Yes, Donatello is breaking the fourth wall by writing you guys a letter. This takes place 10 years after the uhh 'incident' with Naomi had happened.

Hope you like it, and thanks a million for reading the story. Enjoy!

Dear readers,

Donatello here. A lot has changed over the past ten years. Some have changed more than others.

Take Raphael for instance. You'll never guess who came back to see him. Mona Lisa! The Lizard Woman who was having a crush on him. Who would've thought the two would end up dating! Raphael kept denying their relationship at first, but yeah, after 8 years it's kind of hard to deny.

Michelangelo's pizza recipes have become such a success that he actually has his own restaurant now. But since he barely shows himself to anyone, the phone keeps ringing and sometimes drives us all nuts. But hey, the mystery of his appearance is one of the things that make him so popular. And I must admit, those pizzas are simply piccobello!

Leonardo – believe it or not – has started his own dojo downtown. He's also called the Turtle Hermit, making his pupils wear heavy shells on their backs for training. People think the shell on his own back is one just like the ones he makes his students wear. Unbelievable. Oh well, people these days are way too skeptical to think it's real. But who am I to interfere with what they want to believe, right?

And it's a good thing they're skeptical. Should they really believe we're real, they might end up in the mental clinic Naomi's working for. Yes, she's a creative therapist now, and a great inspiration to the medical world. At least, that's what turned out after her interview in April's talk show: "Chatter With Jones" – three guesses who April's married to. I just hope Casey will stick to teaching their kid how to play hockey, and not how to beat a guy's ass with a hockey stick. No, Casey gave up fighting as soon as he heard he was becoming a Dad. And he's doing a great job at it! Just like Raphael is doing a great job as the kid's godfather.

As for me, I'm still the same old techno geek everyone is oh so familiar with. The secret authorities know about our existence, but we are protected, so no scientist in the world would even dare lay a finger on one of us. On the contrary. I work with other scientists at NASA. The technologically advanced machinery-filled place is like my own piece of paradise! Mutant or not, they were impressed by my skills and my being a graduate from Sopho University at the age of sixteen. I'm also happy to announce that I'm not only going to be an uncle, but Naomi has even asked me to become the kid's godfather. The father has run off to Italia or something, taking no responsibility for the baby. Naomi doesn't seem to mind.

Don't worry, of course we're still your heroes in a half shell at night. We keep practicing every morning and patrolling every night, no matter how busy the day. We couldn't just abandon those fine New York citizens when they need us, right?

Speaking of which, gotta run. Our work here is never done and a lot more adventures are awaiting us. But that's for another story.

Take care,
