Five times Oliver Wood hated Marcus Flint and one time he didn't

1 – For all of his abilities and all of his later confidence he'd been incredibly awkward as a first year. Although he'd been raised in a magical family he was still one of the poorest students in the year and utterly failed to grasp most of concepts he was taught. He also struggled greatly to make friends – everybody liked Quidditch but no other student was interested in it so completely. In his first year, before his glory, he had been an easy target and Marcus Flint had made every use of that he could find.

2 – When he'd joined the Quidditch team for the first time it had been Marcus Flint that had made a point of telling him at every opportunity that he would never be good enough. His teammates also weren't so sure about having a player so young and therefore didn't intervene. Marcus Flint had been to blame for that tiny streak of insecurity that had haunted him his entire life, causing him to miss himself out of motivational speeches and blame himself for losses. Some people seemed to like that fact that those moments of self doubt gave him a slight inclination towards modesty but Oliver Wood longed to return to the days when he had known he was the best.

3 – Every time he'd lost the Quidditch cup at Hogwarts. Never mind that all of the other teams shared the blame out – or occasionally lumped it on the seeker. If Oliver Wood lost at anything it was because of Marcus Flint and his dirty tactics. Nobody played fair against Oliver Wood and won.

4 – The one time he won the Quidditch cup. Because he should have held it more than once and he would have, could have, if it hadn't been for Marcus Flint leading the Slytherin team to repeated victory. The one chaser (and captain) who knew how to win against him.

5 – When he joined Puddlemere United. He'd been so please because getting onto a professional Quidditch team was such an achievement. The he'd found out Flint had gotten onto the Magpies squad and the glory had just faded out. He wasn't that special.

1 – Five years into their career, Oliver still saw Marcus Flint as the ultimate rival. But now he didn't have him – he needed him. Because if there was one person who could make Oliver want to be faster, smarter, stronger and better, it was Marcus Flint. When he wasn't playing the ex-Slytherin he missed both the familiarity of Flint's face and tactics but also spark and the intensity that they had between them. Only when he was playing Marcus Flint could Oliver really get his soul into the game.

(A/N - as suggested by Kauri-Blume. Next please!)