Crying Glass Shards

Chapter 1: "You know I can help..."

What was a young girl to do knowing the man before her would cause so much trouble later on in her life. Unfortunately for Hinata the minute his perfect body walked into the room she was

immediately pulled in. His stature, the dark bold eyes that looked at everything with boredom, and the way he stride into the room with silence. Hinata sat at the back weakly doodling in her notebook
trying to take the attention of her to something else in the room. At that same moment her angel came as he stepped into the room . All the attention that was felt was lifted and throw onto him.

Sasuke Uchiha.

The structure of the classroom was not like any high school class room, the desk were together in a row, six chairs in each. The wooden chairs that lined side by side was engraved with the schools initials 'KH' which was short for 'Konoha High'. One the most prestigious schools in the village.

Hinata tapped her pencils neverously as she tried to ignore her newly found interest with not avail. He walked right to back of the class room where Hinata sat. A smirk was placed on his face as he sat on the right of her. Sasuke plopped himself next to her. Suddenly a wave of high school girls came crashing down on Sasuke; the second he was seated. The wave of Girls knocked Hinata right out off her feet.

Out of the wave of girls two stuck out the most ones blonde hair was neatly pressed and flowed with every step she took. Her purple tube top and short skirt hugged her figure a little too tightly. She screamed Sasuke's name and she forcefully pushed girls out of her way; elbowing them with full force. Her name was Ino Yamanaka.

"Sasuke-Kuuun," She whined. "When are you going to make me your girlfriend and dump that fore headed bitch!" She growled.

"No Sasuke, dump her for me." Another annoying voice that seemed to irritate Sasuke was Karin. Her red wild hair and black glasses inched herself to Sasuke as she waved her chest in his face. Her long white like sweater rolled down her shoulders revealing a black spaghetti strap shirt and black shorts and black boots. She pushed and shoved her way from the crowd as her and Ino fought for his attention.

Hinata who was mauled by the group astounded by the clumps of girls and their speed; She struggled back in pushing and elbowing girls in their ribs. Sasuke at the corner of his eye saw the struggling girl and watched as she reached for her books. Sasuke surprised sighed out a chuckled. What was amusing about this picture was how the frail girl struggled to grab her books; but in the back of Sasuke's mind he was enraged. He couldn't think up any possible reasons why this girl was ignoring him.

'Why is she not longing for me?' He though in his head vowing not to change his expression. Before she could took her books and glared at the Uchiha but then quickly turning away. She wasn't aware he was watching. He was watching and upset at this point. No girl has ever glared at Sasuke Uchiha ever in all the days he have been born. Never.

Sasuke didn't know why he was taken aback by this girl. 'What was her name again?'

Hinata fuming with anger; Walked to the front of the class room alone. She looked around making sure no one was watching her. Hinata hated attention. Sasuke then came to the attention that there was a empty seat next to him. One of his fan girls would sit next to him and kill him with her kisses and gropes.

Then the girl out of all fan girls arrived just in time. The rest of them moved aside as she walked into the clump of girls. Sakura Haruno. Her pink hair stuck out in the class room. Her skimpy pink shirt that covered her chest and part of her naive area… barely and her blue skinny jeans that hugged her legs nicely cover her pink diamond encrusted heels. The thick circle of girls cleared a path for Sakura as she seductively swayed her hips left to right. Karin and Ino were still pushing each other until Sakura cleared her throat. They both paused mid pushing and moved to her left and right. Sasuke not amused in any way crossed his arms over his chest. Sakura eyes seductive and lustful batted them leaning over Sasukes desk, chest almost popping out of her extra small shirt.

"Sasuke-Kun, I'm coming over to your house tonight right?" Her freshly manicured nails stroke his arm. She winked and walked around the table and sat next to him. All the other girls heads shot down to the floor as Sakura Clug herself to Sasuke. Out of the blue a chuckle could be heard. Sakura swung her head forcefully to the laughter. It was Hinata and she was laughing out from her own inside joke, but not knowing that she was laughing really loud. She suddenly stopped. Containing the laughter, as she looked around she found that the attention that she did not want was there and full blast.

Sakura not amused by her action. Unwind her arms around Sasuke and stood up. She laughed.

"Uh… Why are you laughing?" She cocked her head to the side. Hinata not pleased with her reaction pushed the laughter aside.

"Well I don't know you tell me…" Cocking her head to the opposite side of Sakura. The room fell silent. The challenge was offered and Hinata fully excepted. Sakura glared at her as her nails sunk into the wooden table.

"I-I'm sorry I though you said something? Could you repeat it?" She walked around her desk.

"Do you mean," She stared to giggle. "Do you mean what I said now or what I was thinking?" She waved her hands in the air as a big grin on her face.

"Well who else would I be talking to, then?" Sakura bobbed he head as she held her manicured nails.

"Oh I don't know," Hinata crossed her arms. "maybe twenty other people in the room?" Sasuke laughed as Sakura turned to glare at Hinata. Before Sakura could say anymore the teacher came in.

He walked in with a book in hand. His tall stature slouched over in his book. He sat his cup of coffee on the table and looked up at his class. He was late and of course he didn't care. He wrote the lesson plan on the bored and explained why he was late. Hinata amused by early incident couldn't stop chuckling on the inside. Hinata knew that Sakura wouldn't take that standing up and Sakura was coming back for revenge. Hinata cursed under her breath wishing what she had done was only a dream.

It was the end of school day and Hinata was relieved. The pink headed girl did not come after her. Though Hinata would have beaten her; she didn't want to hurt anyone. Hinata stepped out of the school building out into the blistering sun which seem to hit Hinata like a ray gun. Hinata looked from side to side all she saw was little pockets of students, some she recognized from her classes. Hinata retreated into her car and drove off. The ride to the mall was one of the longest trips she has taken. Hinata wondered why the drive to the mall took so long. It always seemed to take only ten minutes but today it was more like a decade.

Hinata parked her car and walked to work. (Which was in the mall.)

It was an hour later since Hinata started her shift. She was carelessly flipping pages from a fashion catalog; when the Person she was avoinding the most walked in with others. Hinata took a deep breath and held it.

Sakura not noticing Hinata, walked passed her; luckily Hinata's long hair was not set louse but in a ponytail, held up by a indigo rubber band. So Sakura didn't notice. Whom was with Sakura? It was Naruto, Ino, Karin and Sasuke. But of course Sasuke was dragged into this insignificant grocery store by Naruto, whom wanted to get close to Sakura, and of curse the other two Sasuke fan girls - Karin and Ino - only stuck around because of the poor little Uchiha. Hinata dug her nose inside of the fashion magazine not wanting to be noticed, hoping they wouldn't buy anything and not come to the counter. A mumble was heard then followed by a finger in the middle of the book, pulling it down from Hinata's face. It was Sasuke. Hinata stared at him in surprised.

"I like how you shot down Sakura today. You've got gusts" He took the magazine and scanned through it.

Hinata taken back by his actions just stood in 'awwww'. She couldn't believe Sasuke Uchiha was talking to her. Hinata shook out of her trance and sucked in a deep breath.

"Will that be it?" She spoke so softly. Hinata held her breath until she could responded again.

"You know I could help you..." he lingered off.

"Help with what? There is no favor that you need to return to me." Her vocie a little higher this time.

"Sakura will come over to this cashier and as soon as she sees you your dead..."he sighed. "well your better off dead. SHe will make your life a living hell." Hinata gulped in fear.

"I don't want any trouble," At this moment Sakura turned around and started to walk to Hinata's counter. "Ano-" Before she could say anything else Ino and Karin Interrupted.

"Ah!!! Sasuke-kun, buy me that bear over there!!" Sreamed Ino as she jumped on Sasuke's back.

"Hn." At that moment Sakura dropped her items on the counter. A silent pause flowed through the room.

Me:Konishiwa Everyone. Welcome to my new story. This is "Crying Glass Shards" (This title might change.) I did a little Sakura, Ino, and Karin Bashing. Sorry Sakura, Ino, and Karin fans. I don't hate Sakura and Ino but I don't like Karin. I hope to get many Reviews. So Hinata, how do you feel about the story so far?

Hinata: Ano... I this story like very much. I apperciate how this Hinata in more confident.

Me: Hmm... yes yes I see! Thats wonderful thank you Hinata! -Claps hands and Cries- I love all my readers. So Sasuke how do you feel about this story?

Sasuke: ... Don't like it.

Me: WHAT!? Do you mean you don't like hanging with Hinata?

Sasuke: No! No I mean-

Me: Ha! So you like hanging aroung Hinata! -Points finger and snickers- Ha ha Hinata, Sasuke likes you!

Hinata: -Blushes Looks over at Sasuke-

Sasuke: -Slightely blushes and looks at Hinata-

Me: -Whispers- Awww... there so cute together... well then until next time! Bye Bye!