Hey pplz I'm back and I'm sorry 'bout not finishing my other story. But hey
you try and try again until you get it right ok well this is a new story I've
been working on since this summer. (Oh by the way i changed my pen name to
xXxColorful AngelxXx so it's not Pinkxblue anymore)
Mikan: You're a bad girl Angel-chan you should have finish the other story.
Right Natsume-kun


Angel-chan: ^^'
Mikan: Mou natsume-kun back me up here. i'm trying to teach Angel-chan a
lesson here
Natsume: Whatever.
Angel: Ok so would some do the honors plz
Mikan and Natsume: xXxColorful AngelxXx dosen't own Gakuen Alice
^^ Enjoy

=P=PNormal POV=P=P

"MIKAN!!! Get up or you'll be late for School !!"

Mikan's eye lids shot back the instant the phrase late for school made its
way into her head. Panicking, she flew out of bed and ran straight to her
closet to get dressed for school as quickly as time would allow. Mikan left
her chestnut hair down, seeing as she didn't have the time to put it up into
a nice neat ponytail the way she would any other day.

"ONII-CHAN!! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" She demanded, eyeing
the beautiful breakfast her brother had made longingly. She didn't have time
to gobble it up the way she wanted to. Tsubasa followed her gaze and smirked,
walking over to her part of the breakfast.

"Eat it. You've got five minutes." He watched her eye twitch as she
thought about it. "Well, I'd hate to waste food, so…" he slowly went
to pick up pieces, only to find Mikan seated in front of the dish, scoffing it
down as quickly as she could. Almost choking, she shrugged down some orange
juice to wash it down.

Now finished, she turned a cynical gaze on Tsubasa, her elder brother. "Why
didn't you wake me up earlier?" she asked, more calmly this time so she
could concentrate on his answer.

He sighed, shaking his head. "I did, Mikan. Many times, honest – but you
looked so tired that I called the school telling them that we're going to be
late. And like always—" Tsuabsa was cut off by Mikan, who raised a hand in
a stop-sign gesture.

"Yeah, yeah, they don't have a problem with it. They never do. I know
Tsubasa-nii chan." Mikan rolled her eyes, smiling a little. It's not like
she didn't like that the schools were always so forgiving – she did a lot
for them, after it. It was understandable.

"Well, yeah. It is to be expected. The school staff and faculty members
know that you're Red Sakura, the famous Teen Pop-Star Idol. Plus, you donate
money to the school." Tsubasa listed the two main reasons the school was so
forgiving about them both being late.

Mikan nodded, standing from the table now she'd finished her meal and had
gotten the answer she desired from Tsubasa.

When they were both ready to leave, meaning Tsuabsa had checked to see Mikan
hadn't forgot anything like she normally would, they left for school. The
road to school wasn't long, but it was nice.

On their way to school they both spotted the backs of Hotaru Imai and Ruka
Nogi's, Mikan's two best friend's. who were also childhood friends from
age five. Hotaru and Ruka both knew about Mikan's secret. The three of them
are 15 year olds now, and they're in high school. Tsubasa is 17 years old.

"Hey guys! Wait for us!" Mikan hollered to her friends, trying to catch
up to them. Hotaru and Ruka slowed when they heard her voice, turning to watch
her and Tsubasa jogging towards them. "Ohayou Hotaru, Ruka-pyon." She
said, smiling brightly.

"Ohayou Mikan-chan, Tsubasa-sempai." Ruka replied, smiling the way Mikan

"Ohayou." Hotaru said, nodding.

"Yo." Tsubasa said, as per usual. For some reason hello or hey or even hi
just didn't sit well with him.

"Well, come on, guys! If we don't hurry we'll be even later then we
already are." Mikan told them. They nodded and continued walking to school.

Angel:So what do you think?
Natsume: Too short.


Angel: Ok I know it's short. But it's going to get longer trust me on that.
So see you next time Mikan plz.
Mikan: Plz ~cut off~
Natsume: R&R.
Mikan: Mou, Natsume! I was going to do it!
Natsume: U was to slow Polka.
Mikan: Pervert!