I hope you all enjoy this AH story. I battled with plot ideas and how I was going to twist and turn the characters for a while and I think I'm happy with what I've got going. If any of you have suggestions I would love to hear them. So here's the first chapter of the story where we find Sookie as a famous actress living in the Hollywood Hills and Eric Northman as the owner of an interior design company that is remodeling her home. What in the world could those two crazy kids get up to? :)

All character and property rights belong to the genius Charlaine Harris. Can't wait till you churn out another book woman, I'm dying over here!

Beautiful model/actress/dancer/singer Sookie Stackhouse was on her way home after shooting scenes on what was undoubtedly going to be the next big blockbuster to come out of Hollywood. She revved her engine on her Aston Martin DB9 Volante and sped down the 405 to Ventura, which was surprisingly devoid of traffic. Luck just happened to be on her side today. Sookie had the top down and her iPod blasting out of her custom made Bose speakers. It was an ideal day for sunbathing once she finally got back to her rolling estate outside the city in picturesque Toluca Lake. It was just far enough from LA to afford privacy, but close enough for the perfect parties when she wanted to she off. Not to mention the fact that she had great neighbors.

Sookie was soon at the gates that led up her almost mile long driveway. She loved her driveway. She had had full sized oaks and crepe myrtles planted along the path leading up to her home. Their bows overhung in an arch across the cobblestone driveway. It was just a peaceful, serene, and unexpected luxury separate from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles. She entered the security code into the key pad on the gate and was leisurely driving up her quiet little path, listening to the sounds her tires made on the stones below.

Her peaceful serenity was shattered when she reaches her house and saw several men standing around in work clothes, tool belts slung around their waists, gazing at blueprints and God knows what other kinds of plans, laughing and shouting at each other in Spanish. Sookie groaned audibly. It had entirely slipped her mind that the renovations on her palatial mansion were due to begin today. Looks like her day would not be the stress free afternoon she was hoping for.

Sookie started to pull towards her five car garage and notices all of their cars and vans were blocking her from getting in. She instantly saw red as she slammed her Volante into park and jumped out in a flurry of style poofy and over-styled blonde hair from set and a flowing chiffon dress. Sookie stomped over to where a group of workers happened to be clustered and tapped her foot impatiently until they acknowledged her. As per usual she got the wide-eyed appreciated up and down, open-mouthed stare, but right now it was not doing anything to boost her ego, only pissing her off more.

Sookie glanced at each of them, briefly making eye contact. She was certain none of them spoke English, and if they did... they didn't do it very well. "Where... is.... your.... boss...." She spoke slowly, enunciating every word loudly, as if she were speaking to someone deaf or dumb. One of the men shouted over his shoulder to someone who was standing with his back to her, bent over a makeshift table built out of plywood thrown across two sawhorses. Sookie took a moment to appreciate the man's ass that was so wonderfully encased in his Levis.

"Uno momento Rodrigo, por favor." A rich and silky baritone voice responded out of the man with the fabulous derriere. He finally dropped whatever the hell it was he was doing, stood up, and turned around.

Sookie's mouth turned to cotton as she took in the impressive height of him. He had to be well over six and a half feet tall. His height was even more outstanding when compared to the mediocre stature of the other workers. He had long, sun kissed blonde hair that was pulled back in a tight pony tail. Generally, Sookie did not care for long hair on a man, but the look did not emasculate him at all. His white undershirt was stretched taut across his chest and Sookie could see the veins in his biceps and forearms. His skin was also a warm tan color, evidence of working hard outdoors and maybe even a little surfing in his spare time; he did look the type. He definitely did not look like the other workers. With predatory grace he was soon standing among the group of workers Sookie was surrounded by.

He gazed directly into Sookie's eyes with his ice blue ones. He quirked one cocky eyebrow up and his lips formed a little smirk. "Que?" He asked.

The man that first got the bosses attention spoke to him in rapid fire Spanish and the boss minutely nodded every once and a while. Sookie was starting to get frustrated. She hadn't a clue what anyone was saying. "I don't speak Spanish, dammit. Now do any of you speak English or can you find me someone who does?" Sookie was positive she was slightly red in the face from her little outburst.

The gorgeous blonde man had the audacity to chuckle softly . She wanted to claw at his painfully lovely face. "I speak English, ma'am." The infuriating guy said in an accent that wasn't any type of hispanic that Sookie was familiar with... or even American. His accent sounded distinctly Northern European.

"Oh" was all Sookie could eloquently respond with. He continued to smile down at her. She felt like a hissing, spitting cat inside.

"How can I help you, Miss Stackhouse?" He queried, turning his head slightly to the side, waiting for her to answer. She liked the way her name sounded on his lips. For a second she didn't speak. When he gazed at her imploringly, she realized that she had be silent a moment too long. She tried to muster back up her righteous anger at the location of their vehicles, but it kind of fell flat in the wake of the man in front of her.

"Your cars are preventing me from getting into my garage. I would appreciate it if you moved them somewhere a little more convenient. I only have about a mile of driveway." The smile was wiped from the man's face to be replaced with a sheepish expression.

"We're very sorry ma'am. Jose, Martin.... ven aquí" He motioned towards two workes that were doing some measuring on window treatments. "Los coches... mueva apartado... por favor, gracias." He made a sweeping gesture indicating all of their vehicles. Both of the men responded with a simple "Si." He turned back towards Sookie. "Is that all?"

It was strange to hear him speak Spanish and then switch to English that was dripping with a thick accent she still couldn't place. Before she even realized what she was saying, she blurted out "where are you from?" He let out a booming laugh. Sookie blushed a deep crimson. "I'm sorry that came out rudely." Wait a second, why was she, Sookie Stackhouse, apologizing to a lowly peon like him?

He kept that crazy attractive smile on his face. "It's ok. I am from Stockholm, Sweden... fairly new to the United States." He glanced over Sookie's head. "Alright ma'am, the cares are moved. I apologize yet again." He started walking away from her.

Sookie called out to his retreating back. "Wait, what is your name?"

He glanced over his shoulder and winked. "It's a little hard to pronounce so I'll just give you the American version – Eric Northman. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Stackhouse." He turned back around and continued over to his makeshift table. Sookie walked over to her car and climbed in on unsteady legs. These next couple of months just might be interesting.

A/N: Hmmmm...... what do we think kids? Sorry for the shoddy Spanish. It escapes me at times.I should have chapter 2 up very soon. It's already written I just need to tweak it a little. Also expect chapter three of Your Comfort Object very soon. AND AND AND I just started writing the first chapter of my Darker Desires continuation. It is going to be called Our Rightful Place. Joy!