Warning: Ron bashing, abusive Ron, some OOCness but hopefully not much, SLASH. . . .You have been warned so no flames!!!!

Harry sat in the room of requirement with Luna, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Blaise Zabinni, Pansy Parkinson, and Draco, laughing as Neville bashfully admitted that he liked Luna.

The Final Battle had been over for months now, and in order to mend old wounds and bond together more, students from several different houses had started coming to the room of requirement to talk, joke, play games, and just have fun. Inter house relationships had been springing up all over the place lately and the teachers were pleased, but still utterly baffled.

"That's lovely Neville" Luna said in a singsong voice turning to facing an increasingly flushing Neville.

"Yes well. . . "Neville spluttered not knowing what to say.

"Oh don't be embarrassed, red attracts the plegoules and your face is colored with it." Luna said showing worry. That caused laughter from everyone seated in the circle which only caused Neville to go even more crimson and Luna's eyes to widen in fear.

Luna stood smiling, hand out stretched to the mortified boy "Come on Neville, I like you too. Now let's go find something blue to shield you. You know" Luna paused in thought "The color blue has many uses, protecting against plegoules is just one of them" Without a word she pulled the boy up and they made their way to the door, but Luna stopped "Harry, don't you think you should be getting back to Ron, knowing him I can only imagine he'll be upset with your lingering absence."

Harry looked up startled "I, er, thanks Luna, I guess you're right." He muttered dejectedly. Luna nodded her eyes losing some of their usual twinkle and led Neville from the room.

"Merlin Potter" Pansy said her voice unusually void of sarcasm "It's only been a couple of hours, he's got you on a tighter leash than professor Grubby Plank's Hippogriffs"

Harry turned away trying to hide the storm of emotions that flashed through his emerald eyes. He and Ron had started going out after he helped Harry pull the sword of Godric Gryffindor from the pool when they were hunting horcruxes. Hermione had taken it all in stride, but had been a little more introverted than what was usual for her, although lately whenever Harry had seen her she always had the faint traces of a smug smile playing at the corners of her mouth. Harry shrugged it off not wanting to pry since he and Hermione had finally gotten fully back to the tighter friendship they had shared before his and Ron's relationship. Ginny had simply exploded, screaming obscenities and sobbing simultaneously. It had taken a while but she had finally come around and talked to him kindly whenever they did talk.

Ron had always been the dominant one in the relationship, true, Harry admitted that, but Harry wasn't some pet, and he most certainly wasn't on a leash. Ron had sometimes spit hurtful words at Harry, but he had always apologized later. Harry put up with his occasional idol threats when Ron was upset, because he doubted that they would ever be acted on. When he thought about it, he had to put up with a lot of Ron's crap, but he did it because he wanted to, not because he was afraid, right . . . right? Harry shook the thoughts away and glared at Pansy.

"I am not on a leash Parkinson."

Pansy snorted "right, I've seen the way you cower at his side, seen the way you look up to him overjoyed when he shows you just an ounce of affection, that's pathetic, and isn't healthy."

Harry had been on slightly above acquaintances with the three Slytherins in the room, but he in no way wanted them butting into his relationship with Ron. He refused to believe that what she said was true, it just wasn't, Harry wasn't dependent, and he was The-Bloody-Boy-Who-Lived-TWICE for Merlin's sake. There was no way that he was in, that kind of a relationship. Ron was just . . . well he could think on that later.

"Shut it" Harry snarled warningly.

"No, Potter. . . Harry, I'm . . . as loathe as I am to admit it, worried about you. And that's really saying something. I've seen relationships like that and where they lead, I. . . used to ignore them, but after the war . . .well just-"

"It's none of your damn business" Harry hissed growing agitated, and slightly worried, he was having a harder time lately believing what she was saying wasn't true. He came here to get away from thoughts like that, to have fun and he avidly didn't want to think about those things here.

Dean nodded to Seamus and the two stood "Well, I think we'll take our leave now mates" Seamus said smiling.

After the war Dean had had many panic attacks at the beginning of arguments. Remembering that there were usually arguments that took place before he was crucciod during his brief imprisonment during the battle, such arguments triggered very vivid memories and he usually avoided them at all costs. Harry nodded understandingly at the two as Seamus threw them all one last smile before wrapping a comforting arm around Dean's slender waist and exiting.

Harry sighed giving Pansy a withering look. 'I'm not the only one whose worried" Pansy sniffed "Draco's been practically pissing himself with fear"

"Delightful choice of words" Draco drawled "True I do express . . . some worry, but I am much more dignified and in control of my body than to urinate on myself." In truth Draco had never been more worried for someone in his life, and that was saying something. He had always had a strange soft spot for Harry, but had covered it up with hurtful words ever since Harry had rejected his friendship back in first year, but now things were different, although Draco would still never admit the depth of his care and worry for the Gryffindor.

Blaise snickered. Harry's glare intensified "Well, don't waste your energy in worrying, I'm a big boy, I can take anything he throws my way." Draco's liquid mercury gaze met his and Harry felt overwhelmed by the amount of raw emotion that shown in them and then did a double take as Draco just as quickly blinked it away. "Not that he throws anything my way that is" Harry hurried to rephrase.

All three stared back in silence scrutinizing him with their eyes. Harry's breath quickened and he shifted uncomfortably. "Right" he coughed self-consciously "Well, I'm leaving"

"To see Ron" Pansy spat.

"Yes" Harry said flatly silently daring her to question him. Harry stood, quickly pulling down his shirt as it rode up exposing a few bruises at various stages of healing. Pansy and Blaise had missed it but Draco gasped and stood. "Harry. . . "He began, not quite sure what to say. He had never shown much emotion being brought up that way, but with Harry, every small emotion seemed to intensify tenfold. He reached out a hand inquiringly towards Harry's slender healing waist, but Harry jumped back.

"Fuck off!" he snarled and then turned abruptly on his heal and stalked out the door.

Once outside he quickened his pace. Oh no, no, no, no. Draco had seen! Harry thought oh gosh, what would Ron do if he found out?! Ron had occasionally shoved him in his fits of rage, or kicked him awake when Harry had fallen asleep at three in the morning after Ron demanded that he stay awake with him to study. But Harry could take it, after all he would have been irritated too were he in Ron's position he figured, the only difference was that he would have just been . . . gentler. But that didn't mean that Ron was abusive, like Pansy had clearly implied, he was just rough.

Now that Harry thought about it, Pansy did have ample reason t worry. Merlin Harry hated when people worried over him, he thought that it would've gotten better after his defeat of Voldemort, but now it seemed to be just getting worse. And Draco, Harry's heart nearly stopped at the thought. For some unexplained reason, whenever something was wrong with Draco it hit Harry almost just as badly. And for that one second, when Harry saw those emotions flash through Draco's beautiful grey eyes, he felt like he couldn't breathe. Emotions like, worry, pain, regret, lust, anger, love, hope, concern, and need to . . . comfort? Harry smiled faintly all those emotions were directed at him, he didn't know why, but the fact that Draco seemed to care for him, brought a wave of overwhelming warmth and joy over him. He couldn't explain it, but, he didn't much feel like trying, he was just happy to soak up the feeling when he could.

Harry quietly opened the door to the seventh years boy's dormitory and crept inside. Apparently Neville was still with Luna and Dean and Seamus were off on their own adventures because Ron was the only one in sight.

"Hey" Harry spoke quietly not wary of the dark look Ron had.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Ron asked standing from where he was sitting and walking over to Harry calmly.

"Language Ron" Harry smiled thinking fondly of how his bushy haired friend would've reacted to that.

Ron rolled his eyes and crossed his arms taking another step closer. "I asked where you were." Ron said again a little more acerbic than the last time.

"Just around" Harry shrugged still upset about what Pansy had said and was avoiding Ron's questions purposely, as if trying to prove that Harry wasn't afraid of him.

Ron moved closer still forcing Harry to back up or they'd be toe to toe. Ron ignored this and stepped even closer backing Harry against the wall.

"Harry, just make it easy, where were you?"

"Ron I was just around, how was your day?"

Ron chuckled "None of your damn business, now are you going to answer my question or not."

Harry gave him a reproachful look at his attitude. "I ate it when you act like this Ron"

"Act like what Potter "

"An arse"

"So I'm an arse just because I'm one of the only ones willing to put up with your shit. You're lucky to have me."

"Ron. . . "

"One last chance" Ron said stepping closer to where they were now a mere centimeter apart, Harry having to look up as Ron loomed over him "Where were you"

Harry was getting angry now, he liked Ron a lot but he hated it when the other boy got like this. He had always known the red head had a fiery temper, but Merlin he didn't need to get like this.

Harry looked at Ron squarely building up his famous Gryffindor courage and sighed "None of your business Ron stop being a prat."

"You little shit, you all me a prat after all I have to put up with, huh?"

"Ron" Harry said in warning trying not to look intimidated by the angry red head.

Ron chuckled again mirthlessly "Shut it Potter you lost your chance."

"Wha-" Before he could say anything Ron had grabbed Harry by his hair and flung him to the ground. Harry's head bounce of the round edge of a night stand and he fell with a dull thud to the ground. Ron stalked over to him and gave him one hard kick for good measure, and Harry stifled a groan.

Ron sighed in disappointment "Sorry it has to be this way Harry, it's for your own good you know. I mean you've always been a freak; I'm just helping you learn to fit in better. Why don't you just try making it easier on yourself and actually listening to me? Oh well maybe you'll learn next time, see you mate." And with that Ron left the room leaving a doubled over in pain Harry tentatively feeling the beginning of a particularly nasty black eye.

AN: For some reason I had the twisted urge to right this. I'm kind of new to writing Draco/ Harry but I've read an unhealthy amount and hope this is okay. Please review but no flames, you were warned.

Also I could really use a beta so if anyone's interested please PM me!

Reviews are love! =D