Chapter 10

A/N: it starts off at Sophie's POV


My head was pounding when I opened my eyes and I looked around in a daze. I was disoriented and I couldn't figure out where I was. I tried to move but I realised my hands and feet were bound. I whimpered, and turned my head when I heard a creak on the floorboards. I gasped, but couldn't say anything because my mouth was gagged. Malfoy was standing in the shadows of the doorway. He walked over, and I tried to shy away, but couldn't go very far. I felt the back of whatever I was lying on through my shirt.

"I'm not going to hurt you Sophie; we're not going to hurt you. We just need you to get to Longbottom," he explained. I whimpered in response. He smirked, "I'd like you to meet someone. This is Bellatrix, my aunt." He gestured to the woman the walking into room. If I had of been able to stand I would have run from the room. If the devil was a girl, I wouldn't be surprised if it looked like her. It looked like there was a big mass of snakes, curled and ready to strike, on top of her head, and her eyes were sunken deep into her face. She was thin, and I'm sure she would have looked better, maybe even pretty, if she had been eating better. But more frightening then her physical appearance was the expression on her face. You could literally see the malice in her gaunt face, and she held herself like she was royalty, even though she was obviously in hiding.

"Finally awake, aren't we, dearie," she sneered. I cringed away from her voice; even it had traces of evil in it. "Crucio." I shook with pain. It was torture, feeling this way. It was like a thousand knifes were piercing my skin, all the while giving me flashing of my deepest fears. I saw my mom and Chloe murdered in their beds, Neville alone and terrified in a dark room. I was whimpering and tears were running down my face. After what seemed like hours, I heard Malfoy call her off.

"Bella, stopped!" he ordered. "Leave it until Longbottom gets here." He left the room.

Reluctantly she put her wand down. "Until later, my dear." She turned and followed Malfoy out of the room. I closed my eyes and forced myself to breath normally. I prayed that Neville would either never come or he would come with a full force of aurors.


POV follows Neville and gang


Classes had started before Neville had gone up to his dormitory. Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry had decided to try to act normal, but Neville couldn't bear the thought of going to his lessons while Sophie was being held somewhere against her will, most likely by Malfoy. It made his blood boil that nobody believed him that Malfoy was behind his. He knew it was him and he just had to find a way to prove it.

He climbed up the stairs and sat down on his bed, holding his head in his hands. Suddenly he heard and loud thud at the window. He looked over and saw an owl, trying to get in. He went over and opened the window, letting the owl in. It flew right over to his bed, dropped a letter, and then flew out the window again. He closed the window, then reached over to the bed and grabbed the letter. He opened it hurriedly, pulling it out so quickly it almost ripped. He unfolded it and began to read.


1788 Lonesome Drive, Wiltshire, this is where you will find Sophie. Bring no one.


Neville closed his eyes, trying to get his heart rate back down to normal. Finally he had the proof that Malfoy was behind it. He clasped the note in his hand and got up, than he sat down heavily. He had the proof and he couldn't do anything; the note having specifically saying, "bring no one". He almost broke down right there, then suddenly had a plan. The note said he couldn't bring anyone, but it didn't say anything about telling anyone...


Neville crept down the alley, trying to be as quiet as possible even though the house was still three away. He had his wand withdrawn and held in front of him. He got more and more agitated as he drew closer to the house. If only he could be sure that they were coming right behind him, than he wouldn't hesitate so much. He finally reached the house and he slowly pulled open the door. He quietly stepped into the foyer, wincing at the slight creak of the floor. He turned around and shut the door softly, but felt a hand on his shoulder.


Ron and Harry walked back to the dormitory. Hermione had gotten worried since Neville hadn't shown up for lunch. They'd agreed to go up and check on him.

"Armidillio," Harry said to the fat lady. "He probably fell asleep, he was up half the night," He said to Ron. Ron nodded in agreement as they climbed the stairs. Harry pushed the door open and was surprised to see that Neville wasn't there. "He's not here," Harry said out loud. He swept the room quickly, and was about to leave when Ron spoke.

"He's left us a note," he reached over on to the bed a picked it up. "It's from Malfoy, the git. We have to tell McGonagall!"

"We can't, she'll want to contact the ministry, and she won't let us go. But we've got to do something. Maybe Hermione will have an idea." They hurried out of the dorm.


"You and Ron go on a head and try and help Neville out, me and Ginny with fly to the Ministry of Magic and show them the note. We'll make sure that they have reinforcements," Hermione said.

Harry and Ron nodded, holding their brooms. "One question Hermione, how do we get to Wiltshire?" Harry asked.


POV switches to Sophie


I opened my eyes when I heard the thump in the corner. I turned my head so I could see better and almost cried out. Neville was on the ground his wrist and ankles tied to a chair, a gag tied around his mouth. He had a wound on his head that was still bleeding and he was struggling, trying to get free.

"Neville..." I tried to say through my gag. It sounded more like, "Weevil". He looked up and met my eyes. He began to struggle more when he saw that I was awake. Malfoy walked in and over to Neville. He pulled the chair and put it back to the way it was, but Neville never stopped struggling. He stopped when Bellatrix walked into the room. I cringed and tried to hide, but lying on a couch bound and gagged made hiding hard.

"Ah, you two are awake, now the fun can begin. For years I have waited for this moment, the moment when you were just as sorry as your parents," Bellatrix said to Neville. She walked over to me and removed my gag. "Don't hold back your screams dearie."

"Please, let Neville go. Malfoy, just let him go, please," I begged, my voice coming out in a rasp. Malfoy shook his head once before leaving the room.

"Crucio," Bellatrix.

I screamed, withering, images flashing through my head, while I felt imaginary knives pressing into my skin.


POV switches to third person


Neville could hardly stand to see Sophie in so much pain. Twice she cried out to him, begging him to save her. He struggled against his bonds, trying to get free, resulting in the chair falling over again. Pain blossomed in his head but he fought the darkness that threatened to overwhelm him. Bellatrix barely glanced over at him, keeping a close eye on Sophie. She was laughing as she realised how much Neville longed to be free. He continued to thrash about, and realised that one of the strings securing his wrist to the chair was loose. Instead of spreading his strength throughout his entire body, he focused instead on this one part. Finally it was loose enough for him to slip his hand out. As soon as he realised this he looked at Sophie, but instead of catching her eye, Neville realised she was unconscious. Although he longed to take his hand out of the rope, he kept it there, as Bellatrix finally lowered her wand. She snarled at Neville, and then called Malfoy.

"Draco, come set Longbottom's chair right, I want to see his expression when the girl wakes up and he realises that he can't save her." She left the room, stopping only to pat Neville firmly on the cheek. He made a great effort to jump at her, but his bonds held him firmly in place. Bellatrix laughed in his face. Malfoy soon followed her out of the room.

As soon as Neville was sure they were upstairs he slipped his hand out of the rope. He started to untie the rope on his left hand, ignoring the pain as blood started to circulate into his hands again. He quickened his pace as the pacing upstairs stopped. Using his newly freed hands he ripped the gag off of his mouth. He set to untying his leg bonds, and soon he was free. Immediately, he tried to stand, but since his legs had not had circulation for quite some time, it sent an excruciating pain up his legs, and they crumpled underneath him. He landed with a loud thump on the floor. As he lay there, he prayed that they would think that he had only knocked his chair over. After lying there for a few minutes, he began to drag himself over to Sophie, not daring to try and put weight on his feet again. He knew that if they collapsed underneath him again that Malfoy would come to investigate.

He reached up and held Sophie's hand, hoping that she would wake up. When she didn't, Neville let out breath before pulling himself into a standing position. He sat down on the edge of the sofa, gingerly putting weight on his feet. It became easier every time he did, but he didn't think he would have the strength to carry Sophie out of the house. He held Sophie's hand and hoped that Harry and Ron would get there soon.


Harry and Ron crept closer and closer to the house wearing Harry's invisibility cloak. Granted it showed their feet, but they both knew that nobody would be looking for feet without legs, a torso and a head. When they finally found the house nestled in an inviting suburb, the quickly did a human sweep. They found two bodies on the upper level and two on the main level. Harry guessed that the ones on the main floor were Neville and Sophie, and Malfoy was on the third floor. What they couldn't figure out was who was with him. Slowly they walked to the front door.

"Alohomora!" Harry whispered. The door unlocked and swung forward with a small creaked. Harry and Ron waited for a few seconds, holding their breath, before entering the house. They tiptoed slowly into the living room. They were instantly relieved to find both Sophie and Neville. Neville was sitting on the floor his back against the couch holding Sophie's hand, asleep. Harry shook Neville slightly, covering his mouth in case he called out. Thankfully he didn't, and he looked glad to find Ron and Harry standing there.

"Can you walk?" Harry whispered.

"I think so," Neville said, "but Sophie is unconscious, she hasn't woken up yet, and I'm not strong enough to carry her."

"I've got her mate, don't worry," Ron said. Harry helped Neville up, while Ron picked up Sophie. Harry took Ron's wand and gave it to Neville, and they both held the wands out in front of them as they made their way to the door. Once they were outside, Neville took Sophie from Ron.

"Who else is here?" Harry asked Neville. "We know that Malfoy is upstairs, but who's with him?"

"It's Bellatrix," Neville said.

"Bellatrix?" Ron said, surprised. "There's no way, my mum duelled her in the War, mum was sure she was dead."

"Unless Malfoy knows how to raise the dead, Bellatrix didn't die," Neville said, "I'm as stumped as you are."

"Stay here with Sophie," Harry said, "Me and Ron will go up. If we don't come back take my broom and fly back to Hogwarts with Sophie. Hermione and Ginny are on their way here with Aurors." Neville nodded.


Hermione held on to her broom tightly, disliking every second. She kept telling herself that it was for Sophie and Neville but it wasn't helping. Behind her and Ginny were ten of the best Aurors from the Ministry of Magic. The closer they got to Wiltshire, the more Hermione hoped that they weren't too late. When she saw the two figures by the road, her fear of flying evaporated as she urged the broom to fly faster. Beside her, Ginny was doing the same thing; if they had been on a quidditch patch chasing after the golden snitch, they would have broken every single record recorded. Landing across the street, both girls left their brooms hurriedly and rushed across the street. Hermione let out a breath of relief as she realised that it was Neville and Sophie.

Neville looked up and saw Hermione approaching and struggled to his feet. "Sophie needs help; she's been unconscious for a couple of hours."

Hermione went to Sophie and began muttering basic healing spells. Ginny came up beside Neville and said, "Where are Harry and Ron?"

"They went inside. Malfoy's upstairs and Bellatrix is with him," Neville said. The aurors that had come with Ginny and Hermione rushed past Neville into the house.

"Bellatrix?" Ginny and Hermione said together, incredulously.

"I've no idea how she lived," Neville said.

"And we never will," Harry replied as he walked down the pathway. "The moment she saw the aurors she pointed her wand at me and the aurors killed her. Malfoy came quietly." He gestured to the door where two aurors came out with Malfoy, his wrists behind his back and his head hanging. Ron came behind the aurors and as soon as he shut the doors the other six aurors placed several spells over the house. Soon it looked as if it was encased in a bubble, and nobody would be able to enter.

Hermione looked at everyone with wide eyes, "Sophie's hurt bad, I need to get her to Madam Pomfrey. Ginny, we're going to have to apperate with her. Neville, you can use my broom." She handed it to him. With Harry and Ron's help they managed to stand Sophie between them and the quickly vanished.


POV switches back to Sophie


When I opened my eyes, I cringed openly, afraid of who was waiting there. Instead of searing pain I felt someone reach over and grab my hand. I turned my head and saw Ginny and Hermione standing there. Without warning tears started to fall from my eyes, and I felt, more then saw, Ginny wipe them away. My throat was parched, but I still tried to push out the words I had formed in my head. "Where...Neville?"

"Madam Pomfrey's still checking him out, to make sure that he's ok. He hit his head pretty hard trying to help you. And he didn't tell us until he was sure you were going to be ok. He'll only be a few more minutes and then I'm sure he'll be here." Hermione answered.

I nodded then tried to raise my head to look around. Pain hit me from every atom in my body.

"Madam Pomfrey said that you should try not to move," Ginny chided. I laid my head back down on the pillow.

"Tired," I said.

"Here," Hermione said, "This will help you sleep." She held the potion to my lips and I drank it willingly. In a few moments blackness overwhelmed me.


The next time I woke up, Neville was there holding my hand. I turned my head and smile at him. "Thank you," I said, although it came out a bit raspy. This time, it was Neville who started to cry. I reached my hand up and wiped away a tear, surprised that it caused me no pain. "You saved me, so why are "You saved me, so why are you crying?" I asked.

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have needed saving," he said.

"He would have found some other way to get to you, if I hadn't been here. I just gave him a better opportunity." I tried unsuccessfully to keep him from blaming himself. "And you came, not everyone would have come."

He shook his head. "You don't have to do that," he said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Try to make me feel better."

"It's not trying if it's true," I insisted.

Just then Ron and Harry opened the curtain that surrounded my bed.

Ron clapped Neville on the shoulder. "You've got to learn to take a compliment mate, I learned that long ago." Neville let a small smile creep up on his face. I touched the corner with my hand, glad that Harry and Ron saw Neville the same way I did.


It took me a week until I was able to walk again, but two weeks before I was allowed to leave the hospital wing. Fortunately Hermione helped keep me up with class work. The months passed slowly as we got ready for the end of the year. Although Neville and I talked, he always kept distance between us as though he didn't want to get to close, in case something else was to happen to me. I kept hoping that something would happen and by June I felt like a fool for ever believing that it could.

On the very last day I had given up all hope. I was standing on one of the many balconies, looking over the grounds, realising that it was probably the last time that I would ever be on the Hogwarts grounds. I didn't know what I was even going to do now. Hermione, Harry and Ron all were going to work for the ministry; Ginny is going to play for the Holyhead Harpies and Neville is staying here to fill in for Professor Sprout. Maybe I'll ask George if he needs some help in his shop. I put my hands in my pockets and was surprised to a plastic wrapper. I pulled it out and looked down at the lolly pop had had purchased six months before. The weird thing was it didn't look like it had gone bad or soggy; it looked the same as when I first got it. Just in case, I peeled the wrapper away a broke off a tiny piece and put it in my mouth. It tasted the same as before, a little sweet, and a little bit sour. Instantly my mood felt better. I put the rest back in my pocket and stretched my hands along the railing. I felt a hand on my waist and I whirled around and Neville slipped a hand under my chin. I swallowed the piece of lolly pop that I had in my mouth just as Neville leaned down and kissed me. He pulled away after a second.

"Is this ok?" He asked.

"More than ok," I replied, leaning in to kiss him again.