So I started this story almost a year ago but, unfortunately, abandoned it. However, for some time now, I've found the muse! Yet, I could not find the story anywhere until last night at like 12 am, I found it! :D And now here are the four chapters. And don't worry, I have the next chapter almost finished. So read & enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own not the next generation characters. If I did, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction, but rather I would be sipping a fancy juice on a fancy yacht in the Bahamas. And the members of Mcfly would be performing for me. Sigh...

Chapter 1

Albus looked out the train window and sighed. There was a lot of chatter happening in just this small compartment, some snogging too. Thus, he had turned to the window away from it all. Who was doing the snogging was his cousin, Rose, and her boyfriend, Blake. They were both Ravenclaws, much to his dismay.

He remembered hearing her name called at the sorting ceremony when they were first years. The hat took awhile, but then had shouted 'Ravenclaw!' At this time, Albus had already been sorted into Gryffindor. The hat, too, took a long time, switching back and forth between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Albus remembered quite clearly how he had chanted over and over again in his head, 'I can't be in Slytherin!'

He knew that his parents would be fine with whatever house he was in and that his middle name was from a great wizard who was in Slytherin, but it still seemed vile. He didn't seem like a true Slytherin. Sure, Albus had a temper and was quite clever in his own way, but being anything besides a Gryffindor would feel too different. And Albus was already different enough.

A bump in the ribs interrupted his mindless thoughts. The stupid git, known as Rose's boyfriend, had pushed her into him; they were still having a snog fest.

He shoved them away, scoffing, "Cut it out, will you? It's crowded enough as it is." The lovesick couple parted lips, sheepishly smiling.

"Sorry mate," Blake exclaimed, "couldn't help myself. She's just too irresistible!" Rose playfully punched Blake in the arm, blushing. He laughed aloud, kissing her some more, while Albus made a face. They can be so disgusting. Al turned back to the window, his face still scrunched up in distaste.

It wasn't the snogging that bothered him; he desired it himself, wishing to have someone to kiss him the way Blake kissed Rose. But sadly, Albus had no experience in that matter. Sure, he'd had his first kiss before, but it was less than to be desired. Shelley Brown had snogged him one day in his fourth year. He'd already outed himself as gay by then, yet for whatever reason, she refused to believe him. But after she parted lips with him, she immediately got offended when Albus, his nose wrinkled, just merely shrugged. Of course, even if he were straight, the kiss still probably would have been unpleasant. Shelley had pretty much jammed her tongue down his throat, sucking his face off like an out of control vacuum.

He shuddered at the memory, then sighed again. Albus was going into his sixth year and was still single. His brother James, on the other hand, had had so many girlfriends through the course of his Hogwarts life, it'd probably take about four or five hands to count them all! Girl of the month is what he and Lily called it.

It just seems like I'm the only homosexual here. Well, that wasn't all true. A couple of guys had asked Albus out before, but there were no real relationships formed. Also, this was the time when he fancied seventh year Hufflepuff, Eros Blackstone so Albus had turned away any other guy. They'd become great friends last year and Al was certain Eros liked him back. Unfortunately, one day on the lawn, Al and Eros were skipping rocks when he couldn't hold it in anymore and made a move.

He had only reached for Eros' hand to hold it, yet the guy still completely freaked out! And thus, their friendship fatally ended that day. Albus was just glad that Eros graduated; word got around fast, and occasionally people still mentioned how he had managed to wet Eros' pants.

Albus knew that he didn't necessarily need anyone. He wasn't desperate, and could just focus on his studies and friends. Albus knew all that; his parents told him so practically everyday. But, indubitably, Albus was a guy who had hormones..and feelings. And lately it seemed that all anyone talked about was the opposite gender, who he/she liked, and his/her boy/girlfriend. It was quite ridiculous, but it also made Albus feel incredibly lonely.

Still lost in thought, blocking all other noise out, Albus sighed once more and rested his head against the window, closing his eyes.


"Wow, who knew you were such a heavy sleeper! You missed everything!" A shake slowly startled Albus out from his sleep. He groggily opened his eyes, rubbing them to see better, and noticed dried-up drool from the side of his mouth. Albus subtly wiped that away and asked, "What happened?"

He finally focused in on who was talking to him and saw that it was Tilly. She was known for her gossip and knew everything about everyone from all years and houses; it was a bit scary, really. Tilly tossed her long black hair over her left shoulder and leaned in toward Albus. "Well, Mindy and Fred got into a huge fight and started hexing each other!"

Albus laughed at this statement, though it was no surprise. They were always on-again, off-again. He didn't have to ask who won. Fred Weasley wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, not to mention extremely gullible.

"...make-up soon. Always do! Honestly, I think it's quite pointless that they're still together, but hell to what I know!" Tilly paused for a second, tapping her chin lightly before opening her mouth again. "Oh! Scorpius Malfoy got in trouble by the trolley cart lady for messing with some first years."

Albus groaned, muttering, "I hate that git!" And it was no understatement, either. He and Scorpius had always butted heads with each other since the first day they'd met. Albus had always tried to be nice and polite towards everyone whereas Scorpius purposefully searched for trouble. It was such an unflattering quality.

"Yeah, and then he proceeded to argue with the lady until the conductor threatened to throw him off the train. Wish he were thrown off or sent to the giants for a snack." Tilly retorted. She was muggleborn, so it was obvious why she didn't like him either. "And Louis Weasley lost his cat, Freida."

"Wow, I really did miss a lot!" Albus sat up and glanced out the window. It was still fairly light out. "How long was I asleep?"

"Just shy of two hours," Cody Thomas looked up from his book, speaking up for the first time today. "You might want to change into your robes soon."

Albus glanced at everyone in the compartment and noticed that they were all in their robes. "Alright." He grudgingly got up, grabbed his school robes, and headed for the bathrooms. As Albus approached the small bathrooms, who did he see but the infamous Scorpius Malfoy and his cousin, Louis.

He straightened up, folded his arms, eyes narrowed. "Thought you were told to stop messing with first years."

Scorpius looked up, startled at who was talking to him. He smirked, relaxing, when he saw it was Albus. "Come to save the day, Potter?" Scorpius leaned against the bathroom door, but dropped Louis's wand to the ground nonetheless.

Albus ignored Scorpius and, instead, picked up the wand. As he handed it to his little cousin, Al asked, "Have you found your cat yet?"

The small redhead shook his head. "No, not yet. I accidentally opened the door to the corridor and whoosh! Freida was gone."

"I'll help you look for her," Albus offered, if only to make his cousin happy.

"Thanks!" Smiling and relieved to have been rescued from Malfoy, Louis hurried away, calling for his lost cat.

A scoff came out from Scorpius's mouth. "Do you not have a dick?"

At this, Albus turned to face Scorpius, glowering at him. But the Slytherin was unfazed as he said, a smirk forming upon his lips, "You're too nice and too much like a girl. Maybe you should prove it."

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Albus retorted. But Scorpius just shrugged, merely smiling. He leaned his head against the door and closed his eyes, which caused Albus to get even angrier.

"Look, I'm not in the greatest mood Malfoy, so I suggest you move out of the way and let me in."

Scorpius opened his eyes which were now flashing, excited for a challenge. A smug expression appeared upon his face. "Make me," he stated.

Albus's scowl got more intense as he weighed the option of hexing Scorpius right now or going to a bathroom elsewhere. But the latter seemed too cowardly, and that was something Albus was certainly not -- especially not in front of this cocky Slytherin.

So Albus stepped closer to Scorpius, roughly shoving him aside, causing him to stumble sideways. Al placed his hand on the door handle, but just as he was about to turn it, a hand grabbed his arm. Albus looked up, only to see Scorpius standing almost nose to nose, holding a death grip on his arm. Al's heart started racing; he turned his head so as not to notice Scorpius's intense, almost perfect features. Instead, he focused hard on the door handle, trying to block out the thoughts of Scorpius' piercing silver eyes. "Let. Go." Albus sneered.

Scorpius was obviously enjoying himself because he just lightly laughed and asked, "What are you going to do about it, Potter?" He moved his hand down to Albus's wrist; this caused Albus's heart to beat even faster.

Trying to keep his head clear from any unwanted thoughts, Albus removed the hand holding onto the silver door handle, then quickly opened the door with his other hand.

Scorpius held on to Al's hand for a few seconds longer before letting go, admitting defeat. "Nice hair, by the way."

Albus ignored him, walking inside and locking the door. He faced the sink, hands gripping the side for support as he tried to get his breathing under control. Albus looked up, then, and frowned. Half of his medium-length jet black hair was sticking straight up from where he'd leaned against the window whilst sleeping.

Albus tried as much as he possibly could to fix it, but alas, it was uncooperative per usual. So he proceeded to change into his school robes, waiting a few minutes to see if Scorpius had left. Al didn't want another encounter with the git. It felt too dangerous.