A/N: Found this little drabble on my drive, thought I might share it. Reviews are love!



"ACHOO! What is it, Spock? Can't you see that I'm busy here dying?" Kirk sniffed.

"My apologies, sir, but you only appear to be sick." The Vulcan pointed out.

"Why thank you, Captain Obvious." Jim grumbled.

"But I was under the influence that you were the captain." Spock said sarcastically.

"I hate you, you pointy eared bastard, you do know that right?" Kirk hissed. He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted like a child. "You take things too literally."

"I take things logically."

"Screw logic." Suddenly, Jim's breath was hot on the Vulcan's lips. He pressed an emotionless kiss to the others lips, who did nothing but freeze in the process.

"You know, you're supposed to kiss back, numbskull." Jim smirked as he pulled away. Spock was in utter shock.

"You kissed me." It was a statement.

"That was far from a handshake, I'll give you that." The young captain beamed.

The half Vulcan frowned.

"What's wrong?" Kirk demanded.

"Men aren't supposed to kiss. It's not logical. Men are supposed to kiss women." Spock blushed a little bit as he spoke, his cheeks tinging themselves green in the process.

"Not if you're Captain James T. Kirk, you're not. You can kiss whoever you want." He crowed, but Spock still frowned. Sighing, Jim continued, "Listen, did you like it?"

With an eyebrow raised, the black haired man answered a muffled, "Y-yes."

"Then that's good enough." Jim said smugly, leaning back in the Enterprise's sick bay bed.

"But it's not log-" Jim kissed Spock again, cutting him off. Still, Spock did not respond.

"Screw logic." The brunette repeated, "If you feel it, and if it feels good, than that over rides your logic. That over rides everything, Spock."

"So," The Vulcan said after a moment's silence, "if it feels good, than it's higher than logic, right?"

"Yep." Kirk was hoping that the message would sink in.

"Good." The two moved in slowly, their lips pressing. This time, Spock kissed back, but let Jim dominate the kiss. As they broke for air, Spock raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to inevitably scum to your current malady, aren't I?" He said sourly.

"More than likely," Kirk shrugged.

"So this whole time spent was-"

"Illogical, yes." A smirk from Jim.

Spock sighed, "Was it not you who said to 'Screw logic'?"

"Now you're livin', Spock." And they kissed for the fourth time.

Three days later, Spock had caught a cold.