Dark Charm

Chapter Six

Happy Returns



"One more night and one more time…"

"Thanks for the memories!" Chanted back the crowd.

Melinda gave her dress a final tug as she glanced at her reflection in the mirror of the P3 office. Outside, the floor trembled with the force of the music that blared out of the massive speakers. The loud rowdy singing of adolescents and adults alike filled a club now packed to the brim. She doubted she even knew half of the people here, but then it was a party at a club; people would turn up from her school just for the hell of it. That, and the opportunity to spike the punch. Many of them were friends of the family - Wyatt's old soccer team, Chris's university buddies, Destiny's college roommates, and Faith's friends. The atmosphere was electric though and she wouldn't trade it for the world.

Now, the new eighteen-year-old scrutinized her reflection carefully. She had been dragged around most of the malls in San Francisco yesterday by an overly enthusiastic Phoebe desperate to get her niece the best dress possible. Melinda had settled on a midnight blue number that crisscrossed over her shoulders with a bodice that flared out into a knee length skirt. To complete the ensemble she added killer heels, a silver pendant, black kohl and sparkly blue gloss to decorate her eyes. In contrast, Destiny had unleashed herself with her hair flowing with angel curls. Aside from her aching feet where several blisters had formed, Melinda felt fabulous and smiled as she twirled to watch the skirt flare.

"Hey, I was hoping I'd find you in here."

Melinda turned around as Piper entered the office. Her mother looked oddly pensive as she walked forwards dressed in a soft onyx business suit. "Hi. Is everything alright?" If she was about to get a lecture about the spiked punch then she didn't want to know. Piper shook her head gesturing towards the burgundy couch where she sat down.

"Come sit. I just wanted to have a little talk with you." Piper said. Melinda obliged and sat down next to her mother. She felt her heart dive as she met her mother's intense gaze. Was this about the premonition? All night she'd been trying to close her mind to it, to him. Maybe the spiked punch would help. Piper withdrew a small box from her handbag - a green jewelry box. "I wanted to give you this. It belonged to your Auntie Prue and I think she'd want you to have it." She opened the box to reveal a delicate silver bracelet with intricate links and a single flawless pendant engraved with the name Prue.

"I…I can't accept this," Melinda said picking it up gingerly. Of course she knew she would, but she said it nonetheless to appear polite. "Thank you!" She was well aware of how much this meant to her mother. All her life she had grown up hearing tales of her courageous Aunt who had died before even Wyatt was born--murdered by the personal assassin of the Source of all Evil. Presenting her wrist at her mother's request, she felt the cold metal touch her skin as it was clipped around her forearm.

"I know it's been coming for a while now, but I just can't believe my little baby is all grown up. Next you'll be moving out, getting a job and doing all kinds of stuff," Piper sighed wrapping her arm around her daughter and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Go on. Go and enjoy the party. You deserve it." Melinda smiled, kissing her Mom on the cheek before she stood up to open the door. Before she got the chance however, the door flung open in front of her, revealing a tall blond woman.

"I am so sorry I'm late!"

"Billie!" Melinda shouted jumping into her foster Aunt's arms. Thirty-eight-year-old Billie Jenkins was a powerful witch once under the supervision of the 'Charmed Ones.' Her long blond hair was tied in a loose ponytail and in her pale gold dress, she was dressed to impress. She was also holding a large sparkly pink parcel which she quickly pushed into Melinda's hands.

"I got delayed with the babysitter. You look lovely sweetie. Wow that's some party out there!" Billie said glancing behind her at the cheering crowd.

"One which I should be getting back to. They're bringing out the cake in five." Melinda beamed delightedly before skipping out the door bypassing her family. If the punch was spiked then she definitely wanted to try some of it before anybody noticed. The door swung shut behind her leaving the two older witches by themselves. Once Billie was confident Melinda was out of earshot amongst the thundering cries and chants of the crowd, she turned to face her old mentor.

"You said it was an emergency. So when are we gonna kick this thing off? I've got to be back by midnight." Billie said. As she stood folding her arms, a shower of vivid lights streamed into the room revealing Paige. Piper sighed as she watched the space that was previously occupied by Melinda. After nearly thirty years as a witch she knew when to go with her instincts; and after Phoebe's premonition, she knew action would have to be taken. That's why she'd called upon Billie - it would look suspicious if all three of Melinda's aunts went missing. Besides, she wanted to make sure her club was still intact by the end of the night. Paige, wearing flat blue shoes and a matching blue blouse over a black skirt, shuffled over beside her older sister.

"I've got the spell here," Paige said waving around a piece of white paper. The three of them stood in front of the mirror with Billie leaning over Piper's shoulder so she could see the writing. Taking a deep breath, Piper braced herself before chanting in synch with the other two.

In order to deceive the ones of earth

Until they can prove their worth

We ask for the faces of the ones we cherish

In order to make their love for them perish.

No sooner had the last words left their lips did Piper find herself staring at the reflection of her daughter. Holding her hands aloft, she watched as Prue's bracelet gleamed in the office light while behind her Billie twirled in the form of Faith. Piper shivered. On one hand she felt younger than she had in years, but on the other hand…there was something eerily disturbing about inhabiting your daughters body. All the hormones were starting to cloud her head not mention that it was a bit unnerving to suddenly be a completely different person.

"Okay," Paige, or rather Destiny said. "Let's get this show on the road."




"Are you quite confident about this?"

André didn't even bother dignifying Aidan with a reply. Confidence didn't come into it; he was going to talk to his life mate tonight and that was a fact engraved upon stone. Tonight was her eighteenth birthday, and it was being held in a public venue. There was little the witches could do unless they were willing to reveal themselves in public. Somehow he doubted that possibility. She was of age now and it was his right. There could be no hesitation and there was none. She fascinated him on so many levels - he wanted to know everything but most of all he needed her safe - from demons, from her family and from herself.

The neon sign of the club P3 blazed, lighting up the entire street. He could smell alcohol, sweat and blood radiating from inside. Music poured out along with the shouts and voices of a hundred teenagers, bathing the street and thumping in his sensitive ears. He growled; this was utterly inappropriate for a young female's birthday. When their females came of age, they had a ball not a rave made up of crazed youths. This was going to change; he was going to put a stop to this. Andre felt a hand on his shoulder and he recognized the scents behind him as belonging to Aidan Savage and Mikhail.

"Keep your temper or you will terrify her," Commanded Mikhail. André inhaled slowly trying to swallow some of his rage. A part of him - the part boiling over with vengeful wrath - wanted to rip Piper Halliwell limb from limb. How dare she threaten his species in such a way! She had not even given them a chance before she dealt out threats - threats which Mikhail was concerned about. Could these people potentially destroy their kind? It was obviously not a risk the Prince was willing to take and there had been much debate among everyone as to how to handle this problem. It all resulted in one solution: they needed to talk to the Halliwells, and the only means to do that was through convincing Melinda.

"Melinda! Wait up, I need to give you something!" André turned in rapt attention. The nightclub doors were propelled open as Melinda Halliwell stumbled out of them followed by a young girl with shoulder length coco color hair. Andre considered them for a moment, feeling unsettled. She looked beautiful in her midnight dress and silver jewelry but there was something wrong. The girl following her looked about sixteen and could be considered pretty with round rosy cheeks and shining brown eyes dressed in a shimmering lilac prom dress. Again the door was opened to reveal the same girl from a few days ago - Destiny in heels with a mini skirt and a deep red strapless top with her hair done on a braid.

She was beautiful. Beautiful in the same way an astounding painting is beautiful but it wasn't quite real. There was something missing. Despite urgings not to, he walked forward into the light and watched as her blue eyes widened in supposed fear. There wasn't any fear though - the rhythm of her heart jolted for a moment in surprise before returning to normal. No smell of sweat, no aura of terror, just simple Melinda standing there mirrored by her two cousins. Alone in the darkened street under the glowing light of the neon sign, there was silence as each party considered the other with a growing tension that knives could not cut.

At least there was silence until…

" Crystals ! Circle!" Yelled Destiny.

André instinctively attempted to dissolve into mist but collided agonizingly with a dazzling array of white light. It threw him to the ground and electric currents washed over his body. Behind him, he heard noises of disdain, and Aidan and Mikhail were flung to the ground after attempting the same maneuver. Regaining his feet, the furious male glanced down at the crystals which were somehow encasing them in a shining barrier of translucent white light. Melinda folded her arms and he watched with sickening familiarity as her facial features blurred and changed. In her place now stood Piper Halliwell flanked by Paige and another woman with blond hair wearing a golden dress.

"You didn't seriously think we wouldn't anticipate this?" Piper taunted. "My sister can see into the future pal and she saw this one coming a mile off."

"It is some sort of barrier. It seems we underestimated their strength." Mikhail communicated, sounding torn between curiosity and fascination. André, on the other hand, was starting to think that if by some miracle he actually got close enough to his own mate to touch her, he would make sure that this stubborn, irritating, interfering witch would never get anywhere near them.

"We merely wish to speak with you," Mikhail said calmly and encouragingly. "We understand you may be somewhat angered at us, but what we desire is peace."

"With what? My daughter as the virginal sacrifice to lay on the table?" Piper retorted angrily. "Listen here! She has her entire life ahead of her! I won't let you take it away from her! I won't let you take her away from me!" There was a rising note of hysteria in her voice that earned a look of concern even from her own kin as the blond haired woman glanced between Mikhail's honest gaze and Piper's frenzied one.

"Whoa…Piper maybe we should you know…let them speak?" The blond suggested hopefully. "I mean I'm pretty sure that if they could have whisked Melinda away they would have done it by now. I think they just want to talk." Piper rounded on the younger woman with a ferocious look in her brown eyes as her hands balled into fists at her side.

André almost felt like congratulating the blond for her suggestion, but he could see that Piper was obviously running the show. It was clear that the mother would much rather have the satisfaction of blowing them up and scattering their ashes to the four corners of the globe.

"Want to talk? He bit my daughter's neck! He drank her blood and now he just wants to talk! Bullshit Billie, I don't trust him -- not as far as I can blast him," Piper cried in outrage. Billie cautiously took a step backwards, eyeing Piper like she was a dangerous animal - André was already forming the conclusion that she was. This stupid woman seemed unable to control her own temper let alone her teenage daughter. Yet somehow, he felt uneasy and uncomfortable as though he were on trial. Fortunately, Paige stepped in with a patient look on her face, well prepared to mediate between the two feuding witches.

"This isn't going to get us anywhere. Okay Piper? We get that he's a bloodsucking pervert, but we can't just vanquish them. Why don't I just orb them back to the manor and we can sort this mess out later? Mel can sleep over at my place tonight while we work this thing out," Paige said, calmly proposing a solution. André growled. A bloodsucking pervert? He conceded there was a slight age gap…okay a big age gap, but among his people age meant little. As of tonight, Melinda Halliwell ceased being a child and she could now enter his care permanently. Ridiculous humans with their preconceived notions, he thought to himself.

"This is not going as planned; but on the bright side, they might not kill us immediately," Aidan communicated with an air of sarcasm.

"I cannot say I completely disagree with them. I felt like wringing Gregori's neck after he attempted to claim Savannah when she turned eighteen. She was far too young…and she was of our kind." Mikhail confessed. André tried to imagine how he would feel if he had a daughter…he really didn't want to sympathize with this silly ill-tempered woman, but at the same time, he could imagine the situation from her perspective. A random creature shows up and bites your teenage daughter's neck…perhaps he hadn't made the best first impression. Piper let out a low growl of exasperation before nodding.

"Fine! Keep them in the attic and make sure Melinda doesn't come back home. I don't want her near them," Piper ordered bossily. Paige rolled her eyes as she approached them, muttering a sour 'yes ma'am' under her breath. She tilted her head and with slight puzzlement and fascination, she looked up at them curiously through her deep brown eyes. Then she kneeled, touching one of the shimmering crystals with her pale digits. She closed her eyes and a slight wrinkle appeared on her brow out of concentration.

The next moment, Andre's eyes were blinded by a heavenly cascade of white and pale blue lights. He slowly felt his body dissolve as a warm sensation crept through him like hot liquid washing away his mortal form. Then, with the swiftness of a heartbeat, he felt his body reassemble as his feet connected with solid wooden floorboards.


"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Melinda! Happy Birthday to you!"

There was a round of applause accompanied by loud raucous cheering as Melinda leaned over her birthday cake. Piper had spared no expense in decorating the three-layered cake proudly displayed on the table almost like a wedding cake. The smooth white chocolate icing was decorated with small edible golden roses wrapped around the circumference of each layer, while silver candles were dressed on top with the elaborate swirling silver message: Happy 18th Melinda! It was the Mona Lisa of the cake world, and the aroma of chocolate was mouth-watering as the newly sprung adult pondered her wish carefully.

She looked up for a moment, taking in the large crowd staring at her expectantly. Half of the faces she didn't even recognize, but they were all there smiling, awaiting the moment when they could return to dancing under the flashing lights sipping their drinks spiked with vodka or whiskey. Gathered near the front were her actual family. She saw her tall, broad-shouldered brother Wyatt with his honey colored hair wearing a dopey grin. Next to him, her father Leo was clapping his hands looking proudly at his grown up daughter. She could spy Pandora and Penelope lingering behind Chris in their identical dresses of turquoise and gold while Faith and Destiny beamed excitedly beside Auntie Phoebe and Uncle Coop. Henry was perched near the edge of a seat with his father, Henry, sr. Everyone was there…except her Mom, Auntie Paige and Billie. Where were they?

'More importantly, what should I wish for?', Melinda debated inwardly…what did she want? To get over her ex-boyfriend who she had broken up with almost a year ago? That whole disaster had plagued her for so long that she felt like she could see his ghost everywhere. She had never loved him, but three years of dating wasn't easily forgotten. What did she want? Leaning over the cake, she racked her brain for something important to wish for. World peace? No, that's what the cheesy Miss America people wished for and frankly, she felt like puking whenever she heard them say it. A demon free life? Tempting, but out of the question.

I want to be free…' Bending her head closer to the flickering candles, she took a deep breath in before exhaling, watching her breath cause them to blink out one by one until only a cloud of smoke remained. There was a loud round of applause and Melinda took a shy bow before dismounting from her stool. Unfortunately, this didn't go according to plan when one was wearing high heels. She fell over backwards and almost hit the floor. Luckily, Wyatt's old soccer reflexes kicked in and she found herself saved by a pair of muscular arms. Laughter echoed, and Melinda blushed and swatted Wyatt on the shoulder for having the nerve to join in.

"Very graceful! All the elegance of a walrus." Snorted Destiny. Melinda glowered indignantly as the loud heavy music thudded through the club. Slipping towards the bar she grabbed a glass of vodka and coke and drank some of it. Pity she wasn't in Britain or she'd be of the legal age by now. With some concern she looked at Destiny as her cousin slumped into a bar stool looking suddenly exhausted as her fingers massaged her temples.

"Is she okay?" Melinda asked her cousin Faith who was peeping over Destiny's shoulder worriedly. The younger teenager frowned causing her nose to wrinkle as she set down her drink and checked her big sister temperature. Faith was quite reliable but her mind wandered a lot - she was a bit of a scatterbrain and spent half her time typing up stories on the internet and posting them on websites. No doubt she'd probably be a famous author someday, but meanwhile she could probably do with focusing more on high school where she was flunking math and hardly bothered attending. According to Faith, mathematics was a waste of time because it was not likely to help her kill demons or write good books.

"Temperature's a little hot," Faith admitted. "She has been spending most of her time in the bathroom though. I'm actually pretty amazed she made it here considering she's been going nutty ever since she got back. Mom had to make her a potion last night just so she could sleep."

"You know I am still here!" Groaned Destiny, raking a hand through her chestnut mane.

"Maybe you should go lay down for a bit," suggested Melinda. Personally, she was relieved she was not at all gifted with empathy because she had enough turmoil juggling her own emotions and hormones let alone somebody else's. She knew there was still a possibility of her powers developing in the future but she doubted she would inherit that power. She'd love to have a shield like Wyatt's - it would come in useful for protecting herself from demons and parents.

"Where? Everybody is killing me…ah…can't they keep the love to themselves? Tell those bitches over there to stop fighting over him cause he's cheating on both of them!" snapped Destiny as she glared pointedly across the dance floor at the two arguing teenagers. The girls in question were making visual hand gestures to each other and attempting to raise their voices above the music while the love-rat looked slightly afraid. Melinda turned back around downing the rest of her drink - oh to be empathic and know all of life's soap operas.

"And this is a future cupid," sighed Faith.

"Don't get me started on those creeps," muttered Melinda. She froze though when she heard somebody familiar clearing their throat. She felt dread clench in the pit of her stomach. Feeling absolutely humiliated, she forced a smile and turned around slowly.

"Uncle Coop…hi…" Oh God could she just drop dead at that moment? It was true though! Cupids deserved to be decapitated sometimes, but it was difficult when they were your own family. Coop grinned. crossing his arms he pretended to be offended by the insult and Melinda chuckled nervously.

"I just came over to congratulate the birthday girl but if my presence is unwanted…"

"Oh no! I'm sorry…I didn't mean you…well I did but I didn't mean it like that! I just…urgh sorry, sorry, sorry!" Melinda apologized frantically. Coop laughed at his niece's embarrassment and ruffled her hair before turning to Faith. He then plucked the alcoholic beverage out of her hands much to Faith's annoyance. The younger teen pouted grumpily at having her fun ruined by her own father.

"You know nothing cures a broken heart like mending it with a new relationship," Coop implied mischievously with a twinkle in his eyes. Melinda suddenly felt extremely apprehensive like a target being lined up in front of a blind archer with a flaming arrow. The anxious smile slid off her face to be replaced with a mask of horror…he wouldn't would he? If he did, she would throttle him or sic her brothers on him! He wasn't allowed to screw around in her love life, Uncle or not. Not when she was still wanting the blood of the last love angel that had decided to use her life as its playground.

"Don't you dare!" Hissed Melinda.

"Relax!" Coop said holding his hands out. "I wouldn't dream of it. Time's the healer. How are you bee-bee? You're not looking so great," he said as he turned to his eldest daughter. Destiny mumbled an inaudible reply before slouching against her father for support. She didn't look well at all. Her skin was flushed and shiny with a layer of perspiration while there was a pained expression in her eyes and a mental agony that aspirin couldn't fix..

"Sore…," Destiny sighed tiredly. "The noise is hurting my head…"

"I think you should go home honey-bee," Coop said gently. "The manor's empty and you could lie down there. Perhaps we could get Paige to take a look at you later." Destiny nodded vaguely in agreement, but it was clear her mind was drifting elsewhere as she was logged in a mental battle against her abilities. Melinda glanced around feeling a bit stricken and slightly deflated. This was her eighteenth - the big one and she was wasting it worrying about everything as always. She was terrified about the premonition, anxious about past relationships, afraid of the future and worried about those Carpathians. Was this it? Her entire life from birth to death in a neurotic cloud of despair?

"I could take you," offered Melinda setting down her glass. "There's another twenty minutes until they start dishing out the cake." In the midst of all the noise and crowds, Melinda suddenly felt very alone and despondent. This was supposed to be one of the best nights of her life and she couldn't enjoy it properly because of her own messed up feelings. She'd tried so hard to make an effort, but now she felt tired and surprisingly drained. Perhaps a few minutes of respite to get her head together would do her some good.

"I couldn't sweetie, it's your big day," Destiny protested wearily.

"It's fine. Honestly, I wanted to go home and get some more drinks anyway. Mom's got Raspberry Margarita mix in the cabinet," Melinda lied. Destiny could probably see through her younger cousin's deception but if she did she never said anything. Destiny allowed Melinda to lead her outside. Faith followed behind them having perked up at the mention of the tequila based cocktail. Pushing through the metal door into her mother's private office, Melinda hooked hands with her two cousins and concentrated as she felt her body slowly melt away in a flurry of orbs and a halo of light.

She was aware of each cousin's presence on either side of her and their warmth radiated through her disembodied mind like gentle caresses as they followed her guide. Melinda felt them travel through the pool of heated homely sensations until her feet connected with the familiar rustic floorboards of the attic. Another safely accomplished journey completed. Feeling quite satisfied, she inhaled the perfume of dust and age that usually followed the ancient attic and stronghold of the Book of Shadows. It wasn't until she heard Faith's sharp intake of breath or heard Destiny fall to the floor that she even realized something was wrong.

Opening her eyes she stared at the sight in front of her.

And then she screamed as she took a quick recoiling step backwards, tripping over her cousin's fallen form and hitting her head painfully against the wooden floorboards. As the world faded into a bleary painful dark blur she could only wonder about two things; why the hell where they in her attic and what did they want now?

First off I don't say this now then I'm probably the most ungrateful urchin on the planet. Everybody put your hands together for the wonderful beta with the patience of a saint - Magicspromise! Her sweat, blood and tears have brought you this grammar-perfect chapter so giver her a big hand and check out her own excellent fiction Dark Salvation!

The next chapter see's demons, ghosts and spells. By conjuring the dead Melinda learns of life-mates but can the bond truly be broken? And if so what are the consequences?

