This is inspired by wonders of the universe which kinda shows how long I took to write it since that series finished ages ago XD (also, Professor Brian Cox is gorgeous).

It was bitterly cold outside. Seto had come home from work, grabbed Katsuya and drove them to a field in the middle of nowhere where they lay down on a woollen blanket, staring up at the stars.

Katsuya shivered and shuffled closer to Seto, who smiled and took his hand.

"Your hand is freezin'." Katsuya said, giving the cold hand a squeeze.

"So is yours," Seto replied, returning the squeeze.

"You should have given me time to grab some gloves before you dragged me out here," Katsuya grumbled, "why are me here anyway?"

"Can't you guess?"

"Well the obvious answer is to look at the stars, but I bet you have somethin' planned."

"Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one."

"But it's you! The obvious answer is never the right one with you!"

Seto sighed, "I looked out my office window and realised you can't see many of the stars in the city," he explained, gazing up into the heavens at the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of dazzling stars. "I haven't seen this many stars in a very long time."

"You're such a closet romantic," Katsuya said teasingly, "although I bet right now you're explaining to yourself exactly how the stars work."

"Nuclear fusion."

"See, I know you too well."

"And I know that you have no idea what I just said," Seto replied, smirking.

"You said 'nuclear fusion'," Katsuya replied proudly.

"And what is that?"

"Urm... nuclear reactions of the fusion variety?"

"Close," Seto chuckled, "do you want to know what it is?"

"No, but I know you're gonna tell me anyway."

"I won't if you don't want me to."

"No, go ahead; I know it'll make you happy."

"The star fuses together two hydrogen atoms to create a helium atom, this gives out a massive amount of energy which is why we can see them despite them being billions of miles away," Seto explained.

"Mmm, Seto, keep talking," Katsuya moaned.

"Moron," Seto muttered, "If you were going to turn this into a joke then why did you bother asking?"

"So, what happens when the star runs out of hydrogen?" Katsuya asked after a while, breaking the rather heavy atmosphere.

"Interested? Or are you just going to turn it into a joke again?" Seto huffed.

"I'm a little bit interested," Katsuya admitted. Science, physics in particular, wasn't his favourite subject at school, but Seto had a way of making it slightly less boring.

"The star can't produce enough energy to resist its own gravity so it collapses. The pressure and heat produced by this fuses together the helium into heavier elements and then these elements into even heavier ones. The star expands into a red giant until it can no longer fuse elements together and then it collapses. In the case of really big stars, the collapse causes an explosion called a supernova."

"Explosions sound cool," Katsuya butted in.

"Yeah, I thought you'd like that bit," Seto said affectionately, "the elements created go on to create, well, everything."

He waited for this to sink in, when it didn't he said, "All the atoms in your body were created by a dying star."

"Okay, that is rather awesome," Katsuya admitted.

"If I wanted to be romantic I could have said something like 'you're made of star dust'."

"I'm so happy you didn't," Katsuya said, pressing a kiss on Seto's cheek, "that's not romantic, it's just cheesy."

"Can you see that star there?" Seto changed the subject, pointing up to one of the stars in Orion, "can you see it's slightly red?"

"Yeah," Katsuya said, fixing his eyes on the star.

"That's Betelgeuse, it's currently in the stage of its life known as a 'red giant'," Seto said, "at any point it could explode."


"When it does it'll be so bright it'll be like a second sun in the sky. For all we know it may have become a supernova centuries ago because it takes the light around 600 years to get to us.

"So, by looking at the stars we're actually lookin' back in time?" Katsuya asked uncertainly.


"Well done Seto, you've just blown my mind."

"Wouldn't be the first time," Seto smirked.


"Why is it that the fact that stars are really far away blows your mind, but the fact that every atom inside you was created by a star doesn't?"

"Dunno, maybe it all took a while to sink in."

"Well, your head is rather think, no wonder it took a while," Seto said as if he were commenting on the weather.

"Careful, I'll get up and drive home leaving you all alone," Katsuya warned.

"You wouldn't dare," Seto growled.

"Oh really?" Katsuya said, springing to his feet and dashing over to the car.

"Katsuya!" Seto yelled after him, scrambling to his feet and chasing after him.

He managed to catch him as the blond was fumbling with the door handle. Seto spun him around and pressed him up against the cold metal and glass, capturing his lips on a searing hot kiss.

"I have a feelin' why you dragged me out here," Katsuya said when they pulled apart, both panting slightly.

"Oh," Seto raised an eyebrow," and what is that?"

"You just wanted to kiss me under the stars," Katsuya replied, grinning widely, "I knew you were a closet romantic."

"No, I 'dragged' you out here so I could teach you astrophysics," Seto told him, "and I'm not romantic."

Katsuya smiled and leaned in close, whispering into his ear, "Deny it all you want, you just wanted to kiss me under these big balls of nuclear fusioning gas."

"Burning is a better verb," Seto corrected him.

"Whatever," Katsuya shrugged, "can we go home? It's freezing."

"Fine," Seto sighed, reaching into his pockets to find the car keys.

"Lookin' for these?" Katsuya said, holding up his hand where the keys were dangling from his index finger.

"Little thief," Seto muttered. "Give them back," he said, holding out his hand.

"Nope, you drove here, I get to drive back."

Seto considered arguing, but knew that he wouldn't win and he rarely put his energy into things he knew he wouldn't get anything out of. He went back down the slope and picked up the blanket before returning to the car. Thankfully Katsuya had put the heating onto full so the inside of the car was now pleasantly warm.

"So, anything else to add Professor?" Katsuya smirked as he began to drive away.

"No." The CEO replied, trying not to look like he was disappointed in himself.

"There's still stars above us ya know." The blond grinned as he opened the car sunroof and stopped waiting for the CEO to give in to himself.

Seto growled a little before pecking Katsuya on the lips. "...Not a closet romantic..."

Big thanks to Secondary Imagination for coming up with the ending, i spent ages coming up with one then gave up and went to read smutty fanfics XD. Thanks for reading!