The Cicada Factory

Sitting at her desk, Tsukasa leaned back over her chair. She couldn't do it, maths equations were too hard... How did you work it out from here? Turning her head, she looked out of her window. Her mind began to wander. The sunlight was fading as the sun slipped behind the hills, the sky gloaming with rich oranges and purples, clouds lines of indigo fluff, the day's heat leaving the air, and the crickets tuning up for their recital. She loved Autumn. The weather was always perfect: warm, but just a little cooler than the summer heat. But it wasn't to the nice weather that she was focusing on. Something had been bugging her. It wasn't anything major, but she couldn't help but think about it...


It was the summer break. It was evening, and Tsukasa had settled down to watch a TV show with her dad and Kagami. As the show returned from commercial break, Tsukasa's eyes lit-up as they watched the little dogs on the screen. An energetic Welsh Corgi was being encouraged off the stage by it's handler as the camera turned to focus on a Siberian Husky. As the show had progressed Tsukasa had fallen in love with almost all of the cute little bundles of fur. "Puppies are so cute, aren't they!" she crooned, turning to her dad. "Wouldn't it be super neat if we got a dog?" In her mind's eye she pictured herself hugging the loveable thing, playing with a rubber ball in the yard, walking as it ran around her feet, yapping away, watching as it ate it's food and curling up to sleep with it in her arms...

"Hmm?" Noting his daughter's pleading expression he smiled lightly.

"Whoa! Slow down, Tsukasa, you have to think about what you're asking for." Kagami, the eternal voice of reason, interrupted her sister's thoughts. "Will you be able to take care of it? You know: train it, walk it, feed it? Are you still going to think it's cute when it grows-up? And are you even mature enough to take care of a living being?"

Tsukasa thought about all this, becoming less motivated by the second. It would take a lot of effort and time, she thought, and I don't really have much because of the final exams next year – I can barely study as it is. "Yeah, you're right sis. I guess it's something I need to think about a little harder."

"Besides, everyone leaves the house during the day, and it wouldn't be a good idea to leave it alone." their father said, he'd hate to see his wife's face if she walked in to find it's leavings all over the carpets. Bow drooping, the put-down Tsukasa nodded.

It would be nice, though...


"Kagami said all that..." Tsukasa muttered. Training a dog, she had no idea how to! And until she could it would be running all over the place, chewing furniture, making a mess. And even worse, if it wouldn't listen to her, then it would be impossible to wash. How would I wash it, anyway? Food, well, if it was her dog, she'd have to spend her allowance on dog food. I wouldn't be able to go out with Kagami, Konata and Miyuki! She was right, a dog would be a bad idea...

But that didn't mean she couldn't get a pet at all! Maybe she could get something a little less needy, something that takes a little less work to look after... But what? Not a snake or a lizard, they were just creepy. A fish, maybe... No, Kagami already had one. Guinea-pigs? Yeah! They were cute, fluffy... they'd be great! The only thing then would be the food and buying all the stuff for them. And the smell... They might still be okay, though. I'm sure I'd be a good owner... Yeah, she'll ask about it tomorrow. Maybe she could get them for her birthday!

She figured she'd not get much more work done that night, so she got up to brush her teeth. She lay down in her bed and turned off the light. It was warm, but not too warm. It had cooled down a lot since earlier. She remembered how humid it had been when Konata and Miyuki had visited that afternoon...


Leaning against a wall, a blunette moaned, "Ahh! So hot! Somebody crank up the A.C.!"

"Yeah, it's almost like July heat, isn't it?" Tsukasa remembered that morning, it had been so hot outside she'd woken-up at 8.30. Pulling herself from the sweat-sodden bed, she'd had to take a cool bath to cool down. Then, once she'd dried-off she'd felt tired again, since she'd woken four hours earlier than usual. Then, when her mother had woken her up again at midday, she was sweaty again.

"It feels especially hot this year, doesn't it? Global warming is on everybody's mind"

"And all I wound up doing over the summer that was really fun was the fireworks display!" the short girl grumbled, "the rest of the time was filled up with school and homework!"

"And you wasted the rest of your time at Comiket. Your money too."

"Never wasted, Kagami!" Konata exclaimed, "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time!"

"...What was that a reference to this time?"

Konata didn't answer, she was suddenly busy looking out of the window. The girls stared at her for a while, when was the last time she had been so distracted?

"Mother's been keeping the A.C. on in every room so we don't get sweaty, it's too hot outside to just open windows."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I hate how hot it gets so I never go outside on the hottest days."

"That's why she invited you guys here rather than visiting you." Miyuki smiled while Tsukasa panicked, saying something about inviting them over for a change.

Kagami and Miyuki started talking about some problem in the student council when Konata suddenly jumped up, eyes bright and serious. Grabbing her purse she ran to the door, as much as I don't want to-"

"Then don't!" interrupted Kagami, smelling another of her extreme plots.

"-I'm going to risk life and limb to brave the punishing heat to go into town!" she continued, undeterred. They heard her running down the stairs and then, while pulling her shoes on, yelling, "This kind of weather at this time of year is a blessing, a chance to make-up for the irretrievable time we wasted in summer! I'll call you guys later!"

The door slammed. At the window, the three saw the long blue hair trailing behind their friend. Sweat-dropping, Tsukasa and Miyuki laughed a little. "Jeez! If she got this motivated about studying, they'd give her scholarship for college!" Kagami moaned.


Tsukasa hadn't heard anything from Konata since then, she wondered if she was all-right. She'd probably just forgot about calling everyone, she'd be fine. She checked the clock, 10.36. Kagami had just gone to bed, she'd heard her in the bathroom. Rolling over, Tsukasa closed her eyes. The house was quiet, her eyes were tired...

She heard a small noise from her sister's room, repeating. Her cell phone! It stopped, Tsukasa heard a muffled Hello? an exasperated sigh, then nothing. Three seconds later her own phone rang. Reaching over to her table she raised it up to her ear. "Hello?" she mumbled.

"Hey! Tsukasa! It's Konata!" She sounded very energetic. Well, she's probably used to playing games all night. "How are you doing?"

"Well, I was just falling asleep when you called. Did you call Kagami, too?"

"Oh, yeah! But the minute she knew it was me she put the phone down. She's very grouchy today, isn't she?"

"She's just tired," Like me! she thought, but said, "What're you calling about?"

"Oh yeah! Well since it's the weekend, the weather's so good and we don't have much homework to do I'm getting everyone to meet at Miyuki's stop at 1.30 tomorrow! Tell Kagami if she's late there's a penalty!"

"Oh, okay!" Since she was tired, she forgot to ask what it was they were going to do. "Why'd it take you so long to get back to us, Konata?"

"Well, first I had to get the stuff, then I met Patty on her way to the café for her shift, so I took a shift, too. Then we got a little carried away watching anime at her place so I didn't notice the time, she's coming too, by the way, and I called everyone else the minute I got home. You guys are the last on my list!"

"Oh, right..." Tsukasa had only followed half of that, struggling not to yawn. "Well, we'll see you tomorrow, then..."

"Great! See you at half-one!" She hung up.

Sitting the phone back down, Tsukasa sighed. She'd have to get up tomorrow morning if she was to tell Kagami about it. Struggling up, she reached her alarm clock, fumbling for the 'alarm on' switch. Setting it for nine o'clock she collapsed back on her bed, curling up under the covers. She hoped she would wake up and not just turn it off and go to sleep again. She had to remember to tell Kagami. And to ask about getting guinea-pigs...


A.N. - Yay! My first author's note! My first chapter! My first story! I'm so sorry! I said I'd have it up for today, and it would have been fine an hour ago, because it would still have been Sunday in the Pacific Ocean somewhere, I think... But I was late!!! I have excuses: I was sick(I'm loads better now!), I got carried-away watching Lucky*Star and Haruhi again, and I found series 4 of Heroes on the internet. But those are pitiful excuses. Just be thankful I put this before homework! My mum just got on at me for wasting such a good day in my room, wasting time! This is probably terrible, but I wanted to put it up quick to avoid angry emails about being late, but it seemed okay to me. If anyone spots anything wrong, review or email me and I'll fix it if I can! Chapter 2 is under way, not immediately, though, I've homework to do and I'll need to go for a walk or something, but I'll have it up over the next few days! It'll be a lot better and longer than this one, I promise!

Thanks to everyone for encouraging me! You know who you are! I hope I didn't let you down too hard!