My attempt at another part of my "Gundam 00 VS..." Series. Rate and comment!


"Misato! I'm heading off to school!" The teenage boy said as he opened the door to the apartment. "Get going!" He was grabbed by a red haired girl. "Geez, Asuka. Is this what happens when you start your period?" The boy sighed. "What?!" Asuka's hand hit Shinji's face in the blink of an eye.

The two quickly ran down the street as fast as possible. "This is what I get for letting you sleep in!" Asuka yelled as the two quickly came to a crosswalk. The two quickly crossed. "Well, I never said I wanted to sleep in." Shinji sighed.

The two arrived at the school and quickly ran inside the doors. "You're late!" A female voice echoed as a young girl, no older than Shinji and Asuka stood above with her hands on her hips. "You two do know that I'm the class rep and whatever people do in 2-A affects my rep as well!?" She yelled.

"We get it, Hikari." Asuka sighed as the two slipped into the classroom labeled 2-A. "No butts! We know!" Shinji quickly followed suit.

"Anyway," Hikari scratched her head, "Did you two know we have a new transfer student? I just found out myself." She took her books in tow and followed the two. "Supposedly he's an exchange student from the remains of the Middle East."

Shinji raised an eyebrow. "The Middle East? I thought the temperatures there were unbearable now." He asked, slipping into the classroom. "I don't know much either." Asuka added. "Oh..I see." Hikari grumbled. Shinji and Asuka looked at her. "What?" Hikari stumbled back. "That's just odd..I haven't seen Suzuhara all day. We were supposed to eat lunch together.." She sighed as she sat down.

The teacher arrived five minutes later. "Hello, Class! Today we have a new student joining us." A teen slightly taller than Shinji walked into the room. He had a blue jacket on, which seemed to match his blue eyes.

"My name is Setsuna F Seisei. It's a pleasure to join this class." He spoke. Shinji shivered as the new boy looked over at him and then at Asuka. "I don't like this.." Shinji muttered under his breath.

After class;

And so that concludes today's lesson on what was called the Second Impact. Class dismissed!" The teacher shut the book.

"Do you not find it odd that both Ayanami and Suzuhara weren't here?" Hikari said as the the three students walked out together. "Nope. It's probably a coincidence." Asuka really didn't want to admit, especially to "Hero-boy" but maybe Shinji had been right.

"Hey.." Asuka said as she stopped walking. "Did you guys feel anything odd during class? I mean, I just had a bad feelings about that kid. He just seemed...."

Asuka was cut off mid sentence by a loud explosion. A section of the school collapsed, sending a gulf of dirt, sand and dust around. "Like I said.." She brushed off her uniform. She didn't notice Shinji, staring at awe at the large mechanical being in the distance.

Shinji just stood there, staring. "Angel?" He spoke as he quickly turned around and grabbed Asuka by the arm. "We got to go..NOW!" He dived forward, pushing Asuka to the ground as well as Hikari. "Shinji!" Asuka yelled. "Sorry.." Another came from the being. But when Shinji looked back, they were two...TWO!

"darn!" He helped Asuka up and told Hikari "Get home." Hikari nodded her head in agreement. The girl quickly ran down the street. "Asuka...We need to get to NERV." Asuka nodded her head in agreement. The two quickly ran towards the direction of NERV Central.


The screen flashed the red alert symbol. Maya quickly noticed the alert. "Hey! We have an alert!" She turned her head back. "It's blood type.." She turned back to look at the screen. She was shocked. "No blood type!?" She exclaimed as she quickly began to check the visuals. "That's not an Angel. An Eva?" She shook her head. It couldn't be. It didn't look like anything she'd seen. "What the heck is that?"

Setsuna, standing in the remnants of the ruined class room, smirked. "Setsuna F Seisei, commencing mission." He muttered as he made his way towards a hole in the wall. As he walked, a section of the wall collapsed, revealing a large metallic hand. He quickly walked onto the hand and pressed a hidden button. The hand raised.

Setsuna quickly jumped into the chest of the machine. He clicked a few buttons here and there. Lights began to activate in the machine. "All systems report nothing. All systems working at combat level." He clutched two sticks located on the sides of his seat. "Setsuna F Seisei, Exia, Commencing Combat" He ignited the thrusters and sent the machine up the cliff side....