Just Like Him

Summary: Gaara makes a list of ways that Kankuro is like their father.

When Gaara was 12 years old, he wrote up a list of 10 reasons why Kankuro was like their father.

1. They both had annoyingly big noses

2. They both had the same eyes that looked at Gaara like he was a bug

3. They both wore stupid hats

4. They were both manipulative - Kankuro had his puppets, his father had his people's trust

5. They both got physical when they were mad

6. They were both cowards at heart

7. They both had no sense of foresight whatsoever

8. They were both pathetic excuses for shinobi

9. They both hatted Gaara

10. Gaara hatted them both back

Years later, when Kankuro found the list while cleaning out the attic, he shut himself in his room for three days. And so, when he was 15, Gaara revised the list, creating a 10 reason list of why Kankuro was NOT like their father.

1. Kankuro was brave

2. Kankuro was far wiser than their father ever was

3. The thought of trapping a demon in someone made Kankuro feel ill

4. Kankuro had a sense of humour

5. Kankuro would never, ever hit anyone unless completely necessary

6. Kankuro used his high status in the village as the Kazekage's right hand to help improve quality of life for others – not to help expand the territory through war

7. Kankuro was more kind hearted than he'd like you to believe

8. Kankuro's hat was cooler than the Kazekage hat would ever be

9. Kankuro truly loved Gaara as a brother

10. And Gaara loved Kankuro, too

Because really, Gaara thought, smiling slightly as he pushed the small scroll into an empty compartment in Karasu, Kankuro really was nothing like their father.

No, he was better than that man could ever have been.


Well, that was fun to write! As always, reviews are very, very welcome.
