The only good thing that came out of all of this was Fox had some peace and quiet to think thing's threw, and try and prepare for his incoming child with Jessie. The only problem is how could someone his age prepare for something you shouldn't experiment with these kind of things until you're much older…He had no idea how he could possibly prepare for this. But right now Fox couldn't even think about that, hell that was one of the last things on his mind.

He just thought about in the ghost-like mood of his house how his life went so downhill so fast. He hit rock-bottom long ago and now he's practically into the depths of hell for a teenage boy. A knock came to his front door but Fox already knew who it was, the same person who had come to visit him all this time, the only person it even could be.

"Come in." Fox granted entry into his house as his father's friend stepped through the door. Peppy looked to the depressed and stoic vulpine as he took a seat beside him on the couch, dressed in civilian clothing this time instead of his usual army uniform.

"Heya kido."

"Hey Peppy, how's it going?"

"Well I uh," the hare paused to clear his throat, "just talked to your folks about all this. They didn't seem quite happy." Fox let out a slight snicker as it was hinted with sarcasm.

"You should have heard the full yelling lecture they gave to me over the video screen. They were both fighting over the spot to try and give it to me good, even if it is just digital recording."

"Yea you know they want you to…"

"I know." Fox cut him off, "I'm just wondering if it would really be the best thing for me right now, I mean now I have Jessie to deal with day in and day out. I don't think I can just do that."

"It's your choice kid." Peppy got up from the couch and headed for the door, as he opened it up the old hare turned back to the troubled vulpine one last time. "But I do believe it would be the right choice." Fox watched him go as he exited through the door and was now all alone once again. He was tired of that feeling, tired of always being alone with no one to care.

He talked to himself as his eyes still stared at the door.

"I think you're right." He got up from his planted position on the couch and walked over toward the view screen. Fox tried to contact his parents and was preparing for another yelling lecture he would most likely receive.


Fara picked at her food with her fork as she stared at the untouched food with a glum expression. She let out a heart-heavy sigh as she stayed completely quiet during dinner so far.

"What's wrong Fara?" Her dad asked but she still held that gloomy expression. Before she answered she let out another heavy sigh.

"I just don't think its right dad."

"About Fox and your friends?"

"Yea, he even explained that it wasn't all his fault. I don't see why everyone has to be so harsh on him…"

"Must be tough for a kid his age, he doesn't even have his parents around for guidance. No friends, no parents, must be very tough."

"I want to be there for him, but I also don't want to be on the receiving side to all of this."

"Fara, have you ever considered you should be the first to stop hating and start caring and helping again?" The line forced Fara to look up to her father; he was her parent after all. It was their job to offer guidance whenever possible.

"What do you mean?"

"You could start some kind of revolution for your friends against Fox. You don't feel like he deserves this? Then stop playing for the other team and try to help him out. In time all your friends will forgive and forget, and try to help him during his struggling time."

"How do you know?"

"Because I've been a teenager before Fara, I know exactly how this game plays out. It will seem hard and unfavorable to try and help him. But if you take that first brave step toward helping Fox you'll earn a spot that will always be in his heart, and feel much better inside because of what you did that no one else will have."

She thought about it for a slight moment, he was right. Fara's father was dead on accurate; it was time to stop hating and time to start caring once more.

"You know…You're right dad." Fara picked up her dishes and headed for the sink rather quickly. "I'm going to go visit him now; I'll take that step today."

"Glad to hear it honey." Fara came up to her father's side and planted a quick on his cheek then quickly headed for the door.

"Thanks again!"


Fara ran to Fox's house rather quickly, as there was no signs of activity around the house he must have been inside. Just as she approached the front door and began to knock it opened from the inside, only it wasn't the vulpine. It was a good thing Slippy wasn't so tall otherwise she would have knocked on his forehead like she would have if it was Fox.

"Slippy, what's going on? Where's Fox?" She asked but after she saw that look in his eyes she knew it could only be more bad news, poor Fox.

"You should go talk to him yourself, say your goodbyes." He then departed without another word, Fara wondered what it could be, what could that possibly mean? She walked through the house looking all over for Fox, until she found him in his room. His back was turned toward her as he was standing over his bed.

"Fox? What are you doing?" He only replied with one answer, absolutely no happiness in his voice at all.


"Packing? Packing for what? Where are you going?"

"I'm moving." He didn't bother to even look at her as he went from one side of his room to the other. Fara's heart started to sink as the realization of it all began to come clear, her eyes went wide as she couldn't believe it.

"Moving? Why?"

"Because." He took a slight pause as he sat down onto his bed, Fox looked up to meet the vixen straight in the eyes, his eyes had been empty for some time.

"My friends hate me, my parents don't trust me. My school life is miserable, and I'll be a dad to a kit I don't want in nine months. I just need to get away from it all for a while."

"Where will you go?"

"I'm going to live with my parents on Fortuna, I'll go to a private school above the planet and come back to visit Jessie every other week for a day or two. The government will take care of our house until the baby is born." He reached for a last few things in his room until he zipped up his single duffle bag and threw it over his shoulder. He walked past Fara without even looking at her, as if a spirit stepping through a living being. She followed him out as he turned off the lights and closed the door. She followed Fox as he scanned through the house one last time, making sure all lights are off and everything was kept neat and tidy.

"But why are you doing this? You're just going to leave all of us behind?" They finally reached the front door but Fox kept it close for a single moment, as he looked into her eyes telling his goodbyes.

"No one wants me here, so I'll gladly give them what they want, it makes it easier on both us."

"But I want you here," He looked back to her with that same saddened look, "I don't want you to go."

"That's what Slippy said also," his voice was barely above a whisper, as if he was afraid someone would here. Fox moved in to give Fara a sweet kiss onto her cheek before he left, her body heated and her face flushed a bit. It was the first time he had kissed her ever since they broke-up; she forgot that amazing feeing he gave her when they were together. That kiss made her heart sink and sadden her that much more, he couldn't leave just like this; so suddenly.

"Thanks for being a true friend Fara. I'm going now." It seemed like he had forgotten all about that as Fox opened the front door with the vixen closely by his heels. Fox locked the front door and put the key into his house as he stared out front. Fara followed his eyes to see another vulpine standing by his car, arms crossed as he glared at the young vulpine. Mr. McCloud.

Fox walked up to face his father as he put on a slight smile, though it would soon fade. It had been the first time he had seen his dad in person in months.

"Hi dad."

"Get in the car." James replied harshly as he batted with his head in that direction. Fox threw in his duffle bag. Fox looked back toward Fara still standing on his driveway as a few tears were falling down her cheek. He still held that same empty look as he waved to her one last time. They speeded up down the road and were gone in a flash. Fara ran toward the cars planted spot as she watched them drive down the road vanishing in the sunset, she couldn't believe it. Fox was gone.

Fara fell to her paws and knees as she closed her eyes tightly, tears started dripping down onto the road as she tried not to cry but was to hard to do so. She felt horrible, even worse then she already had before; they had caused Fox so much grief and pain that he felt like he had no choice but to leave to try and get away. She wanted to take it all back, take it all back and go back to the way things were. Her paws became fists as she was trembling with rage and sadness with herself. Fox was now gone, and she was one of the main beings responsible for his sudden vanishing. Solar was starting to go down but Fara still stayed there as more tears dropped to the ground.

"I'm so sorry…"

The End

Shout out: Thanks to all my reviewers and watchers for the story. Thanks for all the ideas you've given me and sorry if they didn't make it in the end.

To be continued in: Star Fox (The) Highlight Days – TBA

Until Next Time!

Zythxx (Possible ID Change to Fantasy-Star in the future)