Strictly Ballroom

Authors Note - This takes place at the begining of season 7 but Jenny never died, she was just in a coma and now has amnesia so she is retraining as Gibbs' probie. If you want me to, I will continue so review and let me know otherwise I won't.

Unfortunately, I don't own NCIS or Strictly Come Dancing (Brittish version of Dancing With The Stars) I will be crossing over the two shoes soon if you want me to continue because they are my two favourite shows!

Chapter 1

Gibbs picked up his phone as it rang yet again but when he looked at the caller id, he hung up again.

"I'm going to the head" he told his suspicious team as he stormed off.

Tony gave Ziva his trademark grin and lifted his eyebrow cheekily. "How do you think got Gibbs on the brain? Maybe the Jenny, after all there was Paris and now she's a probie again..."

"Tony" Ziva cut him off before he could go on and on about their boss's 'adventures' in Paris. "Toothpick's coming down the stairs"

"And Gibbs is leaving the elevator – Showdown"

"Agent Gibbs, you and your team are going on a team building exercise to rebuild that trust you have all seemed to lost, that include Dr Mallard, Mr Palmer and Ms Scuito. Your plane leaves at 0700 so I suggest you leave to pack now."

"Plane to where?" Gibbs demanded in his usual polite manner.

"England, London. Details are in the email I sent you." Vance retreated back up the stairs to his office, leaving Team Gibbs frozen with shock.

"What's in the email, boss?" Tony queried, dreading what was about to come. However, Gibbs was unable to speak.

"Boss?" Tony, Ziva and McGee asked simultaneously.

" We are going to England to participate in a popular reality TV show." Gibbs began.

"Alright! I always new that I was destined for stardom." Tony was very relieved

"DiNozzo, we will be competing against some other company at learning how to ballroom dance!"

Ziva, McGee and DiNozzo just stared at Gibbs, unable to believe what he just said but all for different reasons.

Please Review If You Want Me To Continue! :)