But I can make some ideas

And sorry that all my other stories are practically down the drain while I keep on ripping out new ones

It's cause I want to get all my ideas down as fast as I can and sometimes I just can't think of what to write so I'll work on something else.. Like homework

Ok no one does that with homework

So please enjoy my soon to be written on crack story

And So the Show Begins!

The Vocaloids were hosting a drinking party (curtisy of Meiko) at their home. All the well known synthesizers were all invited to have fun. Some were drinking, some were playing games, some where trying to kill each other, and some were trying to cook food… that might just end up causing some stomach aches-which then returns to killing each other.

Kaito, who was eating his ice cream, knowing it was the only thing that was safe to eat, was being watched.

Actually, the whole Vocaloid family was being watched. But don't tell them that. Not yet.

With a frozen treat melting between his mouth, Kaito sighed happily. Licking the spoon, he scooped out another chunk of vanilla ice cream. Smiling, he feed himself, repeating the same process over and over again until the small ice cream tub was empty.

"Haa!" the blue-haired man sighed. Chuckling, he slumped down further into his chair. He looked around the room, smiling sweetly. No one else was with him in the kitchen. Miku had been there before, but she had already finished cooking up her concoction and left to go find someone-coughapoorsoulerrobotwhojusthappenedtobeinherlineofvisioncough- to feed it to. The bass of a song could still be heard though the lyrics couldn't since the volume was way too loud.

Kaito looked back at his tub of ice cream. Some of the remains had melted and formed at the bottom in a thick-ish watery liquid. He tilted the tub and watched as the ice cream slide over to the lowest point of it. He brought the tub up to his face and stuck his tongue out slightly into it, attempting to lick it clean. Seeing that keeping his mouth closed the whole time wasn't working, he just opened his mouth and began to lick the tub. From a distance, it almost looked like he was giving tongue to it, well, in a sense he was, but… you get what I mean.

"Kaito-nii, do you know wher- what are you doing?"

Kaito froze, tongue still licking away at the ice cream tub. Len was staring at his "brother" with a "do I really want to know?" face. You couldn't blame the boy. I mean, if you walked into a room-that was empty- and just happened to see a man practically making out with an inanimate object with some white stuff at the corner of his mouth, you'd be question the scene too.

The blue-haired man blinked then smiled happily. He licked the corners of him mouth before speaking. "I was just finishing the ice cream" He wiped his mouth with his coat sleeve. "Is there something you need, Len-kun?"

Len shook his head, trying to erase the previous image. "Uhh, yeah. Do you know where the extra microphones are? Gakupo-san wants to sing some karaoke with Meiko."

Kaito cocked his head to the side. "Meiko wants to sing with Gakupo-san?"

The blond boy laughed. "Yeah, she does. She's a little too wasted to know what she's doing."

The older man laughed along. "Well I think they're somewhere in the garage. We haven't had this many people come over our house before- do you now why?"

Len looked at the ground, running through his memories to find an answer. He closed his eyes and shook his head. "Nope"

Frowning, Kaito got up. "That's strange. Who allowed for this to happen?" He yawned and looked at the clock on the wall. 11:23 P.M. Wow. That's pretty late.

Len shrugged. "I don't know. It was probably Rin. She always wants trouble."

Out from another room, Rin yelled "I heard that!"

Len rolled his eyes.

Kaito smiled and walked over to Len, patting his blond mess before leaving the room. "I'll go to sleep then. Good night, Len-kun" In the corner of his eyes, he saw Len place his hand on his head and… blush? He looked ahead of him and began to head over to the stairs in the small home. Len-kun blushing? He is a shouta boy…wait. What am I thinking? He shook his head. Must be from the lack of sleep. Yawning again, Kaito began his trip up the stairs.


"And now, lads and sirs! The show will begin!" announced someone who will not be revealed.

In the dark room, roars of cheers and laughter sounded.

The announcer smiled. Oh this is gonna be fun.


Kaito landed on his bed with a loud "Ouof!". He looked up at his bed post. Vibrations could still be heard even though he was on the second floor and in the farthest room down the hall. Sighing, he turned over to his back, looking up at the ceiling. The room was dark but he could still see what was on it. The ceiling had been painted and electric blue and had golden stars of every size painted randomly. In the middle of most of the stars were little glow in the dark ones. If you leaned up closer to the ceiling, you would find small random images, such as, astronauts, beer bottles, octopuses, eggplants, bananas, ice cream, leeks, waffles, cat hats, road rollers, and more things related to the family. The blue haired man smiled. He turned his head to the left to find another bed identical to his across the room. The only difference was there was a banana shaped plush at the corner. It was Len's bed. The two shared a room ever since Meiko thought (when she was sober) that Rin should have privacy to herself without a boy violating it. Almost too happily, Len agreed. "She's frikkin' crazy" was what he said when he began moving his stuff into the current room. This was about a couple months after the Kagamines had moved in.


Kaito rolled back over to face the pale blue wall. He closed his eyes and buried his head down into his pillow. Better get to sleep. Upon hearing running steps, he opened his eyes.

"I'm sorry Luka!!~" said a certain purple-haired man.

"SCREW YOU" answered a raging tsundere.

"Have I ever told you how cute you are when you're angry?"

"DIE DAMNIT!" Slash.

There was silence.

"…" Kaito pulled the covers over his ears. Hopefully this time I can get sleep. Of course, his wish wasn't answered.

The bedroom door opened, letting in a stream of light. Before Kaito could turn around to see who it was, the door was closed, making the room dark again.

"Len-kun?" asked Kaito. He strained his eyes to try and see who had entered into the room. "Len-kun is that you?" He reached blindly to the side to find the desk lamp but someone pushed him harshly down onto his bed. Kaito gasped at the force only to be met with soft lips against his.


Whoever it was, got off the blue haired man and began walking towards the door.

Kaito, on the bed in shock, manage to sit up and stutter out a command. "Wait!"

The figure stopped. Kaito's eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness. "You… who are you?"

The last thing Kaito remembered after that was seeing an object raised in the air and then getting hit in the head with it before falling onto the ground unconscious.


Ugh. What happened? And why does my head hurt?

Oh yeah. I got knocked out.


Is someone talking to me?


Is that Len-kun?


Kaito's eyes shot opened. The first thing he saw were Len's worried cyan blue eyes. The blond was on all fours on the floor next to the man with his head leveled to his.

"Kaito-nii, are you alright?" asked the blond.

Kaito closed his eyes and pushed himself off the floor, trying to balance himself but couldn't really since both of his legs were still on his bed. His legs then slipped off the bed, bringing Kaito back down to the floor with an "ouf!"

"Kaito-nii!" Len got up and tried to help the man up off the ground.

"Ugh" Kaito shook his head. "What happened?" He got on his knees and rubbed his head.

"You're awake!" Len tackled Kaito, who found himself saying hello to the floor again. "You wouldn't wake up no matter how many times I tried!" Len was now on top of Kaito and was looking up at him.

Kaito smiled. "And how many times was that?"

Len buried his head into the older mans chest. "I don't know, but it took a while" The two stayed like this for a couple of minutes.

Well this is strange thought Kaito. He began to pet the younger boy's head. Hmm. I wonder how long I was asleep.


Wait. I wasn't sleeping. I was unconscious! Or is that the same thing?

The blue haired man sat up, making Len get off of him. He looked at the blond seriously. "Was that you who knocked me out last night?"

The blond looked confused. "Knocked you out? What are you talking about?"

Kaito looked around the room and spotted an unfamiliar red bat next to them both. Len followed his train of sight and saw the object too. He turned back. "That was there when I came here last night. I figured someone came in here and wanted to play a game with you but you said no and they got upset and left the room without it." He reached over and picked up the bat and looked at it. "Well I guess this kinda explains why you were sleeping so oddly when I came in." Len laughed.

Kaito frowned. He knew he had landed in a strange position after getting knocked out, but how could Len possibly think he would sleep that odd? "What makes you think I would sleep like that?"

Len smiled and shook his head. "I don't! Though after what happened last night with the party and our family being, well, our family, you just never know."

The older vocaloid laughed in agreement.

"Still, what do you mean by getting knocked out?" asked Len.

Kaito looked up at the ceiling. "Well you see, I was trying to sleep until someone came in the room." He looked back at Len. "I thought it was you, Len-kun. I asked if it was but they didn't tell me. And then they uhh…" Kaito began to blush at the memory. "They…um.... hit me with the bat." He started to pick at the edge of his shirt,

Len, being the smart twin, knew that the story wasn't complete. "What did they do Kaito-nii?" He leaned in closer to the man. "Tell me so we can figure out who hurt you."

Kaito looked up and averted his eyes. "They… err uh… ano…"


"T-they, um, they.."

"Kaito just tell me!"

Shocked at Len raising his voice and the drop of honorific, Kaito finally told him. "T-they kissed me." He blushed when he realized what he had done and quickly went back to picking at his shirt.

Len sat there and blushed once the words finally sank in. "O-oh"



"H-how was it?" asked Len in almost a whisper.

"Len-kun!" started Kaito. The door flew open and Meiko was standing at the doorway, fuming.

"Hey, shouta-

"I'm not a shouta!" retorted Len.

"-and pedophile!"

"M-me?" asked Kaito with one finger pointed to himself.

"I called you a thousand times! It's time for breakfast!" shouted Meiko. The room grew silent. "Well, what the hell are you two doing!? Hurry up and get down stairs! I have this crappy hangover so I don't want to put up with your slow asses seeing as the world already is slow in my eyes!"

The two in the room quickly got up and ran out the room. Kaito had grabbed his scarf that had been removed off from the ground and wrapped it around his neck. Once in the hallway and away from the hangover person, they began to walk in a quick pace (Well Kaito was walking moderately while Len was walking a little more quickly to catch up).

"I don't know what's better. Meiko-san drunk after a recording or her during a hangover." whispered Len, seeing as Meiko was beginning to follow the slowly behind.

Kaito chuckled. "I'd say both are equal towards each other. The real threat" He held up a finger for emphasis "is when she runs out of her alcohol and starts to channel flip."

An image of Meiko pissed off and sitting in front of the TV while cursing and furiously clicking the button on the remote popped into Len's head. The Meiko in his head finally stopped at one channel that was showcasing beer, only for it to begin showing the commercials. The Meiko then screamed and threw the remote at the screen, cracking it, before leaping over to it and shredding the piece of technology. Len threw his head back and began laughing at his imagination.

"SHUT IT" screamed Meiko who was rubbing her temples.

The blond quickly covered his mouth and look at Kaito with an "oops" look. Kaito smiled.


"Rin! Give me back my fork!" scream Len. He was reaching over the table towards his twin who was holding up said fork just out of his reach.

"No~" answered Rin.

Len turned to face a pink haired lady. "Luka- san! Tell Rin to give me back my fork!"

Luka looked at Rin. "Rin-chan. Give Len-kun back his fork."

"No~!" whined Rin. "It's my favorite fork!"

"How can you even tell?" Len tried another swipe at the fork but failed.

"That's not the point." Rin answered, sticking out her tounge.

"Len-kun~! I can see your underwear!" said a giggling purple haired man.

"What?" Len's hands immediately flew to his back and then he quickly sat down in his chair with blush staining his face.

Kaito let out a small laugh. Len turned and pouted. "It's not funny Kaito-nii!"

"Exactly, Kaito-san" said Luka. Her fork snapped in half. "And it's not funny for SOMEONE to point out a CERTAIN PERSON'S undergarments!" The tsundere was giving Gakupo a glare so demonic it couldn't possibly be described.

"Eep!" squeaked Gakupo.

Miku sighed. "Here Len-kun." She handed the younger boy her green fork.

Len cautiously took the fork. "Are you sure?"

The pigtailed girl nodded. "Yep! You don't need utensils to eat this awesome leek waffle!" She was practically drooling when she looked down at her dish.

Miku was sitting to the right of Kaito who was sitting next to Len, then Gackupo, then Luka, then Rin who had an empty seat right next to her.

"Hmph! You're welcome." said Meiko from the stove. She was busy pouring alcohol into her personal dish.

Len blushed and used the fork to put a piece of his banana pancake into hi mouth.

"Why are you blushing Lenny? Is it because you're thinking that you're having an indirect kiss with Miku-nee?" teased Rin.

Both Len and Kaito blushed. Len, because of Rin's statement and Kaito because of the memory of last night popping up.

"Ehh~?" said Gakupo, seeing the two's reaction. "What happened between you two?"

Len and Kaito both looked up with a worried expression. "What!?"

"Oh!" Gakupo put a hand in front of his mouth in mock surprise. "So something did happen!"

Rin began laughing. "I knew my bro was a shouta!"

"I'm not a shouta!" snapped Len. "And what does that have to do with me liking Kaito?" Somehow, Kaito felt a little happy at the statement.

"You admit you like Kaito!?" asked the overly excited Gakupo.

"W-what? No! I don't like him!" Len said with his face flushed with red.

Kaito looked at Len. "You don't like me?"

Len turned and saw the hurt in the older mans eyes. "No! I do like you-"

"Lenny, just stop lying and accept the fact that you are ga-"

"I am not!" yelled Len.

"HEY!" Meiko yelled. Using her pan, she pointed threateningly at the group. "NO YELLING AT BREAKFAST! THIS IS A TIME FOR FAMILY TIME!" Everyone at the table became silent. MEiko let out a sigh. "Now, Len, just say what you want clearly." She looked over to Kaito who was looking at the blond and blushing. "And you, you idiot, you will explain too."

Kaito looked up. "Explain what?"

Meiko rolled her eyes. "Why are you blushing then?"

Kaito's eyes became wide before he looked down and played with the fringe on his scarf.

"It's cause… I uh…" the blue haired man said nervously.

"It's cause he was kissed by someone last night" said Len. "And he doesn't know who did it"

"Ah!" Kaito said in surprise. He started to quickly pick at the oh so interesting fringe.

Everyone in the room blushed.

"You were kissed by someone?" asked Miku.

Kaito nodded.

"And you don't know who it was?" asked Luka.

Kaito shook his head.

"Did you like it?" asked Gakupo.

Kaito paused before a poof of smoke appeared above his head.

"What happened afterwards?" said Rin, leaning forward. She seemed interested in the situation.

"I," said Kaito "I got knocked out with a bat."

Rin bursted out in laughter. "That!" she said, trying to stop her laughter so she could speak correctly "That is just amazing." She wiped away a tear. "Woo I have to do that!"

"I should too" said Luka.

Gakupo perk up at her words. "To who? Me~?"

Luka gave him an evil grin. "Only the knocking out part."

Gakupo chuckled. "Oh you can knock me out any time~"

The tsudere had a look of disgust even though she was blushing. She grabbed her utensil(which happened to be a spoon) and got up out of her seat. "SAY THAT AGAIN SO I CAN FEED THESE WORDS PROPERLY TO YOU!"

"Luka dear!" Gakupo quickly got up also, sensing the danger of staying seated. "I prefer eggplant-or you!- to be fed to me-ack!" Luka had just tried a stab at the purple haired man.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Luka gave an angelic smile, but Gakupo saw hell underneath it.

Gakupo ran out the kitchen, stumbling over his clothes on his way out, with Luka hot on his trail.

Meiko slapped her hand to her forehead. "Okayyyy. Ignore those two." She looked at Kaito. "So someone came to you, made out with you, and then whacked you in the head so you became knocked out?"

"…they didn't make out with me." corrected Katio. It was only a kiss. A …chaste one. Kaito blushed. Now that makes it sounds special.

"Like I care? Look." She put a hand on the table and her other one on her hip. "Apparently you like who ever had kissed you." The blue haired man blushed even more. "Why don't you just try and figure out who it was?"

"How do you know it wasn't one of us?" asked Len.

"We did have a party last night dearest brother." said Rin in a matter-of-fact way. "Anything had happened and anyone came."

"What did happen last night…?" Meiko wondered to herself.

Rin put a hand out in front of Meiko like she was on display. "Exactly my point."

"Is it bothering you, Kaito?" asked Meiko. Kaito's eyes widened. Where in history has there been a time where Meiko was nice to Kaito? The blue haired vocaloid nodded.

Meiko shrugged. "Well we had a lot of people over last night. You're gonna have to figure it out who it was so you can put it behind you, alright?"

Kaito smiled and nodded.

"Now hurry up and finish your food so the dishes can get washed" Meiko got up and turned off the stove. "Or else we aren't buying anymore ice cream"

"What!!?" Kaito nearly shouted. No more ice cream? Forget I ever thought Meiko was nice!

"Don't worry, Kaito-san!" Miku said happily. "We'll go to the groceries soon and buy some more!"

The blue haired vocaloid looked at her, mortified. "What happened to all the ice cream?!"

Rin sighed. "What part of 'party' did you not get?" She got up and put her dish in the dishwasher.

Kaito shrank down in his seat. Len looked over at his "brother" and gave him a pitying smile. "It's alright Kaito-nii."

"My ice cream…" whined the blue-haired man.

The girls both rolled their eyes and shrugged before they left the kitchen. Len was still there because he hadn't finished his pancakes yet.

The blond let out a small laugh, breaking the silence that had settled.

Kaito look up at him. "What is it?"

Len looked back at the man. "This is gonna be like a weird shoujo story." Kaito furrowed his eyebrows, puzzled. Len continued. "You know, with you trying to find the person that kissed you and how there's so many people that could be that person." The blond laughed again. "It's like a messed up harem story"

Kaito's eyes widened. He blushed and looked at his scarf. Oh I hope it doesn't become anything like that.


The announcer smiled. "I told you this was gonna be good"

The person sitting next to them glared. "The show barely began."

The announcer turned to the person. "Well what the hell did you expect? Everyone to bang each other?"

The other person rolled their eyes. "Yes!"

The announcer looked at the person before turning back to the screen. "Yeah, well I thought so too. But I was wrong. So have patience cause-"

"Don't get all Confucius on me here."



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Or I won't continue it cause then it'd be like a waste of my time if no one likes it

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And don't worry. I'll continue it to chapter 2

But I want at least five reviews before you get the next chapter after that