Dark Charm

Chapter One

Something Wiccan this way comes

"Prudence Melinda Halliwell, you get down these stairs right now!"

The teenager cringed at the usage of her full name but did not answer her mothers call as she gingerly shut her bedroom door collapsing on top of her bed. She was in for it this time, using magic for personal gain always had consequences but now said consequences included causing a minor fire in the kitchen and blowing up a specially ordered christening cake. A cake her mother had spent the best part of the day decorating to perfection only to see the pink icing roses sprayed across the kitchen with cake mixture stuck to the doors and handles of everything in sight.

Prudence Melinda or Melinda Halliwell was apparently normal for her age. She was rapidly approaching her eighteenth birthday and in her final year at senior high school. She lived with her mother a well known chief owning her own restaurant and club, her father an established headmaster and her older brothers had moved out of their Victorian home. However one thing tainted this seemingly normal family - Melinda Halliwell was a witch.

Not in the black hat and broomstick sense but she was undoubtedly a witch from a long line of witches dating back all the way to the times of Salem and colonialism. In fact she was named after the founding witch of their line who had burned at the stake delivering a prophecy concerning her mother and her Aunts. And that was fine - she'd had her entire life to adapt to being magical, to having a cupid for an uncle, to having random creatures from hell popping up in her life, to knowing her father used to be an angel. When all you know is the supernatural it doesn't seem so unusual however there were times…

And now was most definitely one of them. She should have known she'd screw it up, creating spells was a tedious business but magic for personal gain? A big huge no-no, the first rule you learn because there are always repercussions even if said spell was only a simple banishing spell as she tried to banish the last of her ex-boyfriends stuff into oblivion. She should have just blown it up - would have been much easier and less messy however she'd been experimenting and had just wanted to test the waters a little. The spell had worked only the damned repercussions had been banishing her mothers precious Christening cake in the process.

"Don't make me come up there missy!" Came the loud thoroughly peeved voice of Piper Halliwell.

"Shut up!" Snapped Melinda rubbing the temples of her forehead wishing with all her heart that the ability to freeze would work on her mother however it wouldn't. Her mother was an extraordinarily powerful witch - one of the legendary 'Charmed Ones' and the title was enough send most demons packing for the hills. Piper Halliwell had the power to freeze molecules essentially causing a person to 'freeze' in their tracks or to stop time around her and also cause molecules to combust blowing them up. This power had only strengthened over the years - to the point where she could slow down and fast forward molecules at her own leisure.

"I won't say I told you so…"

"Get lost Destiny!" Melinda responded irritably towards her older cousin. Destiny Halliwell was the daughter of her Auntie Phoebe Halliwell. Phoebe had the power of empathy, precognition, levitation and the ability to send electrical currents around a body internally frying it through physical contact while her husband Coop was a cupid. Destiny was a telepath and a highly irritating one at that. Melinda felt her head throb as she glanced around her room for an exit or escape. Jumping out the window had it's merits but in the end there could only be one solution.

Closing her eyes she felt her body dissolve and her bedroom vanish before her eyes in a sea of white orbs as she floated from her room. A temporary solution - her mom might not be able to orb but her brothers sure as hell could and wouldn't waste anytime in tracking her down if she went away for too long. When she opened her eyes she staggered feeling her body solidify almost crashing to the floor as a pair of awaiting arms caught her.

"That's your great escape? Jeez Mel, you know now she'll just be even more pissed," Destiny said straightening her up. Melinda chose not to reply as pinpricks of light clouded her vision until the bedroom of her older cousin came in a sudden sharp flare of vision. Destiny was nineteen and had moved out of her parent's house almost a year ago to her own apartment so she could study art at college. Her long chestnut hair was left loose and curly while large brown eyes eyed Melinda playfully.

"Just for an hour," Melinda excused, "At least until she cools it off a little."

"Or stocks her anger up for later," Trilled Destiny dancing deftly over the assortment of junk covering her bedroom floor. The entire room was enough to give a person a migraine with the clashes of bright vivacious colours looking almost like an old vividly painted tie-dye shirt with whirls of canary yellow, ruby scarlet, forest green, shocking pink and sunny orange colliding into one another. Laundry covered the floor and the baby pink princess bed was unmade while random trinkets spewed over the dressing table.

"Thanks, you really know how to raise my spirits," Melinda said sarcastically taking a seat on the bed glancing over at the new collage on the wall portraying all of their family. She had a big family - it was a very positive aspect in her life otherwise she might have cracked up and gone insane by now. Cousins became as close as siblings, and she had a lot of cousins along with her two older brothers Wyatt and Chris. There was Destiny's younger sisters Faith and Hope - Her Auntie Phoebe seemed to love names connected to emotions - and then there were her Auntie Paige's children Henry, and the twins Pandora and Penelope. Finally not to leave out the close friends of the family her other "Auntie" Billie's children Nicolas and Trinity.

"I'm sorry honey, here you go. Have a bracelet, I made it last night. See the blue symbolises loyalty, the indigo your spirituality, the rose optimism and the green hope. Good huh? I finished it last night," Destiny said proudly handing Melinda the weaved yet beautiful bracelet. Melinda smiled - some people often mistook Destiny for being air headed and sometimes plain stupid but there was something endearing about her child-like qualities. The free born artist seemed to exist in her own little world of colours and spirituality although she was very emotionally intuitive.

"Thanks," Melinda said with a soft grin as Destiny hugged her from behind.

"It'll get better honey! It always does and then you'll be able to find your way again!" Destiny cheered enthusiastically.

"Here's hoping," Melinda murmured brushing some of her ebony hair from out of her face. Personally she was beginning to think that cupids should be shot down and burned at the stake - not that she blamed her Uncle or Destiny but she was starting to get tired of love. Not that she'd ever experienced it but having somebody love you when you don't necessarily feel the same way is just awkward, guilt-wrenching and stressful especially if you happen to still care about them as a friend. She could do without relationships for a very long time.

"Melinda! Message from Aunt, she wants you back like now!"

In a flare of white shining lights Pandora descended into the bedroom. Pandora was the younger twin of Penelope by about seven minutes and was fifteen years old with chocolate coloured brown hair and blue eyes. She gazed around her cousin's apartment with vague interest before narrowing in on Melinda who cringed. Obviously her Mom had went for the nearest available witch that could orb and was not going to 'cool down' any time soon.

"Buzz off Pan," Melinda said grumpily. Pandora frowned folding her arms and pointing out her chin trying to mimic her mother. She despised being nicknamed 'Pan' and was probably trying to assert her authority on such an obviously important mission of convincing her older cousin to return home.

"No! Auntie Piper says your to come home now or she's gonna get really angry!" Pandora warned determinedly.

"What else is new?" Melinda shrugged gaining some small sense of satisfaction out of winding her little cousin up. Pandora was too easy, she always wanted to prove she was grown-up and 'unique' from her identical twin sister - right now her little cousin represented her mother and was actually taking sides. All was fair in love and war and right now she was the Devil's advocate.

"If you don't come with me then I'll make you!" Threatened Pandora haughtily. Melinda's eyes snapped at the challenge almost daring Pandora to try. She could do with a good old practice session to relieve her of some her internal frustrations however she was not granted this courtesy when Destiny abruptly hauled in her breath stumbling over onto the floor, her breathing was ragged and uneven and her eyes rolled unseeing. In an instant Pandora was on the floor next to her older cousin, Melinda felt her heart jump in her throat as her stomach lurched.

"D-Des?" Melinda stammered sinking next to Destiny. Her eyes flew open and her brown eyes widened before her breathing slowly began to flow. She stumbled upright with her bottom lip wavering - another bad sign. Premonition was a new power of Destiny's and it wasn't one she enjoyed experiencing as she felt the overwhelming burden of personal responsibility for those she witnessed. Judging by the anguish written on her face it wasn't good.

"Two women, demon, street, blood…I think it's a vampire, we need to go," Destiny gasped trying to haul herself to her feet urgently. Melinda restrained her well aware how Destiny had a habit of rushing in without thinking straight following her impulses rather than logic. Pandora sat nervously on the end of the bed looking troubled as she bit her bottom lip all signs of derogation gone.

"A vampire?" Melinda repeated not unfamiliar with the phrase although now she felt like vomiting when pronouncing it.

"Uh huh, fangs, innocent victim, lots of blood. We need to get going now!" Destiny said swatting away Melinda's hand as she stood to her feet her face pale as though the blood had drained from her face. Melinda opened her mouth to protest - kill a vampire and you anger the queen, shouldn't they tell someone? However even in her scruffy pink jeans and loose tee-shirt displaying Donald Duck Destiny seemed to suddenly command the situation, "It was sunset in my vision…"

Melinda turned and looked helplessly out the window watching the last ruby talons of the sunset spread across the sky. They had minutes…damn! Growling under her breath she heaved herself upright delivering a firm glare to Pandora, "Go home Pan, I mean it!" Pandora folded her arms; the teenager looked shaky but the sudden reprimand and suggestion of her being inferior set her off again. Before Melinda could follow up her demand she felt Destiny grip her forearm impatiently.

Teleporting Destiny's way always made her feel strange and uncomfortable. The floods and rushes, the sudden lurches left her feeling queasy unlike the smooth motions of orbing which sent floods of warmth and comfort throughout her body raising her spirits. When they arrived and the shrouds of pink faded from her vision she staggered against a grimy street wall. The dank sweet smell of decay and the stench of alcohol made her shiver while the pounding rhythm of the music blaring out of the nearby nightclub made her head reel as she tried to inhale some air. She blinked as a flare of vivid blue light composed in front of her to reveal Pandora looking very small, very scared but very stubborn.

"I told you to go home!" Melinda snapped feeling panicky.

"Get in here!" Hissed Destiny unusually angry as she dragged her two squabbling relatives and pushed them in the back entrance to the nightclub before they could protest. The corridor was empty but the music was deafening as it poured out of a nearby room. The grimy red painted walls and tattered carpet spelled out the exact sort of place this club was - worlds away from her mothers stylish P3. Feeling her heart drum against her chest and bile rise in her throat her temper flared.

"What now?" Melinda demanded glaring daggers at Pandora who admittedly looked sheepish while Destiny shot hurried looks out of the round circular windows on the double doors.

"Wait…it'll come, then we just have to intercept," Whispered Destiny breathlessly brushing some of her curls away from her eyes which gazed desperately out of the window before a breath hitched in her throat, "The innocents…here they come…it'll come…keep quiet!" Melinda couldn't even see who the said innocents were let alone if anyone was coming. Holding her breath she felt like screaming just to end the tension, she hated waiting, it was like awaiting the executioners axe and her stomach felt like it was trying to digest itself.

Then it came.

She didn't even have to ask when it arrived. She could feel it, clutching at her like a bad scent making her skin crawl and her stomach rolled. Destiny trembled before swallowing and nodding at Melinda. "In five seconds orb in front of it and I'll take the behind!" Melinda nodded trembling as she geared herself up for this. Just orb, explode and orb. Don't think too much, don't hesitate and don't give it time to play mind games. No matter how she repeated the inner mantra she still felt like yelling for one of her brothers or her mom for help. Seventeen and terrified of the demons from hell - what normal girl had these sort of worries? The sort of fear of if this would finally be the one to get you - the one to finally end your winning score.

Pushing the fears aside she felt her body transpire before she could think and run. When it solidified she was standing in the alley in clear view of the creature. She felt her breath hitched as she watched it move…tall, lean with long silky black hair and a strong jaw. The two women - partygoers dressed in skirts and tiny tops and messy hair with smeared make-up were just turning the corner down the alley. Smouldering dark eyes captivated her even though they were widened in surprise. Melinda stood paralysed unable to breath or think…attack…she had to attack…

"Melinda! Get down!"

Melinda's neck whipped at the sound of Destiny's voice and she felt her heart give a painful wrench as a ceremonial dagger flew from the hands of her cousin. Instinctively she cringed at the oncoming weapon flying deftly towards its target who didn't even seem to notice as his dark eyes lingered into her blue ones. Before she could react she winced feeling white orbs cover her body as she vanished from sight. The image of blood splattering out his chest haunted her until finally she reappeared beside Destiny feeling her legs buck.

He was gone…

Suddenly the seventeen year old froze as a soft melodic voice whispered in her ear, hot breath climbed sensually down her throat and a warm hand gripped her wrist sending her heart rate soaring.

"What are you ma petite?"

Charmed for those of you who don't know was a popular TV programme a few years back centred around the 'Charmed Ones' or three witches Prue, Piper and Phoebe as they discovered their powers and battled demons. After season 3 Prue the eldest sister died and they discovered they had a younger sister Paige. The 'Charmed Ones' are especially powerful and come from a long line of witches dating back to Melinda Warren who had a premonition of the 'three most powerful witches' upon being burned at the stake back in the salem days. Anyhow Piper married her whitelighter (sort of like an angel) Leo and had two sons Wyatt and Chris although once the series ended it was remarked she did have a daughter Melinda. Likewise after many disasterous relationships in the last season Phoebe married a cupid (not as cheesy as it sounds). Paige is the illegitamate daughter of their witch mother and her whitelighter Sam making Paige part whitelighter part witch. Billie appeared in the last season as a young protigee they were training up.

Also they have a Book of Shadows up in their attic which is like a big diary of demons written by their predecessors as they fought various forms of evil. Vampires have appeared in Charmed but they are ruled by a Queen.

Anyway this was playing around in my head. Probably won't be a very long fiction - maybe 15 chapters. Anyway Melinda has quite few powers - Telekinesis, orbing (glowing verison of teleporting) and a whole lot more.

Next chapter...

A whole lot of demons appear and Melinda is forced to decide whether this Carpathian is an ally or an enemy. Chapter mostly from Carpathian POV.
