Chapter One: Utau Uses Protection

Rima POV

I stared at the electronic device sitting in my hands, which were trembling. I was quite nervous, since I had never really had the chance to talk to the idol many times before now. 'Rima, just get it over with. If she doesn't want to go, then whatever.' My inner thoughts forcing me to do the impossible:

Call Utau.

I flipped open my phone, glanced at the earlier-crumpled slip of paper with Hoshina's number on it, and then returned toward the screen. I typed in the digits slowly, then my thumb grazing over the 'Talk' button. I inhaled and exhaled, calming myself a little. I put the phone up to my ear, waiting for a dial tone. I heard the other end pick up, causing me to freeze.

"Hello, Hoshina speaking." I stood still, unable to speak.

"Uhhh…is this Utau?" I mentally slapped myself. She JUST said 'Hoshina,' didn't she? Well, I'm a complete retard.

"Well, if it wasn't, who else would it be." She sounded impatient. My mind went totally blank.

"Uh…ah…well I don't know…"

"May I ask who this is?"

"Oh. I'm Rima. Rima Mashiro."

"The short one? Yes I know you."

My fist clenched and I felt like I was fuming, but I disregarded that feeling. "I guess you could put it that way… Anyways, I wan-"

"Yes? What may I do for you? I'm in a bit of a hurry, so please make it as quick as possible."

"Well, I wanted to know… if you would be… interested… in… hanging out later!" I took a deep breath. A small smile formed on my face, symbolizing my relief.

"I see…Well, Rima-"

At that moment, cutting Utau off, my father burst through my door. "RIMA, IS THAT A BOY?!" 'Shit. That screwed up'

"NO DAD IT'S MY FRIEND. GET OUT." Before anyone knew it, he was gone.

"Hello?" Oh, right, Utau. Forgot about her.

"Uh… you can continue. Sorry about that."

"It seems your father is a bit overprotective…" I could hear her cough, and I knew she was trying to suppress a laugh. "But anyway, Rima, I was going to attend a party this evening but I was dreading going alone. You could come with me, if you would like."

My eyes lit up. "Yes- I, mean," I cleared my throat, "I would be delighted to come, Utau."

"It's settled then. I will pick you up at six. And please remember to wear something nice, other than your school uniform."

"Okay! See you then." I heard the click of Utau's phone, signaling me to do as well.

Now, the only reason I want to hang with Utau is because of Amu. She only is with Ikuto now, leaving me behind in the dust. Since Utau is Amu's friend too, why not? She is also somewhat like me and I just haven't got the chance to learn about her is all.

Plus, she seems like the only sane one left.

Tadagay is just too nice and preppy to hang out with, Yaya is too childish and hyper, Amu is my best friend but hangs with Ikuto, who is a pervert, Kukai is (as far as I know) Utau's property, and Nagi… well, he is my rival and you can't hang out on Friday nights with your rival, now can you?

I looked toward the clock and let out a small yelp. 'It is already 5:30! I have to get myself ready!' I scrambled to my closet, my eyes darting from outfit to outfit, trying to find something appropriate. 'What to wear?'

I started browsing with my hands finding attire that would suit me. I stood in front of my mirror, examining myself. I tried on quite a few different outfits, finally deciding on one. A button down black shirt with a sweater, since it was the fall, and a black loli skirt, complete with my usual socks and black shoes.

I smiled to myself and, with 15 minutes to spare, I sat watching comedy reels while drinking iced tea. 'Ah, life is good.'

Utau POV

I sat in the back, my driver taking me to pick up…the short one. Her name had slipped my mind. We pulled up to her house. Not very large…but quaint, I'm sure. I stepped out into the cool, fall air, which blew my beige longcoat. I buttoned it to the top, trying to block out the wind.

As I walked up to her door, I racked my brain. I needed to know her name. 'I believe it started with a 'M'. No. It was an 'R'.' I went through many names that started with an 'R'. "Rima!" I whispered. Now knowing her name, I rang the door bell and cleared my throat.

The door opened and it was not the short petite figure I was expecting. "Oh. I see. So it wasn't a boy. Well, I guess you're free to go then."

Rima appeared from behind her father, cheeks bright with embarrassment. "I told you it was a friend. Now I'm leaving so I will see you later." As she tried to walk away, he pulled her close and gave her a hug. She disappeared beneath his arms.

"No drugs. No boys. No getting pregnant." He said, then released her. I grabbed her hand.

"Don't worry Mr. Mashiro. I use protection." His eyes grew wide and I pulled on Rima, trying to get her to move. We jogged away, looking back when we reached the car. Rima's father was still standing there, unmoving.

We sat down in the seat, Rima laughing uncontrollably. "I can not believe you just said that to my father! He will hate you forever."

"Oh, I'm sure he will understand that it was a joke. Although," I paused, looking out the window. Her father was in the same position. "I think he does seem a bit petrified at the moment."

My driver began to move and I saw that Rima was staring upward, at my sunroof. I smiled, understanding her thoughts. "You want to stick your head out, don't you?" She looked at me blushing guiltily. Then she nodded her head. "Don't worry. I did that the first time I rode in this car." I pressed the button, making the roof open. She stood, her hair blowing wildly. I joined her.

"WHOO HOO!" We yelled in unison. The cold air blasted through our hair, which were both now messes. We stood there screaming for a few minutes until the cold was too much to bare, and came down shivering. We looked at each other and tried to suppress our laughter. I assume my hair was as bad as hers, which was a giant afro. She pulled out her purse, in it a brush. After making her hair look like an attractive disaster, she handed me the brush.

"My savior." I whispered, gratefully taking the brush from her hands. We arrived to the party. My mother's birthday party. The attendants would consist of Easter associates and my unusual relatives. I'm glad that I had someone coming with me…

Author's Notes:

Mimi: Yay! We finished the first chapter!

Keaira: Finally.

Amu, Ikuto, Yaya, Tadase, Kairi, Nagi, and Kukai: WTH.

Mimi: What?

Everyone (Except Utau and Rima): WHY AREN'T WE IN HERE??

Keaira: We are the writers. You are the characters. I believe that is our decision. And if you must know, Nagi and Kukai will be in it later.

Nagi and Kukai: Yay!

Mimi: Disclaimer time.

Ikuto: Mimi and Keaira do not own Shugo Chara. (Why me?)

Keaira: It was you because you have a pretty voice…Anyway, well done.

Mimi: Gawd.