Author's Note: Okay so I finally got enough nerve to post this. I hope it is good. Please Read and Review and let me know what you think. Personally I don't like the female feral genre but people seem to like it so I tried my hand in it so here it is.

It was raining now. She stood under an awning so she wouldn't get wet. Her nostrils flared. The overpowering scent of musk and rain filled them. She didn't like the smell of rain. Made things smell dirty, plus it dulled her sense of smell. She looked around. She was still new to this area so she hadn't found a place to stay. Not only did she not have a place to stay, she couldn't remember where the hell the motel she was staying at was.

As she kept to her thoughts, someone joined her under the awning to stay out of the rain. It took a minute, but she smelled blood. It wasn't fresh, but it was the scent of blood. Her lip curled in disgust. She turned her head and looked at the stranger standing a foot away from her. He was looking away from her, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets. The smell was coming from him. He turned his head and she looked away. She looked around again, this might be her only chance to find out where the motel was. She was reluctant to ask him because she didn't like his smell, but she needed to figure it out. "Excuse me sir, would you happen to know where the Townhouse inn is?" she asked as she looked at him.

He looked at her as if he hadn't seen her standing there before, even though he had. His eyes were a cold brilliant blue. While he took his time in answering her, she took the time to look at his face. He was handsome, she gave him that. Short dark curly hair, nice trimmed beard, and devilish grin. She hadn't noticed that he was grinning until then.

She looked back up into his eyes. They were intensely cold, but didn't frighten her. "Sir?" she asked as she was becoming confused as to why he hadn't answered her yet. The sky lit up as lightning flashed, and when that happened he lunged at her. She dodged just in time for him to stumble out from under the awning into the rain. He was quick though, he turned around with speed she hadn't seen in a long time. She could hear his low growl over the dull roar of the rain.

His eyes had turned from cold, to hot. He was angry, and it didn't take a mutant to figure it out. "Stay away from me." she warned, making fists at her side. "Or what?" he asked, his voice was dark, strong, and held venom to it. "Lets just say I warned you." she said as she dropped low, ready to attack him. She waited for him to attack first. Until he attacked, she took the time to size him up. He was a full head taller than her, and he had more muscle than she did. He was a solid strong mass, but she had one thing he didn't.

She was a mutant with an animalistic mutation. She had the heightened senses, agility, and speed of a predatory animal. If she compared herself to anything, it would either be a Lion, or a Cheetah. She was as strong as a Lion, but she had the speed and grace of a Cheetah. She knew it was dumb to make such comparisons, but she had a lot of time to speculate on such things. She noticed him sizing her up too. He probably thought that she would be easy to fight, but he was in for a surprise.

He attacked first. He was fast, again a lot faster than she had anticipated. He threw his weight into a punch that was meant for her stomach, but she spun out of his way. Before he could turn back around she lunged onto his back. He roared in pain as she sank her claws into his shoulders in the attempt to bring him down. But with all the force he had he backed up into the brick wall behind them, crushing her between the wall and himself, knocking the breath from her. She cried loudly, making his ears ring. He moved away from her and she slid to her knees, gasping for breath.

He didn't move anymore. His wounds were already healing but he was too stunned to attack. She was a mutant. It surprised him because for one, he hadn't smelled it on her, two, her mutation was close to his. He hadn't met too many other mutants who were as animalistic as him and Logan. Who was this woman?

She crawled to her feet slowly after regaining her breath. She growled at him and pushed another attack. She was blinded by fury and her attack was sloppy. He caught her fist and spun her around so her back as pressed to his chest. She struggled against him madly in her confused fury. He was quick as well as the fact that he was stronger than her. He too was a mutant she realized. He then threw her to the ground, and went to squash her beneath his boot.

She rolled out of the way, jumping up, and then lunged on top of him. He growled and pressed her into the wall, hoping to knock the air out of her, again. It didn't though, just made her go into more of a frenzy. She sank her teeth into his shoulder, through his clothing. He gave a sound that resembled a hurt howl. She clung to him, her claws also digging into his back. She resembled a pit bull now. She locked her jaw and she held him. His blood filled her mouth, but she didn't let go.

It was excruciating. Her canines were sharper than his as well as her claws, and in her frenzy she wasn't going to let go. Through the pain though, he couldn't help but marvel. It wasn't everyday he met another mutant that was nearly his equal. He heard people now, someone was coming.

"People." he mumbled in a strained growl. Instantly she let go of him, blood covering her front. She was a mess. She turned and saw the people. Before he could say anything though, she was on the run down an alleyway. He would have let her go, he was in too much pain to really be chasing her. But this wasn't over. He checked his shoulder, it was already healing, before running after her. As he turned the corner into the alleyway, he stopped. He didn't see her. He didn't hear her. But he did smell blood. He slowly started down the darkened alleyway.

Slow easy strides took him farther into the darkness, and filth. He saw shadows cast against the slimy brick walls of the buildings to his left and right, but they were small, no bigger than what a sewer rat would cast. He continued, the smell of blood growing stronger. His sense of smell were good, even in this pounding rain, he could smell the blood like it was right under his nose. He was passing a dumpster, and the smell of blood overpowered him. He stopped and peered around the dumpster. A rat laid there, bleeding to death.

It took too long for him to process it, a trap. Smart, killing a rat to throw his senses off because of the blood. She came from behind him, swiping her claws on his back. It shocked him but not for long, fight or flight instincts took over. He turned on her fast, almost knocking her down with the force of his body tackling hers. She was pushed into a dumpster with a loud thud. He was still on her and she fought to get out of his crushing grip. She ended up punching him hard in the face. He whipped back with a yelp sound.

Her claws met his face as she swiped at him again. Leaving shallow gashes on his cheek. He lost his footing after the hit and spun to the ground. No sooner than he hit the ground, he was already back up, and ready to fight. This time it was going to be over. He was going to kill her. He didn't take shit off of no one, not even this mutant woman who reminded him of himself.

"Victor, stop." said the familiar voice of Stryker. Victor cursed as he tried to restrain himself from killing her. His hand was caught in mid swipe, his claws ready to pierce her skin. "Just let me kill her." snarled Victor, his claws itching to be covered in her blood. He was beyond feral now, and so was she. It had been a long time since someone had aggravated the animal in her enough for her to feel the need to rip out his throat. It could just be the rain, it always dulled her senses.

"Victor, calm down. It is her smell that is bothering you. She is so close to the same thing that you are that you can't handle it." said Stryker. It was true though, they hadn't fought enough to set him this much on edge, but as soon as he smelled her, he had felt threatened by her. That was why he had ended up under the same awning with her. He hadn't realized it until the fight had started that she was a mutant, why had he not noticed? "Drop your guard now, Victor." whispered Stryker as he came to stand as close as he felt was safe with the two ferals. Victor did as he was ordered, he was already not as welcomed in the Stryker teams as he had been since Logan had left, so he had to seem more appeasing to the rules.

She kept her ready to attack stance. She could kill him now, she smelled the defeat on him. She could easily rip his throat out now. But this new guy smelled of authority. Her curiosity got the better of her. "Roxundra, are you tired of running?" asked Stryker. She looked as if she had been slapped. How had he known that she was on the run? Even better, how had he known her name? Her skin crawled as her brilliant smoky green eyes met his. He was cold and calculating. "I don't know what you are talking about!" she snapped.

"I beg to differ Roxundra, I would say by the surprised expression on your young face that you know exactly what I am speaking of. If not let me remind you. You Roxundra Dreichus are for one an illegal citizen in the United States of America. Second, you are on the run because you wanted with the German government because you slaughtered fifteen soldiers in cold blood. It might not have been cold blood, but that was the way it was reported. And the fact is, it is amazing you made it this far into the States. Roxundra, I am going to make you an offer. I can protect you if you offer your services to my specialized team." he said.

She stared at him confused. This man was bold, and knew what he was talking about. She hadn't killed those men in complete cold blood. She had stumbled across them raping two younger women. Her rage couldn't let them go. She desperately wanted to accept, but she wasn't sure what to think about this. "Stryker, what are you thinking?" asked Victor in an angry whisper. "I am thinking she could replace Logan, Victor. Don't you agree she would be an asset to the team?" asked Stryker. Victor in avertedly let his eyes wonder over her, she was still poised to attack. Her eyes still wild with the need to kill someone. His nostrils flared and he let her hauntingly sweet scent fill his sense of smell. "I don't suppose she would hurt it." said Victor as he looked away from her.

He wasn't sure if he could continue to be around her scent. It was driving him to madness. Stryker was right about her scent. He couldn't stand the way it called to him. It especially unnerved him that he liked the way her sweet scent was now mixed with his scent. She smelled like he had sexed her up, when really she was just covered in his blood. "Well what do you say my dear?" asked Stryker as he stared into her eyes, a too sweet smile plastered to his older face. "I don't even know what the hell your team is." she growled.

Victor growled low in his chest, and it made her shut up quickly. So she did understand how hierarchy worked? He guessed animal instinct worked like that. When you were told to shut up by the stronger male, you listened or got killed. She wasn't afraid of him, but she was already tired from their last skirmish, she had used too much of her energy in wildly attacking him. "We are a specialized team of…. I guess you could say Mercenaries. The American government doesn't really recognize us even though we only work for them." he said. Mercenary? What would she be getting herself into if she said yes. "And if I refuse?" she asked.

"I am sure there is a nice prison cell back in Germany for you." laughed Victor. Stryker laughed too, signaling that this was her only choice to get away. She could probably fight Victor and get away, but she recognized the threat strapped to Stryker's hip. He was strapped with a gun. She was afraid of guns. Once you are shot once, it wasn't something you wanted to happen again. If she tried to fight he way out of this, chances were she would end up getting shot again.

Victor didn't like the look of defeat on her face, it wasn't a good look on her. "It seems like I have no choice." she said, he voice sounding more human than it had the entire time they had been speaking on the matter. "That is a good girl." said Stryker with a big smile.


She would have rather of gone to the motel. She didn't know they would have ended up at what looked like a military base. The car slowly slid by the front gate, a guard waving to Stryker. She had every urge to jump out, and run away screaming. She shouldn't have come. One thing she was thankful for, Victor had chosen not to ride with them. Now she sat in a car alone with Stryker, shivering because she was soaking wet and he insisted on having the air conditioning on high. Was this some kind of sick test? She would have rather of taken her chanced back in the alley if she had known she was going to end up shivering to death.

"So, you are…." she started but didn't know how to finish. The entire way here had been an unbearable silence. She didn't know how to approach this man. "I am Col. William Stryker. I lead the Weapon X project." he said with a smile. He was proud of himself. She could smell the arrogance all over him. "I thought you said that this was a Mercenary sort of organization." she said, she tried not to growl but it was harder than she thought. Had she been lied to?

"It is complicated my dear. We are looking for this rare metal called adamantium." he said as she pulled up to this large hanger looking building. "Say hello to your new home. Welcome to Liberty Island." he said before she could speak. She looked up at it. She was going to live in an airplane hanger on an Island that looked like a Nuclear reactor? She thought as she stared at it intently. "Come on now." he said as he exited the car. She followed suit. "For now, until you get better acquainted, you shall not step foot outside of this building's walls. It will only be until you understand what you have here that you can wander. This will be a better life for you." he whispered. It took her a moment to realize that he was standing behind her, holding her shoulders none too gently, and was whispering into her ear. She shook him off of her. So she was a prisoner? No matter he choice she was to be a prisoner. Well hopefully here it would be a nice prison.

More questions came to mind. How had he really known her? Had he been tracking her? So many things to ask. But she couldn't she was being steered inside. Once inside her noise wrinkled in disgust. Only men lived here. It looked like an airplane hanger on the outside, but on the inside it looked like a gym with a television. There was even a boxing ring, which had two men in it now sparring. This place smelled like sweat, and male filth. She just stepped into her own personal hell.

"There are bedrooms through that hallway to the left, and to the right is the bathrooms." pointed Stryker. One of the men stopped sparring finally and looked up. His eyes looked over her, and he motioned the other guy to look. She was nervous, what had she been thinking? She would rather have dealt with a bullet. "Where is everyone?" called Stryker to them as they exited the ring. "Zero and Wraith went out to get some drinks. Haven't seen Victor all day, so I call him M.I.A. and Bolt is in his room, sleeping I presume." said the first one who had noticed her as he walked closer to them. He flashed a wide smile at him. But she smelled his fear. Who wouldn't fear a soaking wet woman, covered in dirt and blood? Her eyes turned to the taller and more muscled one. He wore a huge grin. It made her uncomfortable. "Don't worry. He is just falling in love with you." said the one who smelled like fear. Her face scrunched in confusion.

"Roxundra, this is Wade Wilson. And that is Fred Dukes." said Stryker as he pointed to her. So Fred Dukes was falling in love with her? She turned back to the smaller one, Wade Wilson. He was handsome, but what a way to attract a man, dirty and blood stained. She sighed. "Wade, I am putting you in charge of her care while I am gone. First thing you can do for her is find her some clean clothes until we can get her something else." ordered Stryker. Wade nodded, making his perfect brown hair slide into his face.

"Well I will be seeing you tomorrow my dear." said Stryker. She turned and watched him leave. There was something about that man she couldn't put her finger on. She turned back to Fred and Wade. Fred started at her, a huge smile plastered on his face. Wade was turning to go find her clothing. "So, Stryker didn't tell us he was recruiting." mumbled Wade. "Who cares if he didn't tell us." said Fred as he continued to stare down at her. "So what is your mutation?" asked Wade over his shoulder. "Feral." answered Victor from behind her. She hadn't heard him enter, so she jumped at the sound of his voice, so deep, and oddly seductive.

"So, she is like you?" asked Fred. Wade disappeared into a room. "Yeah, she is a lot like me." said Victor as he moved passed her. Wade came back a minute baring a camo green male wife's beater, and sweat pants. "I think these are the only things that will fit you." he said as he handed it to her. She took it and looked around again. "To the right." said Wade. She nodded and hurried away. She was cold and had to get into something, plus she needed to scrub off Victor's scent from her body. She entered one of the bathrooms, happy that it didn't have a scent of anyone that was out there.

She hurried and stripped away her clothing. She turned the water on quickly and took a hot shower. She scrubbed herself until she had irritated her skin. She had to remove his scent. It made her feel like he owned her when she smelled him on her skin. She washed her long hair. She stepped out of the shower, and dried off. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked paler than usual. Green eyes stared back at her. It was probably her best feature. Vibrant eyes that stood out because of their color, and her long eyelashes. Her hair was long, almost to her waist, and was a rosewood brown (Brown with a light hint of dark red). Most people thought she dyed her hair, but she didn't. It was natural however. She sighed and tried to dry her hair off as much as she could.

She then put on the clothes he had given her. Immediately she felt frightened. She was in a place with only males, and here she was in loose fitting clothes with no undergarments. No matter though, she couldn't stay in the bathroom forever. Plus she had questions to ask. She still didn't know what the hell she had gotten herself into. She just knew she had said yes because what choice had she really? She was in unknown territory in America, and she didn't want to go face the fire in Germany.

She opened the door finally, after talking herself up in her head. She could face this small fire that she had started by coming here. That was until she saw Victor waiting on the other side of the door. Immediately she shut the door. "That is fine, you can't stay in there forever." said Victor through the door. His voice seemed as soft as velvet, but she knew that he wanted to discuss their fight. Actually, probably tell her how it was going to be. She didn't feel like getting into a fight again. She was still tired from the fist one. She opened the door again after getting some courage to face him.

He was leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. "I need to know when your next cycle is." he demanded. Her eyes widened but she didn't blush or anything. Rationally she tried to think of why he would ask her such a question. He wasn't the kind of guy to ask that kind of question without a good reason. She frowned at him. "The smell bothers me." he answered. "Then everyday." she said with a smile. He growled, he was serious. She wondered how animal he really was. When she was on her cycle would it be like she was in heat to him? Her face contorted in disgust.

"Are you dumb? The smell doesn't do that, it just nauseates me. The same way this place makes you sick. We smell more than others do." he explained. It was true, and now she did feel dumb for thinking that about him that way. She sighed and shrugged. "Well, if you can't figure it out, I warn you." he said as he stalked away. Warn me about what? "Wait? I have questions I need to ask!" she called after him. "Ask someone who gives a shit about answering." he growled as he exited the hanger. She stopped at the door. Just one more foot, and she would be greeted with the freedom of the outside world.

Stay inside, I was told to stay inside. She felt eyes on her and she turned around. Fred Dukes was staring at her. Shivers ran up her spine. He was a big man. Frightening. She was sure that with one powerful hit, he could smash her skull in. That was if he could catch her. She turned and looked for Wade, the only one she felt like she could get along with. He wasn't there, but three new faces were. They looked confused, just as confused as her. "I told you she was pretty." said Fred as he smiled. She fake smiled and looked to the ground in embarrassment. "Who are you?" asked one of them who was of Asian decent. She looked up at him.

He was good looking but he scared her. She smelled gun powder on him, and strapped to his hips were two powerful looking guns. Her skin crawled under his gaze. "I am Roxundra. Who the hell are you?" she asked sternly. She figured she could either be that girl who didn't know what the hell was going on, or she could be that woman who took charge of her situation even though she didn't know what the hell was going on. She chose the latter. "Agent Zero." he said.

Agent Zero? Was this man serious? "Are you called Agent Zero for real? Is that because you are trying to be cool, or do you just not know your name?' she asked. She didn't like this man, he scared her, and she didn't like the way he eyed her like a moving target for him to put a bullet in. Paranoid? Maybe. A man sitting on the couch in front of the television snickered. "Shut up Bolt." demanded Zero. Bolt? "At least I know my name Zero. Which is Chris Bradley by the way." said Bolt as he looked up at her. She tried to smile but it was hard. "And I am John Wraith." said a the last one in the room. She smiled at him.

Already she knew that John Wraith was a good man. A man she could be friends with, just like Wade, and well even Fred Dukes. She wasn't sure what to think about Chris, or Bolt. And she knew she already didn't like Zero. And well Victor didn't even count. It wouldn't matter if she could like him, he hated her. She had sank her teeth in him, so she could tell he wasn't going to let that go. She should hate him too, but it was not everyday that you met someone with nearly the same mutation.

She turned when she heard someone enter. "Finally you are out of the shower. You take long showers you know? I mean there is nothing wrong with it, you needed a shower. You know you are a lot better looking clean. Covered in blood is not a good look for you. Fred is a lucky man, already fallen in love with you." said Wade all in one breath. Her eyes widened. Maybe she was wrong about Wade. "He talks a lot." said John from his place on the couch. She looked to him as he took a swig of his beer. How long had it been since she had had an alcoholic beverage?

Alcohol and her did not mix. Well no one was a good person on alcohol, but she was different. When she had drink in her, she wanted to kill. Her bloodlust was worse when she couldn't think clearly. "I can tell." she whispered. Her head was spinning. "You look tired." said Chris as he let his eyes settle on her face. She nodded. Indeed she was very tired. She had fought today, and her mind couldn't slow down. She couldn't stop thinking about everything. Wade put a hand on her shoulder, and just the contact calmed her down. "I will show you to your room." he whispered.

She followed him down the hallway. "First door on the right is Zero's room, first on the left is Dukes room, the second on the right is Bradley's, the second on the left is Wraith's, the third on the right is mine, and the third on the left is Victor's. Yours is the one next to Victor's." He said as he showed her the door to her room. She sighed. Her room was next to Victor's which meant she was going have to get used to his scent.

She entered the room behind Wade. It was simple. One twin sized bed with a plain navy blanket and white sheets. There was a dresser, and a night stand with a lamp on it. And their was also a lingering scent that she caught. "Who used to sleep here?" she asked. The scent was pleasant. It made her feel comfortable. "Logan, Victor's half brother." said Wade in surprise. "You can smell him? Wow, they cleaned this room for days because Victor complained about the stench." he said. "I am sure he can still smell it." said Roxundra as she went to sit on the edge of the bed. Wade stood awkwardly in the door frame and stared at the floor. "Well, you should get some sleep." he said as he tried to leave.

"What was Logan like?" she asked before he could go. She felt obligated to know more about the man with the scent that relaxed her. "Um well, he has pretty much the same mutation as Victor and you, but the difference is he was stronger and had bone claws that came out of his knuckles instead of the way Victor and your's nails are." he said. "Stronger?" she said curiously.

"Yes, Victor seemed to always listen to him. And if Victor stepped out of line, Logan could always make him back down. Funny thing is that Logan is the younger brother." explained Wade.

"What happened to him?" she asked as she glanced around at the white wash walls.

"He left one day. Couldn't take this life anymore." said Wade with a sad smile.

"Thank you Wade." she said, no other questions came to mind other than the ones she still hadn't asked about the Island and the team she was now apart of. "Sleep. You are looking haggard. Plus in the morning I have to show you the love of my life." he said as he left. She stared at the door as it closed. Wade was a strange man, who loved to talk. Love of his life? Do I even want to know.

She made her bad and laid down. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep.


Later that night his scent woke her up. Victor not only came back, he was standing outside of her door. His scent was strong, and she could also see his shadow from under the slit of the door. She sat up and breathed him in. He smelled of whisky and earth. She liked this smell. It allured her. She crept out of bed and went to the door. She should really hate him, but couldn't. She wanted to know him. They had fought, he could have killed her, still could. But she was still standing here, and now she wanted to know more about Victor Creed, the mutant who she was just like. Her nails may be sharper, as well as her canines, but that might all be because she was younger than him.

She slowly opened the door and he looked surprised that she had actually opened the door. "Yes?" she asked. "I didn't knock." he said with a smile. "You might as well have." she spat in a low whisper so not to wake anyone. He came towards her then, pushing her back so he could enter her room. "I don't expect you to know, you are young, but you need to learn your place." he growled once he was in her room. "Last time I checked Victor, we weren't really animals, so I don't have to follow any primal code that you think I need to." she growled. He growled back and instantly the animal in her wanted to back down. The feral side of her knew that he was stronger and was the "pack leader" so to speak. But as far as she was concerned, she was more human than animal.

She slapped him hard on the left side of his cheek to show him that she was serious. All that did was make him back hand her. She hissed and fell to the ground. "Like I said you are young, impulsive. I was like that. Still am sometimes. All I want you to do is learn. When you are around me, don't question me. Don't even try to go against me." he said. He bent down and whispered, "Because you will loose."

"I didn't loose today." she spat. He grabbed her hair and pulled her up. She whined in her throat but met his eyes defiantly. "You would have." he growled low into her ear. "You aren't sure of that." she whispered. His pulse sped up, and his face turned red with heat. He had never met someone other than Logan who dared to speak to him like that. Who did she think she was? Didn't she know who he was? He was Victor Creed. He enjoyed his bloodlust, and impulse. He liked the thrill he got from killing. He like the thrill from fighting, and here she was, speaking to him like she was his equal. He outmatched her in every way. He growled low in his belly. It was dangerous. He had just wanted her to know not to cross him again. He didn't have time for childish games to play with someone so young of mind.

She looked at least 29 years old, like how he seemed to be right at thirty. But she only probably had fifty years while he had 100's. He didn't have time to have to deal with someone like her. When he was younger, like her he was more impulsive. He didn't want to have to accommodate her, he wanted her to accommodate his needs. And he needed not to have another "Logan" on his hands.

"I warned you." he whispered as he let her go. "I am warning you too." she said as she sank back to the floor onto her knees. Her head was killing her now. It was all his fault. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes because how much pain she was in because he had grabbed her hair. "You are pathetic. Just like him." he said as he went to leave. "You mean Logan? Your half brother?" she asked with a laugh.

He turned back with a speed that she hadn't known he could muster. "How did you find out about Logan?" he asked when his face stopped an inch from hers. "I can smell him in this room, and Wade explained who he was." she said. She could smell the anger radiating off of him. That was when she finally smelled it on his breath. That scent of cheap woman. "Your breath smells like whore." she stated, totally off subject of Logan. She scrunched her nose and moved away from him. He laughed, low, seductively.

"I don't ever pay for what I want." he said with that smile that she was associating with him now. The smile that showed his canines.

"Oh, so you raped her?" she asked. He had enough of her. He pushed her into her dresser, breaking her arm and the dresser in the process. She cried out, and hugged her arm to her chest. She could feel it already starting to heal. He came at her and she growled in warning. "Get away from her Victor." said John. John and Fred had both entered the room. She still felt threatened though. She bared her teeth and her claws. Victor laughed as he stared down at her. She hissed up at him and he just took a stepped forward. She scrambled back into the broken dresser.

"Look, you are learning your place already." he said as he left with a laugh. She looked up at Fred and John. "Girl, you going to have to learn not to get on his nerves." said John. "And he is going to have to learn I am not someone who is just going to back down because he says so." she growled. John sighed.

"She is hurt." said Fred as he came towards her. "I will be fine. In a few minutes I will be good as new." she said. "So you really are a lot like him." said John as he watched her bone seemingly go back into place by itself. "I guess you can say that." she growled.

Awkward silence fell over them. Her eyes drooped. Was it going to be like this every time she talked to Victor? Was she going to be this worn out? She sighed. "Come on Fred, she is tired." said John as he pulled Fred towards the door. "Goodnight." she whispered as they exited the room.