Author's Notes:
This was written in response to this challenge: "Alex and Olivia have been dating a while and they either get found out or come out to anyone we know from the show."

To answer that challenge, here is a little bit of silliness. And a little snarkiness here and there, too.

~~ What XYZ Said When They Found Out ~~

So, did you hear...

Trevor Langan:
"Wait, what? Seriously? No way."

Liz Donnelly:
"Oh, God, where's my Excedrin?"

Elliot Stabler:
"Well thank goodness all that chemistry and hotness isn't going to waste! ... Yeah, sure, I might be married but I'm not dead!"

Judge Mordock:
"Congratulations! To the both of you! Really."

Abbie Charmichael:

Arthur Branch:
*head explodes*

Jack McCoy:
"Well, at least I feel a little better about why both of them turned me down."

Fin Tutuola:
"Munch! You owe me 20 bucks, man! Pay up, sucker."

John Munch:
"Now you two have to, I'm not asking you to kiss just to prove it to me...I'm asking because I just lost 20 bucks on you and seeing you kiss is at least a *small* consolation prize!"

Agent Hammond:
"Two of the most stubborn women in the world...this ought to be interesting."

Donald Cragen:
"Oh, God, where's my Excedrin?"

Chester Lake:
"My father built this city..." (*no one cares and so everyone tunes out*)

Serena Southerlyn:
"At least *someone*'s getting laid around here!"

Melinda Warner:
"That's hot! ... Yeah, sure, I might be straight but I'm not dead!"

Casey Novak:
"NO FAIR! No! No no no! Mine mine mine! Nooooooooo!"

Brian Cassidy:
"Wow, I was *so* horrible that I put her off guys *entirely*?"

TARU Tech Morales:
"Yeah, but *I've* broken the law in the stall of a men's room with her. Can Alex say that? I didn't think so."

Ed Green:

Judge Petrovsky
"Next time I see them I'm going to hold them both in contempt and throw them in a cell together. That will be my gift to them. *grin*".

George Huang:
"Well, duh! Isn't that about the most obvious thing, like, ever?"