Author's note- Okay, back to the story. I have some good news and some bad news, the good news is that I can get this done tonight. The bad news is that this is the last chapter. I was thinking about the whole thing last night, and I realized I can end this on a very sweet note. I know some of you are going to be mad at me, but I have no idea what to do with this story after this chapter. I think you can guess what is going to be happening here, a big fight scene. Review!


Chapter 33- Domination

Rayde crawled back a few feet before standing up and grabbing his sword. "The Deroves.....they are-" Rayde stuttered. Xaider smiled and said, "Dead. Every single one of them. All of their physical abilities now reside in me."

Rayde grunted in anger. "ALL of them?!? ALL of the Deroves are dead because of one man!" Xaider shook his head and said, "Not only Morjek. You had a part in this as well. If you hadn't come here, none of this would have happened. Morjek couldn't have done it without you."

Rayde gasped and stumbled backwards. It can't be! Is this whole thing my fault! Thousands dead by my actions! Rayde then grasped his head and knelt down, sobbing and in shock. "No......NO!" Rayde yelled.

Xaider laughed and said, "Face it, you have lost. I would let you live to let you suffer the regret, but I can't risk leaving you alive now can I?" Xaider then walked over to Rayde and held his hand over his head. "If you stay still, you won't feel a thing."

Rayde closed his eyes. He had lost the will to fight, to live. Perhaps its better if I am gone. Rayde thought to himself.

Xaider smiled and started to chant. Shortly after his hand started to glow white. Rayde sighed and waited for it all to end.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and the ceiling burst open. Before Rayde could look up, a large boulder struck Xaider in the side and threw him away from Rayde. Rayde then heard a familiar voice. "Don't listen to him Rayde. Who started this whole thing, who decided to become an evil spirit, who lusts for war and power? Xaider! Don't let him trick you. This isn't your fault. If Xaider didn't become what he did, the Deroves would be prosperous and alive! Fight Rayde, stand and fight!"

Rayde looked up and saw Kaze flying in from the ceiling. Kaze's words struck Rayde's very core. An intense fire seemed to build up inside Rayde as he stood back up and tightened his grip on the Fang Sword.

Xaider stood up, brushing the dust off of his clothes and looked at Rayde. Rayde looked up at Xaider and said, "All my life I harbored you. I had to protect others from you. But there was one thing I didn't do that I should have. I should have protected myself from you. I will stop you, and you will be trapped inside me for the rest of eternity. This I promise you."

Rayde then held his sword up in front of him and said, "Craitiku, Lumanex! Combine your powers and show your true form!" Rayde then threw the Fang Sword up into the air. "Combine with my own power and become complete!"

The Fang Sword then started to glow black and white, almost like two barriers colliding with each other. With a single flash, the Fang Sword had changed, as did Rayde's clothing.

The sword had turned into a 7 foot long pole with two blades on each end. One end was white and the other was black. Rayde was wearing an open shirt. One side was black with a white stripe, and the other was white with a black stripe.

The new weapon began to fall to the ground. Rayde smiled and jumped up, catching it quickly. The moment his hand made contact with the weapon, two wings that appeared to be made out of pure energy sprung from his back. One was white and the other was black. Rayde spun the staff in his hands and said, "Albatroz!"

Kaze smiled and said, "Now that's more like it! If you want Xaider back in you, I can help. We have to get him weaker though. Once he is beaten up, I will connect your minds. The rest will be up to you!"

Rayde nodded and said, "I will take it from here, you get ready." Rayde then charged at Xaider, holding Albatroz with the white blades front. Xaider groaned and rolled to the side. As Xaider rolled, Rayde flew in his direction and kicked him in the chest. Xaider flew back, crashing into the nearby wall. Rayde then pointed the black end of Albatroz at Xaider, firing a black and white beam at him. Xaider smiled and held his hands out in front of him, his hands glowing red.

As the beam connected with his hands, Xaider absorbed the whole beam. Xaider stumbled for a moment and opened his mouth. The same beam fired out of his mouth and at Rayde. Rayde smiled and pointed the white end at the beam and absorbed it into Albatroz.

Rayde then flew at Xaider with bone-shattering speed and stabbed at Xaider. Xaider ducked under the blade and punched Rayde in the gut. Rayde was sent flying into the ceiling, leaving a sizable crater. That's right, the added strength of the Deroves. But not the magic power. He gave me a nice portion of his power when he fired my beam back at me, maybe I can use that to drain him of his strength.

Rayde then pried himself off of the ceiling and fired another, much more stronger beam at Xaider. Xaider repeated the same thing he did last time, absorbing the beam and firing it back out of his mouth. Rayde again absorbed it, giving him more power.

Rayde smiled and charged up as much energy as he could. Xaider saw this and jumped at Rayde, forming what looked like a blade made of energy in his hand. Just as Xaider was within a few feet, Rayde fired the energy out of Albatroz. Xaider grunted as he realized he couldn't dodge or absorb it.

The beam hit Xaider head on, piercing through his chest. Xaider groaned loudly as he fell to the ground. Rayde then looked at Kaze and said, "Now! Do it!" Kaze nodded and held his hands out in front of him and closed his eyes. Within a few seconds, Rayde felt something touch his mind. Rayde then felt the familiar sensation of being pulled into his own mind, and everything went black.

When Rayde's vision returned, he was standing on what looked like the top of the tower in Narris. Dark storm clouds covered the sky and rain poured down on him. Rayde had no weapons, he was only in his battle armor. Rayde turned around to see Xaider staring angrily at him.

"Why am I inferior to you? I had more power!" Xaider growled. Rayde shook his head and said, "You had the physical additions of the Deroves, but not the skill or the magic powers. All the ritual did was increase your strength, nothing more. I increased much more by using Albatroz. I increased my physical, and magic skills."

Xaider growled and said, "And now its down to this, a one on one fistfight till one is down and the other stands tall." Rayde nodded and said, "Lets do this."

Xaider growled again and charged at Rayde, intending to punch him in the face. Rayde dodged the blow and elbowed Xaider in the shoulder before hitting his back with his knee. Xaider stumbled, for a moment. Xaider then turned around and swipe-kicked Rayde. Rayde jumped over his leg. Before Rayde could hit the ground, Xaider used his other foot to kick Rayde in the chest. Rayde was sent rolling along the ground, stopping a few feet before the edge.

Rayde stood up and charged at Xaider. Xaider held his ground near the center of the arena. When Rayde got close, he tried to punch Xaider in the gut. Xaider caught his fist however and punched Rayde in the mouth. Rayde stumbled back as the blow connected. Within a few seconds, the hot and salty taste of blood filled his mouth. Rayde grunted and punched at Xaider again. Xaider caught his fist again and punched Rayde in the gut.

Rayde groaned and knelt over. Xaider smiled and brought his knee up to Rayde's head. The blow connected, sending Rayde to his back. Xaider laughed and said, "You are nothing without your weapons and powers. You can't do anything alone can you?"

Rayde growled and kicked Xaider in the leg, making him stumble backwards. Rayde jumped to his feet and said, "I'm not done yet." Rayde then kicked Xaider in the chest, forcing him to step back even more. Rayde then punched Xaider before he could retaliate, sending him back even more.

Little by little, Rayde pushed Xaider to the edge of the arena. Before Xaider knew what he was doing, his heel was on the edge of the tower, a long fall only a few short inches away. Rayde then punched Xaider in the shoulder, making him turn so his back was to Rayde. Xaider tried to keep his balance on the edge of the tower, flailing his arms. Rayde smiled and said, "Goodbye."

Rayde then jumped up and drop-kicked Xaider in the back, sending him over the edge. All Rayde heard was Xaider yelling on the way down to the ground. Rayde landed with a hard thump and just lay there, waiting for Xaider to hit the ground. About 20 seconds later, everything went black.

When Rayde's vision returned, Kaze was standing over him. Kaze smiled and said, "Welcome back. I trust your encounter went well?" Rayde nodded and said, "Xaider is back where he belongs. And he won't hurt anyone anymore." Kaze nodded and said, "That's good. We should get out of here soon though. It won't be long before someone comes by. All of the Deroves outside are dead. They just collapsed out of nowhere."

Rayde nodded and said, "Morjek did that. Where do we go from here?" Kaze sighed and said, "To the Red Canyon. I have a place there. That is where you will build the two creatures for me." Rayde nodded and sat up. Rayde then noticed his sword was on his lap, back to normal. Rayde picked up the sword and sheathed it.

Rayde then looked at Kaze and said, "What is it you want me to make exactly?"

"I want you to make me two creatures. One will act as a guard of sorts, the other will be the last resort. They will be made of stone, lava, and Crystal. I can't get the Crystal energy yet, but soon I will. You can construct the bodies, and I will take care of what they can do after." Kaze explained.

Rayde nodded and said, "Are these going to be weapons?" Kaze nodded and said, "Weapons of defense, not destruction."

Kaze smiled as Rayde thought about accepting. What he doesn't know is that I want Xaider for myself. Xaider is Rayde's source of power. I will have it. The Golem and the Destroyer will be MY weapons. And when the time is right, I will destroy Rayde, the humans, and the Elders. Then all of my obstructions will be eliminated.

Rayde nodded as he thought about this predicament, I do owe him something. Can I really trust him with these two creatures? This is within my abilities. I can use Crystal to form the shape, and then I can dig out the core of the planet using Crystal to make the body. If he does use these as weapons of destruction, then I will put in a fail-safe. They will not be invincible, nor perfect. They will be vulnerable. And if Kaze does have bad intentions, then I will just have to kick his ass.

Rayde smiled and said, "Give me the details at the Red Canyon."

RAH SON YAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! Okay, there is the end of Origins of Rayde. I hope you enjoyed it. If this is the first story you have read of mine, then you might want to check out the Revival of the Warrior trilogy to see how the story ends. I plan on writing more stories, but probably not of Spyro or Rayde. They are done. The next story on my list is a Sonic the Hedgehog story. That will be up soon, check it out of you want. Review!