A/N: This is the epilogue. I'm absolutely proud of how successful the story was, so thanks!

Don't own iCarly.

Here it is!

Epilogue: The Moment

That thing...that moment...

When you kiss someone, everything around you becomes hazy

And the only thing in focus is you and this person

And you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life

And for one moment, you get this amazing gift

And you wanna laugh

And you wanna cry

Cause you feel lucky that you found it

And so scared that it'll go away all at the same time

(Never Been Kissed, Drew Barrymore)

Sam and Freddie were still together when they left college. They had gone to the same university. How did Sam get into college? Freddie tutored her. She still hated the work.

Carly and Shane ended up together, which wasn't a surprise. They ran into each other during junior year and had dated since.

It was Saturday, April 17th, Sam's birthday. Freddie and Sam of all people were getting married...today. Carly and Tasha were her bride's mades. Gibby and Spencer were Freddie's best men. He couldn't choose. Sam's wedding dress wasn't too girly. It was simple. Her bouquet was twelve red roses. They were getting married in a park around the corner from Carly's house. Yup, that's right, she moved. It's only five minutes from her old one. Spencer still lives there.

"You look great," Carly said, "honest."

"Thanks, Carly," Sam said. "I'm just nervous."

"Don't be." Carly and Sam hugged.


"Freddie, chill," Gibby said.

"Freddie, she loves you, just keep that in mind," Spencer said.

"Yeah, I know." Freddie and Sam's Moms were sitting in the front row. Carly came out and gave the signal that they were ready. "Here it goes." Freddie took a deep breath. Everyone got into position. The wedding march started to play.

Carly and Gibby were first, then Tasha and Spencer. Then, Sam started down the aisle. She's so beautiful, Freddie thought. Wow, he cleans up good, Sam thought. She finally reached Freddie. They smiled and the priest began saying stuff. Then he got to vows. Freddie went first.

"Sam, you always pick on me. You always complain. It drives me crazy. But I love you anyway. I don't know how it happened, it just did. But that moment, that moment when we first met and I looked into your eyes, it was magic. Then I learned more about you and I don't know why, but I couldn't stay away. When we shared our first kiss, I knew this moment would come. I was looking forward to it. I love you, because you and I were meant to be. You and I, we're soul mates." Sam was smiling and one tear went down her cheek. Then she began her vows,

"Freddie, you and I, were completely different. I am the tough blond and you are the smart and geeky boy I fell in love with. You get mad at me for picking on you. It makes me happy. You and I are friends and enemies. I love you. I always did. That moment that we kissed, I was confused. And then I smiled, because it was meant to be. I'm glad we're nothing alike. I'm never bored. I never will be. From this point on it won't be the same, but I don't care. You and I are the only thing that makes complete sense to me." They looked at each other. Sam tried to hide the fact she had tears which made Freddie laugh. It was as if nothing else mattered. All they could see was each other.

"...May I have the rings please?" Gibby and Spencer gave the priest the rings. "Thank you. Now, Fredward Benson, do you take Samantha Puckett to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

Freddie smiled and said, "I do."

"Samantha Puckett, do you take Fredward Benson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, through sickn-"

"Dude, if I didn't I wouldn't be here. Yeah, I do." Same old Sam.

"Sam put this ring on Freddie's finger and say 'With this ring I thee wed.'"

"With this ring I thee wed." Freddie smiled.

"Freddie put this ring on Sam's finger and say, 'With this ring, I thee wed.'"

"With this ring I thee wed."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now-" Sam and Freddie kissed before he could finish. "-go on kissing the bride." When they stopped he said, "Introducing, for the first time, Mister and Misses Benson!" They went back down the aisle grinning from ear to ear.

There were people waiting outside to throw flowers. Sam and Freddie laughed when they went through. They stopped in the middle.

"Happy Birthday, I'm sorry I didn't get you a present."

"This is my present. I love you."

"I love you too." They kissed again and then Carly came up.

"Come on we gotta go to the reception." Sam hugged Carly and so did Freddie.

"Thank you," Sam said, "for everything."

"You're welcome." They hugged again and were off to the reception.

They got to the reception. People were screaming when Sam and Freddie came in.

"Now it's time for Sam and Freddie's first dance," Carly said as she winked at Sam. Sam winked back and smiled. They put on "Running Away" by AM. Sam put her arms around Freddie's neck and Freddie put his arms around Sam's waist.

"This song, it sounds familiar," Sam said.

"Remember? Our first kiss? I had this song playing on my pear pod."

"Oh yeah, I remember." Freddie smiled.




"Where do we go from here?"

"I don't know, Paris?"

"Freddie! Serious answer please!" Sam said. Freddie laughed.

"I'm not sure. I think it's a good thing."

"Me too."

"I promise I won't run away."

"Benson, you're so sappy."

"I know, Puckett." Freddie kissed Sam.


"Good, what?"

"You won't run away."

"Nope, I won't get away that easy."

"I hate you," Sam said.

Freddie laughed and said, "Hate you too."

So, I bet you're wondering how it all worked out? Nevel and Melanie got married (Yuck) and moved to Europe. Carly and Shane married three months after Sam and Freddie did. Gibby and Tasha are still dating, not married. Spencer ended up marrying a girl he met in an art museum, who so happened to be Socko's 4th cousin. Am I missing anyone? Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Ms. Benson is still single. Carly & Shane, Sam & Freddie, Gibby & Tasha, and Spencer & Magenta all lived in the same neighborhood.

They had their first kiss. They fell in love. Regular love story, right? Wrong. Why? It all happened in Seattle. The feisty blond fell in love with the geeky guy. This is Sam and Freddie. It's never regular. I don't think it ever will be.

"Girls who are rude to me don't get a bag of bacon," Freddie said, holding up the bag of bacon.

"Wow, Freddie, I never realized what a hot, handsome, hunka boy you really are."

Love & Hate. Perfect combo, don't you think?

A/N: I really do hope you liked it. I loved writing this story. That little part at the end just made me laugh, so I put it in. Don't worry, I'll have a new one up soon. Thank you for your reviews.

-iCarlyfan312- :)