!" Peter yelled, attempting to shift back into himself. But he suddenly realized that... he couldn't.

Peter was stuck as Sylar.

