Taking Care of Business


As I looked out the window, I wished that my life was as bright as the day. Unfortunately though, it isn't. I have only been home from school two weeks. I haven't even given myself time to grieve for our fallen headmaster. Instead I have wiped my parents' memory and relocated them. I know that it's for the best with the war, but I don't know if I will even be able to give it back to them if the war is ever over. Now this, I looked down at the letter I had received last night.

Dear Ms. Granger,

I apologize for intruding on your holidays, but as I was taking care of arrangements in the headmaster office I found instructions left. Professor Dumbledore asked if you could come back to the school as soon as possible, bringing your school trunk and anything else you might need on a long journey with you. He also stated that upon your arrival, his portrait would like to speak with you in private. He also asked that you keep this to yourself, even from Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley. As of right now, his portrait has not awoke. I am enclosing a portkey, that will activate at precisely 5 p.m. tomorrow. Once again I apologize for the interruption and hope this finds you well. Thank you.


Headmaster of Hogwarts

Professor Minerva McGonagall

I glanced down at my watch and noticed that it was now a quarter until five. I checked once last time to make sure that I had everything that I would need. Then I picked up the small statue of a cat that had been sent as a portkey. I guess here I go again.