AN: I dont own ANYTHING in the magical land of PnF. I'd make this fantastic and witty but I'm damn tired. Please excuse any typos etc as my Microsoft Word told me basically to F off and left me without a word editor, I had to write this in livejournal. Anyways, this is going to be a short 5 chapter story. PhineasxFerb yo.

5/1 Days: Monday

"Ferb I know what we're gonna do today!"
"Ferb I know what we're gonna do today!"
"Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"
"I know what we're gonna do today Ferb!"
"I know what we're gonna do today!"

Where exactly the infliction was placed wasn't all that important. Candace knew that phrase better then the back of her hand, hell she knew it almost as well as the back of Jeremy's head after a shift at SlushyBurger right when he took off that hat and shook his hair out and...that wasn't the point. The point was she had unknowingly fallen into a routine of waiting for Phineas' voice, so when the combination of multiple inflections and a British accent were mixed together to produce

"Phineas, I know what we're going to do today."

Candace was at a loss. But then, she should have expected something to change after the Isabella incident yesterday. Still on the confidence boost that the boys had given her for her first big Opera performance (to earn her Soprano badge) she had bowed off the stage away from the standing ovation to run and hug the Flynn-Fletcher brothers and had planted a kiss on Phineas' cheek. The tension afterward had tasted a bit like death, though Isabella didn't seem to notice it and Phineas just looked confused as his friend had whispered a coy "see ya later Phineas" in his ear and waltzed away. It was just she had expected the change to involve an accute drop in busting on her part, instead of a change in which brother was mastermind of the schemes she was going to bust. The sound of drilling, beeping and laughter soon brought her back to the present.

"Phineas?! Ferb?! Open up!" Pounding on the outside of their door, Candace continued knocking on empty air as Phineas pulled the door open. "What are you two doing?"

"We're making a better security system." Ferb appeared from behind Phineas, welder's mask still over his face. "We're far behind the pentagon in even the most basic of defenses."

"Yeah we really fell behind! We'll let you see it when we're done, ok Candace?" Without waiting for a reply Phineas stepped back into the room and slammed the door.

It was only later, in the middle of texting Jeremy that Candace realized the boys had been holding hands.